I would sure enjoy being in French Polynesia during this coming July 2011, when the brand new Fraser Yacht "EXUMA" cruises into those waters. I'm sure my friends on Moorea, overlooking Opunohu Bay, will enjoy seeing this beauty should they spend a night in this famous bay. I have told my friend, a writer for the Tahiti Beach Press to be looking out for this yacht. Perhaps the local people with the "flying boat" will make a fly over to welcome the yacht to French Polynesia. Cheers!
Tell your friend to keep an eye out for a trio getting ready to show up there shortly. Very interesting cruising group that would be worth a few pics and story. I don't want to say more but he will know who I mean when they show up.
Great Info...Got Dates?? My writer friend has been doing this job in Tahiti for many many years. She often interviewed Marlon Brando when he was was in French Polynesia for fun and business (movies, etc.). Also has done features on other visiting yachts to the waters of French Polynesia. Regarding this trio due to arrive soon, any more info to pass along that my friend can work from? With many deadlines, this writer stays fairly busy traveling and writing...also has the #1 best selling travel guide to Tahiti. Many thanks for the heads up... Cheers!!