So now the pirates' employer is looking at this as an unsuccessful business venture. The failed attempt did not produce any ransom payment, meaning a "loss of Revenue", resulting in a "negative Cash Flow" and "zero Return on Investment". But as with any entrepreneurial venture, there is always a risk involved. So to Farah, the pirate leader, all I can say is : "SORRY!!!" I like the Russian method of "Catch and Release", wherein the pirates are ultimately released, put on an inflatable boat without any navigational instruments, and left on their own. It is also interesting to note that the inflatable boat had a leak. To nature conservationists and oceanic experts, this appears to be a novel method of reversing the world's dwindling shark population.
I am baffled... the fact that the two couples would travel within 500 miles of Somalia coastline knowing they were entering a 100% dangerous region how long these pirates have been able to operate the "powerful" nations not devising/enacting/completing a plan to "fix" Somalia (whatever "fixing" would require) the question of whether it's less costly to guard vessels traveling in the region rather then "fix" the region? If so, why has been been so unsuccessful? RIP to the lost souls.
I am reading different posts I guess I haven't seen any PC stuff or ultra liberal pro pirate hype either. I don't see anything wrong with shooting *******s who are trying to pirate you, especially when the death or being captive are the only outcomes. Of course honest people would be in trouble for carrying weapons I am sure, but if I had them I would shoot and then drop them in the deep blue sea before authorities could blame me. What I took issue with is what are we creating, what are we doing to the kids in our service if we have them shooting unarmed people surrendering. I don't think anyone has the right to order that for another. If you guys want them shot no matter what strap it on and go get em. Don't wait for the young people already dealing with crap in the middle east to do it. I would imagine that without realizing the consequences to your psyche of taking a life (when they were surrendering not shooting at you) that almost anyone on those Navy ships would have liked nothing better than to waste everyone of those sorry *******s. My hypocritical stance (I admit my hypocracy freely here) is since that ******* thinks this was a business investment and he is offended that the deal was killed by the Navy, I think they should send seals in. They can get him and others without killing the kids. Those guys are very good. I truly don't believe the pirates deserve any mercy, I think the kids who would have to shoot unarmed men do.
Looks like the pirates get their PR strategy out of the Al Qaeda training manual...
Interesting and valid perspective. I agree that it is regrettable to put that on our young, dedicated heroes. That is their job though. As it was, the boarding party accepted the pirate's surrender, and were then attacked. (hence the 2 dead). They are faced by 15 armed pirates who have already shown they're willingness and desire to kill innocent Americans. Why should they risk their lives to capture these people. I'd rather ask a soldier to kill than be killed.
Sink them I gave my opinion already in the begin of this thread. Simply sink them and no mercy. Till now this "business" for these low garbage people was without any costs. When they know that the price they pay is similar as few 100 years ago and that is investigating for long time the bottom of the ocean they will think twice. For the ones who still think to go on with it is simple...... of course always few will try....again no discussions but simply enter them and again shot on the spot. But start with bombing the coast line where are the places they hide. How the hell is it possible that we know where are and even call it SAFE HEAVENS for pirates? My goodness, do we still live in the middle ages? Looks like...then also ACT like. That language they clearly understand. No mercy at all for this garbage!! Let the life of this great people who are now wasted not been for nothing. Wasted by some miserable pieces of SH.T who were not worth to be on this earth.
_______ Sorry when I get offensive. After I read my own reply back it shocks me even. Maybe I hurt some people with this. But I got simply very emotional after reading the news.
Not offensive or hurtful in my book. In fact I agree, they are oxygen thievs and I would have no mercy if I met them as sea and had enough arms to shoot and kill the lot. If the Russians could get away with attacking and sinking one of our subs during the cold war, we should be able to defend against and kill pirates. To let 'em go is to carry out a poternial death sentence for the crew of the next yacht or the next freighter they hijack. "Save a shark: Kill a Pirate"
Hi, As an old shipmate of mine who had spent his best years in the defence of the US and a lot of it's clandestine ops used to say "Nuke 'em, Spray 'em, kill 'em. RIP Old Buddy, I know where your barrel in the sky will be pointed now.
Credit the Delaware County Daily Times news paper - By Jason Straziuso & Malkhadir Muhumed for the following quote in my local news paper. you can read the entire article at www(dot)delcotimes(dot)com. ............. A pirate who said his name was Muse Adir said killing hostages "has now become part of our rules" and he referred to a pirate who was sentenced in NY court last week to 33 years for a 2009 attack on the US cargo ship Maersk Alabama. " From now on, anyone who tries to rescue the hostages in our hands will only collect dead bodies" he said " It will never ever happen that hostages are rescued and we are hauled to prison." .............. The above has not been taken out of context or manipulated. It is pretty clear to me that we need to give them what they want and they will leave us alone. If they don't leave us alone, we need to give them some more, I guess. I mean, they are very crafty..... a force to be reckoned with. Or we could just kill them at sea.
Hi, I am happy that a yacht for which I am heavily involved in sails through this area at least twice a year. They are protected by a number of things the first being chance, the second one being AFAIK a grey coloured helicopter gunship equipped naval vessel nearby, thirdly they have a .50 Belt fed trumpet at the sharp and blunt ends manned by 8 current members of their Special Forces trained by the British Govt for a foreign power who serve the grey boats Owners country that any incursion other than some exchange of fire while the heli was warming up last year would was and may continue to be met by total eradication of the water-borne threat. My earlier posts seem to me to reflect the view of members here and in society at large over this matter.
