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Yacht Stalking

Discussion in 'General Yachting Discussion' started by Loren Schweizer, Oct 22, 2007.

  1. jakeh

    jakeh New Member

    Aug 8, 2007
    Ft Lauderdale
    Anyone who purchases a huge yacht, and allows the refit or build progress to be gladly reported in the media thereby reinforcing their status as super rich deserves the attention they recieve. The current race for supremacy in the super yacht battle where titans of industry try to continually outdo each other by building larger and more lavish toys requires the media documentation in order to garner the attention of us mere mortals or there is no validation. I fail to see the problem we are merely doing the job assigned to us.
  2. Talon

    Talon Senior Member

    Mar 5, 2006
    Devon UK
    Which ever way you look at EVERYONE would come under the guise of a 'Voyeur', pureley and simply because of their interest.
    The 'Stalkers' are the media trying to get pictures of those onboard, not admiring the actual sleek lines of the yacht.
    I for one am more interested in the yacht!
  3. I think this is very nicely put. Your kind thoughts make people from different worlds come together.
  4. YachtPhoto1

    YachtPhoto1 New Member

    Nov 8, 2010
    Yacht Stalking turns into...

    No matter how many forums we look at, there is always going to be the inevitable hoosegow "pissing contest" involving the lurkers and yacht stalkers.

    If you don't want to stand out in the crowd, take off your hoop skirt and blend in...

  5. YachtForums

    YachtForums Administrator

    Dec 22, 2002
    South Florida
    Dear YachtPhoto1,

    It is not necessary to include Joe Cool emoticons with every post you make. Emoticons are used to set a tone so readers don't misinterpret your meaning. Excessive use of them is nothing more than graffiti.
  6. YachtPhoto1

    YachtPhoto1 New Member

    Nov 8, 2010
    My apologies for my emoticons addiction...seems I became emersed in them.
    Thanks for the heads up.

    Not to blow smoke, but I really do enjoy this forum and the many contributors
    sharing their thoughts with all of us. It's like getting an engineering degree without actually taking all of the classes. Thanks to all of you for making this so enjoyable and thought provoking.

    Boat responsibly...

  7. Old one

    I know it is a very old thread but this discussion just started up here so I read it all to see what it is about. Agree, here I see that all information is carefully published so I see no trouble.

    And for above lines I quote:

    Exactly because of what she say here you can read so much b.llsh.t in many magazines and published stuff. The best information still comes from people involved and study what they talk about. To study journalism, with all respect, makes you not a specialist in the matter.... I dare to say even far from that.
  8. zudnic

    zudnic Senior Member

    Feb 21, 2011
    I think stalking is maybe a little strong for a word. Its the same as the houses in my neighborhood. We have people driving around looking at our houses and assuming lots dreaming of having a place around here one day. One of the people in my neighborhood was featured on MTV Cribs. I'll admit I wondered which place was their's just being curious. It was hard at first because several places simular. Finally one of my neighbors up the street told me the correct mansion. Funny, they lived in one of the houses that I listed as a suspect. On sunny weekends tons of people "stalking" houses in my neighborhood. The speed that places sell around here, well guess a lot of the stalkers can make their dreams come true! Albeit on a much smaller scale I kinda live like a rock star--like my neighbor who wrote a hit song on that very theme. :cool:
  9. Lynnwoodjohn

    Lynnwoodjohn New Member

    Jun 15, 2006
    Peoria (Phoenix), Arizona
    Excuse Me!

    A few years ago I was watching a show on a channel that featured some tours of yachts. I wanted to know more and found this fantastic forum that features yachts of all types. It's feed my curiosity to the point that I've started my own business to try to get to that level of "finally arrived". Now owners are yelling about people taking pictures and having information on what the h.p. of engines and nautical mile range. I'm sorry but I may sound stupid Don't build the most outragious and largest on the planet! Fame based on your yachts size is purily your own fault. No one is caring about owners of a 100 footer. If your plan is to build a yacht 195 ft or 400 ft and you think you can hide it like a cloaking device your delussional. I think there not realizing no one has Octopus layout online with guided tours. None of them do. So we post " I saw that yacht in Seattle today". It's a public place to take photo's. If I was at the locks here in Seattle and doing my best to take interior photos like a pervert thats a different story. I just had to say something. Again it I may sound stupid, but I don't convey well in writings.
  10. lovinlifenc

    lovinlifenc Member

    Mar 28, 2010
    Wilmington NC
    Diane, you might consider bringing the issue of security up to yacht brokers. Taking a picture of a yacht is nothing. When the broker that sold it posted pictures of the "secret" safe and its location, that presents a very easy target if someone knows where the boat is. With the days of AIS, it is not uncommon for a 62ft mini ship to have AIS and be easily targeted..
    Click HERE for a pic that will blow your mind