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Buddy Davis on West Coast

Discussion in 'Buddy Davis Yacht' started by YachtPhoto1, Feb 27, 2011.

  1. YachtPhoto1

    YachtPhoto1 New Member

    Nov 8, 2010
    First off, RIP Buddy Davis, passed away at age 62. Does anyone know if any brokerages on the US West Coast ever became dealers for the Buddy Davis line of sportfishers?

    Several years ago I was contacted by Davis Boats to be a possible sales agent for their line of boats in the Pacific NW...but nothing ever became of
    the idea. However, I thought there may have been a dealer in the San Diego area. Perhaps I heard wrong???!?!

    CHEERS Buddy Davis for some outstanding class in every way!!
  2. Capt J

    Capt J Senior Member

    Jul 11, 2005
    Fort Lauderdale
    The later Buddy Davis (after the origional molds, company and such were sold to Egg Harbor, who branded them Davis) produced by Buddy Davis were labeled B+D's
  3. YachtPhoto1

    YachtPhoto1 New Member

    Nov 8, 2010
    Egg Harbor and Davis...

    Thanks for the reminder with regards to the Egg Harbor brokerage. I believe it was just shortly after Buddy Davis parted company with another partner that Egg Harbor came into the picture.

    I see where a very nice 78' Buddy Davis is now on the market for the asking price of $2,895,000. I think this was the "flagship" for the brand.

  4. cfamsden

    cfamsden New Member

    Jul 1, 2007
    San Pedro
    Buddy 47's

    How about an opinion on the old 47's as far as hull shape - a decent good buy, and how does it compare with an '85 or so 45 or 50 foot Hatteras? I guess the Davis is faster, but more of a pounder, with both not so great in following or quartering seas, compared to the Bertram? I love the look of the Davis.

    Which of these make the best west coast walkaround style fishboats (easy to walkaround), when not running after pellagics?

    I'm not fishing yet, or really very knowledgable about it, but getting ancy to get a boat!
  5. Capt J

    Capt J Senior Member

    Jul 11, 2005
    Fort Lauderdale
    I was involved with a 1995 38' Buddy Davis SF that shipped to California and should be in San Diego. it's fighting lady yellow and was named "Last Chance".

    As for the other poster, Buddy Davis' do not pound generally.
  6. Beau

    Beau Senior Member

    Jan 15, 2010
    Beaufort, NC
    I agree. I was a guest a few years ago on an older 47'. We fished the Hudson Canyon in September which is known for its wind change from NW. 6-8's on the way back to Montauk. 20 knots and she sliced right thru. My coffee cup didn't move (36 hours of fishing). Interior is a bit narrow forward because of it's extreme entry. Tumblehome along the quarter shear, and spray rail ( is that what its called in that position) kept the cockpit drier than other SF I've been on, including mine.
  7. RER

    RER Senior Member

    Jan 20, 2009
    Newport Beach CA
    Capt J... It's now in Newport Beach. I just happened to see it yesterday at the boatyard.
  8. Capt J

    Capt J Senior Member

    Jul 11, 2005
    Fort Lauderdale
    Beautiful little boat. I ran it from Vero Beach, FL to Fort Laud, FL. Then loaded it on a freighter for Mexico. The nicest Buddy I've seen Buddy build. The interior was flawless and all wood was book matched. A really nice boat that was ahead of it's time. It was origionally built for Manuel Noriega, and he was extridited before taking delivery, and right before it was finished and Buddy sold it to someone else.
  9. YachtPhoto1

    YachtPhoto1 New Member

    Nov 8, 2010
    Exceeding Your Expectations

    From all of the (Buddy Davis) owners I have ever known, Hawaii to Tahiti, these owners are extremely happy with the product as they become involved in all kinds of sportfishing tournaments and bring home the prize winners.

    Sport Fishing Magazine quoted this remark about the Davis 58' Sportfisherman: "God hasn't made the angler who can keep up with this boat."

    Buddy built those cockpits to offer the kind of fighting room that any angler would need. Combine that with a ride for the rugged waters of both the waters off of the Outer Banks and the Graveyard of The Pacific and it's throttle to the wall time. When it's time to cross the bar--safety counts--and these boats are ready for whatever is out there.

    Everyone who knew Buddy, would tell you that he was the real reel deal in regards to his boat's performance and built in high-tech features. That "Carolina Flair" makes a big difference in these distinctive designs.

    As I sit here wearing my DAVIS "Antiqua Sport Shirt", I'm ready for a day at the marina and some cruising...bring on the Salmon Run...Let's Fish!!

    Fish On Buddy Davis...FISH ON!!! CHEERS!!
  10. tribute

    tribute New Member

    Dec 18, 2009
    I owned a 1986 Buddy for many years. Best running boat I've experienced. My boating was the Florida East Coast, Keys and Bahamas. Been out in many a nasty weather and I was the only boat to be seen. My family has many wonderful memories fishing on the Buddy.

    The Buddy was a classic, taking the lines from O'neal, Tillett, Rybo and Merritt. Buddy rolled them into one that was a work of art as well as a great fishing platform.

    Buddy was a real gentleman, always reachable and ready to help with your boat problems or fishing advice.

    We lost a good one when we lost Buddy Davis!