Hi everybody,i do not have any seasickness cures on board .can anybody give me some advice as to what i should carry in case crew or passengers need a fix. I believe there are numerious remedys some do work for some people but not for others any thoughts, or suggestions, would be most welcome.Fleming
Somebody suggested Vitamin C... http://www.yachtforums.com/forums/general-yachting-discussion/4000-seasickness.html
I like Bonine. The best cure however is prevention, i.e. plenty of rest, fresh air and non-greasy or creamed foods. Also keep the body temp lowered. I've found that the first symptom is the rise in body temp. As soon as it's noticed, take action. Once it hits, Bonine, bread, fresh air and pray for death.
Proven aboard our Yacht..natural ginger chewable form..taken 1/2 hour prior to boarding, zero side effects and good for you also.
Try Scopace The same drug as the patch is now available in pill form. It works better for us. One key thing is that it works faster than the patch and wears off quicker as well. However, this is designed to be taken before you get into any trouble, best if taken a hour before you go to sea. So I doubt it would help much if you wait for people to get queasy.
Hi, From what I have seen the patches work well but you should keep an eye on people that have them on for a week or so, sometimes they end up with one eye bigger than the other. Try to avoid offering the sick feeling ones hot salmon milkshakes or greasy bacon sandwiches, both seem to increase the symptoms at an alarming rate.
The problems with take-before drugs is who wants to take drugs for a maybe-it-may-happen situation unless you're one who gets seasick when you step on a dock. Most people are more like me who have gotten seasick 3 or 4 times in their life. Granted I prayed for death when it happened, but I won't take pills every time I step on board. Bonine works after the sea sickness strikes, as does lowering your body temp. Another thing to consider is the prevalence of counterfeit drugs. Take otc or even Rx drugs too often and you're just playing Russian Roulette.
Reminds me of my first encounter with sea sickness (luckily it was my brother and not me). Our father chartered a boat to do some tuna fishing. My brother brought egg salad sandwiches, cream soda and Oreos. When it hit my father told him to lay down in the cabin (my father was a bit of a sadist ).
If I were going to keep something onboard for passengers it would be Bonine. Better is to advise passengers who have become seasick in the past to buy their own and take some prior to leaving the dock. It's easier to prevent seasickness than cure it.
I have heard that the coast guard and NASA has a solution for seasickness. Coasties recruit from the mid-west where recruits have never seen the ocean and NASA cannot have their Astronauts be tired and sleep during missions. They use a prescription antihistamine and an over the counter antihistamine. The prescription is Promethazine and the OTC is Sudifed. Combined they make your illness go away and do NOT make you drowsy. Any coasties or Astronauts that can confirm?
Bonnie works. Have heard of the Coast Guard and NASA prevention but have not tried it. RX Phenergan--Generic is promethazine at 25 mg taken one hour prior to heavy weather works for me. Basically what works for one may not work or another and, in fact, may be dangerous. Suggest you check with an MD and have any guests/crew do the same. Diesel One
Good point in today's sue happy climate. In fact, after considering, I'm thinking even recommending Bonine to future passengers could get you in trouble if there's a particularly nasty allergic reaction or drug interaction. I guess really the best thing to do is just say, "If you're going to be sick make sure you hurl downwind"
Forget that, fresh oysters dunked in buttermilk and self rising flour deep fried......yummy.......hehehe