We will be searching for two maybe three foldable bikes to travel with us on board a 70 Marlow. Does anybody have suggestions on which bikes to purchase? Thank you in advanced! BJK
We have a couple of Montague folding bicycles. Easy to assemble a little big to store but pretty light full size 24 speed mountain bikes.
Here is a site you can look at for possible candidates. http://www.nycewheels.com/folding-bike-review.html Good luck, Mike
Check out the Brompton bikes from the UK. http://www.brompton.co.uk/ Pretty expensive but a good ride considering the size. Puf
We had two Montagues but sold them because they were too big and too heavy for what we wanted. Nice bikes to ride, but not right for our boat.
We carry 2 Dahon Mariners with us at all times. These are adequate for our occasional use. Friends who are true bike enthusiasts soff at the Dahons. They do serious daily bike riding and swear by this comapny. www.bikefriday.com
We have a Dahon Vitesse for me and a Dahon Ciao for the admiral. For what we need they're both great. Obviously won't compete with Mega $$ carbon fibre racing bikes - but will get you to the shops and good for exercise. I also looked at Striida bikes as they really fold up into a very small package and have some very inovative features. But, they don't have gears, which is probably a necessity anywhere other than Holland. The Admiral made up some bags to keep the bikes clean and dry when not in use.