I belive the Wavepiercer Tatami was launched this month in Egypt, I wonder if anyone has any preview pics or layout drawings. Has taken a number of years to build and can find no details of the yard which has been building her. Paul
Thanks for the link; I wonder if anyone can help with name of yard that built her and any interior shots; to see what standard of finish they achieved. Paul
Thanks, boat was scheduled for delivery 2008 and has only just been launched; anyone any ideas why! Paul
Here's our local ferry you may have seen in James Bond movies. Great in flat water but in a bit of weather, not the best.
Hi, There could be a multitude of reasons why the delivery date has changed. When the 2008 figure was bandied about was there a buyer/backer for it? If yes then maybe he/she couldn't complete, if no it might have taken a while to find someone , the current Owner is clearly doing it for a financial return not the love of boating. When the 2008 figure was bandied about was the building yard all agreed and setup? If yes, things might not have gone as well as was expected in way of material supply, labour force training. If no then the whole search and setup would have to start from scratch. When the 2008 figure was bandied about..................... See there are many possible reasons for a change in delivery date, some the customer can control and a lot they can't.