First let me make this clear I HATE to Defend these guys Im of the "Make the country glow till NY can use it for a NightLite " thought. But From what I understand the so called governement there is not in POWER Being IN POWER defines who really is the government. These guys(warlords) seem to be IN POWER thus in reality they ARE the government. Yep that sucks cause they dont live up to our standards of civilized behavior. Really ? Try not paying a fine in The USA, the cops come to your door and take you to jail till someone pays a ransom for you. Good point but try staying away from the sphere of influance Of the USA.We seem to feel its nessasary to defend our freedom ,whats different about them doing it? Whats your point? Do the politicians and cops and soldiers that enforce the USA's version of national law at sea know how to fish ? Do you have to be a "Old Salt" to join the coast gaurd?
Glad you "HATE to Defend these guys". You sounded a bit like their lawyer. You may have missed the fact that these guys are not defending anything nor anybody. They are hunting unarmed (they hope) ships and yachts in international waters, and murdering and kidnapping the crews. Also, it's not any " USA's version of national law at sea", but international laws against piracy and kidnapping. BTW, it's not just American warships responding, ours just seem to be (thankfully) taking a more aggressive stance than some of the others.
Do you actually consider boarding an unarmed vessel in international waters then slaughtering or holding the crew for ransom as an act of self defense on their part? Forgive me if I seem a bit incredulous but for f**k sake man what did you have for breakfast?
Kids... this is why we don't do drugs fantasymaker... are you a defence lawyer? These clowns should be stopped... hopefully with force. Far
Good point but try staying away from the sphere of influance Of the USA.We seem to feel its nessasary to defend our freedom ,whats different about them doing it? Whats your point? Do the politicians and cops and soldiers that enforce the USA's version of national law at sea know how to fish ? Do you have to be a "Old Salt" to join the coast gaurd?[/QUOTE] __________ I would suggest to buy some bibles, get your self a boat and sail around there bringing them the new liberty...yeah? Good idea? After that please come back and talk some sense. I'm curious then for your experiences. They really make these drugs too cheap nowadays.
Never did a drug in my life well not exactly but I can still count those times Ive taken aspirn on one hand. I wasnt defending these guys just explaining LOL like I said Im ready to nuke the whole country.
Drink a cup of coffee recently? You've used stimulants (caffeine). Some days you just can't help opening the door.
Wow.... this thread has 100% jumped the shark. I have no idea on how to intelligently respond or contribute to the rest of the drivel that the thread is littered with. Wow. Just wow. RIP to those unfortunate lives lost at sea due to unforeseen evil forces beyond their control.
I had heard of outfits getting into this a while ago, but they were running into hurdles. Good to hear they're out there. This is what's needed. It's a lot cheaper and a whole lot more satisfying than paying ransom to scum.