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Pamlico Sound

Discussion in 'General Yachting Discussion' started by kelpy, May 24, 2011.

  1. NYCAP123

    NYCAP123 Senior Member

    Mar 14, 2008
    Long Island, NY
    Been there with 5' and no problems, however I pulled back out because there was nothing but fuel there. Strictly a place for grabbing go-juice and 40 winks only.
  2. jhall767

    jhall767 Senior Member

    Jan 14, 2010
    Middle River MD
    We've been down that way a couple of times. I'd say nothings "deep" down that way. What were you planning on taking down that way? I wouldn't do it in anything much over 50'. The inlet changes quickly. Including which span of the bridge to go through. You'll want to get in touch with some of the charter captains from Roanoke island. They have their own privately marked channel running down to the inlet.
  3. Capt J

    Capt J Senior Member

    Jul 11, 2005
    Fort Lauderdale
    No I was talking about going from Pamlico sound to the marina's inside Oregan inlet via that channel on the west side of the oregan inlet. I think it's called Schoolhouse channel, just as a possible overnight spot and then back into Pamlico sound. Not going in or out of Oregan inlet. I've seen a 65' SF run in there using that channel but it didn't look very deep on the chart.....I think 6' and was just curious about it.
  4. CaptNeil

    CaptNeil Member

    Jan 22, 2009
    East Coast
    That is the old house channel. Just came through there and it is well marked all the way from Pirates Cove to the Sound. Lots of big long line and trawler fishing boats going in and out of Wanchese. The channel kind of snakes around some of the islands right where you would make the turn to go either out the inlet or North towards Pirates cove. Once you get through that area though it is a straight shot past Wanchese to Pirates cove. The lowest water I saw was 7' Came in at mid tide dropping.
  5. I have done the Pamlico many times to avoid the slowdowns of the ICW on different boats including the 70' Johnson that Pascal runs now. On two occasions I hit underwater logs or debris in the ICW north of Belhaven, once bad enough to have to be hauled with a long delay.
    I will base the route on wind speed and direction and take the protected ICW route when needed. Coming south one time with a 20 knot NE wind the Pamlico was nasty but on my stern, I would not want to there against the wind in the shallow waters.
  6. NYCAP123

    NYCAP123 Senior Member

    Mar 14, 2008
    Long Island, NY
    Whenever storms hit the debris from the land clearing (Less of that going on these days I'd imagine) ends up in the water. I once hit the Alligator River where logs and tree stumps were everywhere. Then again, I've hit NY harbor when you could just about walk from the Verrizano to the Brklyn Bridge.
  7. kelpy

    kelpy New Member

    Jun 4, 2007
    Fort Lauderdale
    Thanks to everyone for the info. I will be going through there next Tuesday or Wednesday so I'll see what the weather does. 12 - 14 hrs is ok from Beaufort to Coinjock if there aren't alot of boats to pass. Last year coming south, I stopped in the little inlet just below the Alligator River Canal for the night and it was nice. Different boat though.
  8. viking 58

    viking 58 YF Historian

    Feb 7, 2005
    Grosse Pointe Park, MI
    just made that run today! went from beaufort to oriental yesterday and from oriental to norfolk today. easy run, lots of crab pots.