I understand there is no availability of DTV in Canada. Is there an option in Canada that would be comparable? If you know pricing that would be helpful as well.
Bell canada offers satellite tv and a lot of canadian boats use it. You need to change the LNB in the dish. I have a bell canada lnb if you need it PM me.........
Tv If you are travelling coastwise DTV will work just fine, Bell is expensive and lousey programming for the money, if have dtv stick with it.
Tv even if you change LNB I believe the receiver will "lock out" once you lock on to a US sat, I was told the Canadian receivers will lock out if locked to a US sat, so, assume the converse ??
I was under the impression that when cruising north of 49 the DTV would not work? I just contacted Bell and they had an online deal for $28/month, including an HD receiver and a digital receiver. Not sure what DTV costs, but $28/mo isn't too bad.
Tv There are boats here in Vancouver receiving DTV and receive it all the way to Alaska. If you want to use Bell, go ahead, if you have a good wi fi set up when mobile, Netflix is an option for movies only.
we are currently in petersburg ak and D T V works just fine , however when you get above cape spencer it is not very good travler
That's not true, I ran a boat here in South Florida with Bell TV, we'd recieve BELL all of the way to about Bimini in the Bahamas, then it got sketchy at Nassau. We never had it lock out.
Bell tv I was told by "Bell" that if I tune my Bell receiver to a DTV sat, it will lock out and need replacing, my lnb can lock to all available sats and I was tempted to give it a try, discretion took hold !!! maybe DTV receivers are different. It is illegal for Canadian and American to receive each others sat signals through their local provided receivers. Sea Tel will not even check out a Canadian receiver to see if it's the dish or receiver which is causing problems, been there done that. ymmv
I have an American house so have Direct TV for it. At least thats what the provider thinks. The bill is at my US post box. Not sure if you need a physical address or not because started service at my US residence. Just know it works fine when in Canada. The problem with service in Canada when an American company was Canadians using hacked cards for service. Direct TV created a new card for access that thus far has not been hacked. So Canadian hacked card users have no direct tv service anymore. It works when you pay for service just let them think your using in the USA!!!!!
Hi, Do you use the US Box in your Canadian house or use the Card in the box there and in the box in the US? In Europe the cards are tied to a box, when the box falls over and you need a new one you have to call SKY and go through the whole setup procedure again. If you are away for more than a couple of weeks they cut back the service you can receive but sure still charge the full whack. You have to call them and get it re activated again when you return. If I am going away I just leave the sky boxes on and hope the power stays on.
Sat TV In Canada we have a card that comes with the receiver, maybe every 2 yrs or maybe never the card is replaced by mail. The receiver is a regular sat receiver and will turn off automatically when not in use, you can put service on temp. off, for 10.00 a month for up to 6 mos. I believe US is similar. the signals have a "footprint" and if outside that, no signal, if I had a US receiver in Canada and phoned in to get PPV movie with Canadian CC, they may shut down the service although I know of both happening, success and failure. Better success is along coastal range as the footprints are much better, central Canada North has no chance of receiving US signals, same as Nevada would not get Bell signal there. The Canadian supreme Court ruled that it is illegal for Canadians to receive US satellite broadcasts, I suspect this was to protect the local stations from US competition, situation has not changed, corporate welfare at work. Seems there was a reciprocal agreement wit the US Government which reduced the footprint of US signals.
Here is the KVH coverage area maps and will show you how far you'll get each service based upon your dish size and provider: ie Direct Tv, Bell etc. I've found it to be very accurate. It appears that BELL won't get you coverage any further North than Direct TV will if you compare the two coverage area's........ http://www.kvh.com/Pages/Satellite-...erage-Maps/TracVision-Maps/North-America.aspx
Above all true. The court case though does not make it illegal to have American stuff, dish, receiver, etcetra as a private individual. I've also done ppv boxing several times and they have not noticed one of four receiver's is not at my U.S house. I had Direct TV install the dish at my American house and had two service calls. Might be having a physical address in the USA verified by them that I'm receiving full service in Canada. Hope I'm not jinxing because I like Direct over the Canadian company. So far they've not noticed that I'm using a receiver in Canada.
Phoned Direct TV and pretended to be a new customer. Told them it was for my boat. "A Canadian needs to subscribe to Bell TV". "But my boat is in America" said I! Need a physical address in the USA other then a p.o box except for billing.