I came across this article this morning http://www.aolnews.com/2011/03/05/support-grows-for-private-anti-pirate-fleet/
TBH it's better to have military ships that are instantly recognisable than unmarked boats ..and it would claim that the Military are poor at there Job .. most people fail to forget that the Military operate under strict ROE whereas Private contractor employees don't in some cases . and the article is flawed ... there is 34 nations taking part in this Counter piracy ops in the region ..
Relaxed ROEs could be a good thing. I'd give a lot more thought to my actions if I thought some yahoo might blow my head off rather than give me 3hots and a cot.
Hi, There are a number of operations out there that can provide close protection on board and with a floating assistant already. All of these are available to hire by any concerned shipper or insurance co. I was recently approached by an operation that wanted to convert some ex naval vessels into something that needed no electronic diesel engines and limited support that would match the GT power they had originally. After much deliberation and investigation I made a few suggestions that I thought would work, I have not been told yes, no or maybe so don't know what is happening now but do know the vessels they looked at are no longer shown as being for sale. One of my clients owns a yacht that makes a regular transit through that area and I would say if his vessel was hijacked by pirates it would be a major diplomatic incident to put it mildly and I would also be surprised if the supposedly un organised band of Pirates could overcome the physical defence I know that vessel runs with. If you need to go anywhere on earth take the adequate precautions and you will get where you are going, it is that simple.
"If you need to go anywhere on earth take the adequate precautions and you will get where you are going, it is that simple." This seems to me to be the best idea yet. I often wonder why one would wander into harms way without proper guard to keep them from being a target.
This will probably work Insurance companies rule the roost anyway. Hell they can decide if people need a doctor and with little or no consequences. If they want this it will probably happen. And if it happens I think it will make for a bad day for pirates. I like the unmarked idea so that the a#$h&*%s actually try and fail miserably. Maybe if enough never come home less will be willing to risk it. It still wouldn't hurt to send special forces in and eliminate every leader. When enough are found lying in bed after having succumbed to lead poisoning, especially if noone really knows how it happened...the "business men" who fund these "investments" would be looking for other income streams. The war ain't over till the guys that order the fighting can't order anything anymore.
The insurance companies will never do anything to stop piracy. They love it. Every attack gives them an excuse to raise premiums. I'd be surprised if they don't actually promote it through back channels.
Wetsuits, maybe........ That article is disturbing. I think the pirates should know, in no uncertain terms, that if the Danes are harmed that every one of them will be eliminated. Their families too.
How many yachts , sailing vessels , bulk carriers , passenger liners are willing to loose time and money sailing in convoy under protection when in the far east no such services are on offer Do any of you think that any number of boats will adhere to such rules to simply sail thro the region ??? I beg to differ it's all fine and dandy for private contractors to offer such services they will profit they will be the only winners .. and what will the cost be from each vessel under protection what size will the convoys be , as not every ship maintain the same cruising speed .. the concept is fundamentally flawed and these pirate vessels don't simpy stick close to shore .. they travel well out into the Indian ocean searching
Only the smart ones and the ones that don't want to risk being pirated. And since ransoms are running $1M+++, plus the cost of the crew during the time of captivity, I'd say staying with an armed convoy is a good way to go. It was the same during WWII. Those that went on their own or fell behind are still on the floor of the Atlantic.
Piracy I have read some great thoughts above and go with the fact of life, before going anywhere conduct a risk assessment if you find you need special services or operating procedures you act accordingly. Those who do not accept responsibility for their own actions will learn the hard way. Regarding Insurance, no insurance company is happy about this situation. They are not sitting back thinking of the increased premiums as the level of K&R payout is far higher than the increased premiums. Marine insurance companies work on a high level of ethics which most seldom see, and hopefully will not need!
Forbes: The Profits Of Piracy Christopher Helman, 04.15.10 "Who's making out in the piracy boom off the Horn of Africa? Insurers, security consultants and, oh yeah, pirates." Reuters Feb 10, 2011: "Brokers estimate that sales of marine K&R policies have risen to about $125 million a year since 2008, when the product was first developed in response to an upsurge in vessel seizures and ransom demands off the cost of Somalia. Prices initially rose strongly in the face of strong demand before levelling off last year because of increased competition as more insurers entered the market, attracted by the bumper profits on offer." Bloomberg: "Kidnap and ransom premiums paid to insure against Somali piracy have slumped since the BBC Trinidad was hijacked in the Gulf of Aden in August 2008 as escalating attacks spurred more companies to offer coverage. Buying $5 million of coverage now costs as little as $15,000 per voyage, half the peak rate in 2008, said William Miller, divisional director of Willis Group Holding Plc’s Kidnap and Ransom, or K&R, unit in London."
I say we bait them, 20 or so trained men most hidden on lookout, 5 or 6 on deck with Hawian shirts covering the body armor, draw them in and eliminate them, one boat at a time. I'm planing a cruise, got 19 spots open!
And film it for the TV news that gets reported in that country so they may think twice about going out on these pirate missions. I've also said it is foolish to bring them back and put them on trial so you subsequently are burdened with feeding and housing them in prisons...NO deterent. Make these pirates 'walk the plank' and swim back to shore...good luck ......and film that as well.
Pirate attack on EU NAVFOR flag ship - suddenly sorry The fact that it occurred at first light must be the excuse for a skiff full of suspected pirates who opened fire and commenced boarding a target ship this week. What a surprise when the 'target' fired back and launched a helicopter. As the light increased they learned why. Rather than a commercial ship which they could have hijacked, it was the flagship of EU NAVFOR itself, the ESPS Patino. No doubt a little shocked by their fatal mistake, they immediately threw their weapons, ladder and fuel barrel overboard, and surrendered. ....reported here Sail-World.com : Pirate attack on EU NAVFOR flag ship - suddenly sorry