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Aicon Yacht Owner or Buyer?

Discussion in 'Aicon Yacht' started by YachtForums, Nov 16, 2004.

  1. YachtForums

    YachtForums Administrator

    Dec 22, 2002
    South Florida
    If you are an Aicon yacht owner or buyer, our online yachting magazine can provide information to help you. YachtForums brings you the latest news from Aicon yachts, including the most recent yacht & ship launches, company news, archive pictures, and recommendations on restoring, re-fitting, updating or upgrading Aicon yachts.

    Please take a moment to register. Then, post a thread in the Aicon Forums and tell us about a yacht you've owned, a boat you intend to buy, yachts for sale or a yacht you have worked on. Please feel free to upload pictures, share a story, cruise destinations or marina information.

    We'd all like to hear from you and we'll look forward to your participation on Yacht Forums, a website for yacht owners, yacht brokers, captains, crews and enthusiasts of yachts, super yachts, mega yachts and big boats with diesel engines!

    We're glad to have you onboard!

    The YachtForums Crew
  2. John Venners

    John Venners New Member

    Dec 23, 2004
    Interested in Aicon 56

    I'd love to hear any comments or thoughts regarding the Aicon 56. I'm looking to get back on the water with something that works in Florida during winter and Annapolis in the summer.
  3. AffrayedKnot

    AffrayedKnot Senior Member

    Apr 21, 2009
    Can anyone provide the - Bridge Clearance - (height; waterline to domes) on an Aicon 85 Fly ??

    Many Thanks
  4. YachtForums

    YachtForums Administrator

    Dec 22, 2002
    South Florida
    It's interesting to see how one's opinion and perception changes over time. In re-reading the post I made over 6 years ago, I don't agree with myself anymore. Since making that post, I've been up-close and personal with a few Aicon's and they aren't aging very well. Like a sun-worshipping woman, the elements over time haven't been kind. In this case, like some other Italian brands, the moldwork develops ripples like Ruffle's.

    Also, the gelcoat on these boats appears to be breaking down at a faster rate than normal. I've swiped my hand across a couple of these chalkboards and came away with white gloves. Obviously maintenance plays a role on the latter, so it's hard to say.
  5. Deckies Feet

    Deckies Feet New Member

    Sep 21, 2006
    Currently in UAE

    Completely agree with you Carl, we have examples of all of the models in my region and are aging pretty badly. Great design and layouts but finish and quality not lasting. Real shame as I was a big fan of the 56 and the brand in general.

    Can’t comment on the 85, we have a fully customized one here and believe many of them had significant inputs from the owners that could alter the heights i.e. custom hard tops and sat dome/nav gear layout.
  6. Pascal

    Pascal Senior Member

    Feb 29, 2008
    Miami, FL
    There is new or newish 80 footer here in the grove. It has the worst glasswork I have ever seen... It is all ripples, not just the hull, but also the house and also the FB sides.

    Needs a good fairing job and paint! Can't imagine anyone buying such a boat.

    And of course, no rub rail! There is a SS strip for style but recessed under the handrail (for look only) and there is a vertical line near the bow making it look like the bow had been glued on the rest of the hull. Weird effect!