Looking for Yachts pics that might be online which were taken in sailing conditions like this http://img269.imageshack.us/i/5104564759d92ef30c9az.jpg/
It does not look like the Coast Guard Hard to interpret what was happening here, but the crew must have been looking for their dry suits at that time... Too big to be a 47' MLB from Cape Disappointment, WA out on a SAR... CHEERS!!
All am looking for is images of yachts that happen to have been photograph underway in that kind of conditions .. Yes i know it's not a Yacht I used to let others know of the kind of images am looking for ..
I just sent you a link via PM, but I don't think it's an appropriate link to post on YF under the rules. It has some good pics.
Awesome Davis Photos... OMG looks like the captain of the Buddy Davis took such a jolt that it knocked him right out of the tuna tower...and then you give another glance and notice the smiling face on the captain down below...like "Ship Happens" Cheers!!