Solution?? There are still many ships under the custody of these animals. They will of course use them as exchange when they will be attacked, to be that low they already proved. My solution is that in 1 time pay all ransoms and take care all boats are released. Then? Bloody nuke all coastline and bomb all villages where are all Mercedes and BMW's are parked from blood money. Children and woman will be the victim....I'm very sorry for that but I see no other option or this will become far worse then it is now. Look what the rest of the world became with soft political talking? I was afraid I'm too radical but I see on some way most of us are in for strong acting. My native language is not English so can be sometime comes out too simple and rough. Sorry for that.
Interesting Somali Pirate Fact Well, here is an interesting fact about the pirate action this week that I just researched. The US Naval vessel that was shadowing and inter-acted with the S/V Quest was the USS Sterett (DDG-104). The USS Sterett is named in honor of Andrew Sterett. Andrew Sterett, in June 1801 was commander of the schooner USS Enterprise during the First Barbary War (against the Barbary Pirates) off the north coast of Africa. On 1 August 1801, Enterprise under Sterett's command handily defeated the 14-gun Tripoli, a Tripolian corsair. After twice faking surrender, Tripoli suffered 30 dead and 30 wounded, including the Captain, Rais Mahomet Rous, and the first officer. Enterprise suffered no casualties. Since there was no formal declaration of war, Enterprise was under orders not to take prizes. After her crew was ordered to dump its guns overboard, Tripoli was allowed to sail home, where her captain was humiliated and punished. Enterprise was sent back to Baltimore with dispatches after this engagement. While there, on the recommendation of Congress, Sterett was presented by President Thomas Jefferson with a sword in gratitude of the victory over the Tripoli. Enterprise's crew was also rewarded with an extra month's pay. One more interesting fact is that one of the four other US Naval ships shadowing the S/V Quest was the aircraft carrier USS Enterprise.
Hi, These were not the first "missionaries" to be killed whilst spreading the word, just the first to get such a well publicized sendoff.
Quite emotional exchanges going on here and rightly so. However killing the pirates, ex fisherman, farmers, whatever they once were is not going to achieve much apart from making headlines and giving some people on this forum the feeling they have got there revenge or anti liberal ways. The issue is the people funding the guys on the water, hit them and the pirates will stop. The war lords on land funding these guys are the real pirates, not the uneducated poor and possibly desperate guy in the 30ft skiff with a 30 year rifle. A guy who takes the very wrong choice of going to sea to commit piracy is making a choice that is not easy for us to comprehend (sitting in our offices tapping away on our laptops drinking coffee and thinking about going to the pub or out on the boat this weekend). He is from a lawless county where he can earn next to nothing to support his family in the very few legitimate jobs that do exist. Offered the choice of earning what would appear big bucks (the vast majority goes to the big shot war lord) it is not hard decision for him to make. Without doubt the majority of these guys have no interest or thought of killing anyone there view point is more likely let’s take from the rich ship owners what we can “they can afford it”? (Again wrong but maybe there line of thought). Yes they are taking private yachts too but if a country in the west pays a ransom for their citizens then it’s a similar outcome for the Somali guy. If the west had a real interest here, oil or gas then this situation would not exist. As it is one of the greatest sail destinations and arguably one of the most important shipping routes is being held to ransom . The cost is being born by the innocent lives lost and the ship owner’s insurance companies. This on a government level is not worth investing much time or money in, better just to get it on the news and state how awful it is and send a few vessels on route to the gulf to spend extra time in region. My rambling thoughts anyway
_________ Sounds all very "human", wish the pirates thought the same. Everybody in life has a choice so do they had. But it is known that they are bloody lazy and this is an easy way to make money for them and far easier then going out every day for fish like they and there parents before kept their family alive for many centuries. But the guys want also a BMW same like the warlords.... and like this they get. Don't tell me anything different as I've been long time working in these areas and without us there goes on nothing!! Lazy *******s and nothing else!! And on top with NOT A PENNY respect for human life.....look how easy they slaughter an albino for his bones to make medicins....sorry, this people live 100rds of years ago. And on some way you're only I do not hope that everybody on this earth who lives below some standard or cannot think which pub he goes tonight will lift up an arm and point it at me to ask money.... So still nuke the lazy .ssholes but I go with you .....also these warlords need to get same treatment but I already told to bomb the coastal areas where they hide. Sorry, but people who so easy shoot humans have to accept they get answered same way....lets call it the risk their job brings.
Here is an idea..... instead of "sitting in our offices tapping away on our laptops drinking coffee and thinking about going to the pub or out on the boat this weekend" we come stop that self destructive behavior, save the money that we throw away on ourselves and adopt a pirate or two. If we were to give them a home and help them get a job then they could better themselves and send money back to their villages to help their own people. This would snowball and soon all the pirates would see the error in their ways and how some hard work and effort would really pay off. You first.
Hi, Given the supposed attitude and quotes from a few of these goons, I say that any attempts to re align their work to something more acceptable to everyone is a waste of time that can be best addressed by large numbers of metal clad projectiles .30 Cal and above being used to hose all of them down.
Doubt the bibles had anything to do with it other than possibly scaring them to their souls. These are not religious fanatics. It has to do with poverty, jealousy and desperation. Expect to see more, and in more places. I've been noticing that home invasions in this country, which once involved mostly drug dealers, have gone to the upscale neighborhoods with people being followed home from the stores, and criminals you would have once considered too old and mature to get involved in such. All that aside though, once you do the crime all reasons are of little meaning. The penalty for piracy should be immediate death. That is the only deterrent they understand.
Hi, Ed, When are you going to go one one of these?