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Question on Odor from waste system

Discussion in 'Technical Discussion' started by 355aftcbn, Feb 10, 2011.

  1. 355aftcbn

    355aftcbn New Member

    Feb 9, 2011
    Erie, Pa
    I have a 36 Carver with dual heads both with separate holding tanks and both have vacuum flush systems. At times when someone flushes one of the heads I get a very foul odor in the cabin. The tanks are not full and there is solution in them. I have emptied and flushed the tanks but can not seem to get rid of it. My thought is that somehow the vent hose may be plugged or something causing the tank to build pressure and vent back through the head when the head is flushed. Does this sound logical? Does anyone have any other ideas or has anyone else experienced this?
  2. captainwjm

    captainwjm Senior member

    Aug 17, 2010
    Miami, FL, Cape Elizabeth, ME
    more than likely, what you're smelling is from the vent itself. the act of flushing sends air into the tank - it has to escape. You probably do not have a vent filter which usually controls odors from the tank.
  3. Pascal

    Pascal Senior Member

    Feb 29, 2008
    Miami, FL
    With vacuflush nothing can vent back in the cabin! Think about it ... How could the venting air go thru the vacuum in the vac tank and hose then past the sealed ball valve!

    What you describe is indeed air venting.

    It may be coming in thru open portholes if so add a vent line filter

    If the boat is closed then you have a vent leak at the tank. First thing to check is at the gauge sender, they often leak.

    You also need to know whether or not you have vent filters. They can clog and pressurize the tank after a flush. They usually last 2 or 3 years but if they get went just once (full tank) they are shot
  4. 355aftcbn

    355aftcbn New Member

    Feb 9, 2011
    Erie, Pa
    Thanks for the quick response. I did not see a filter on the vent line but you think there might be one somewhere? If the vent was open the odor should be outside of the boat and not back in the cabin. Correct? I am thinking that perhaps some toilet paper or something may have plugged the vent line or something.
  5. 355aftcbn

    355aftcbn New Member

    Feb 9, 2011
    Erie, Pa
    Thanks! I will check that. Makes sense....
  6. Loren Schweizer

    Loren Schweizer YF Associate Writer

    Apr 20, 2004
    Coral Gables/Ft. Laud., FL
    You might want to start with the simplest/cheapest possibility: take a quarter-inch nut driver and tighten every hose clamp between pooper and you find some loose ones.
  7. Capt Bill11

    Capt Bill11 Senior Member

    Feb 27, 2006
    Sarasota/Ft. Lauderdale FL
    Also be advised that if your holding tanks are or can be properly vented so they get a good amount of fresh air into them, which means no filters on the vent lines and big vent lines, the tanks will not smell at all.

    You need to encourage the growth of aerobic bacteria in the tanks. You do this by getting a good supply of fresh air into the tanks and using the correct chemicals that promote the growth of the good aerobic bacteria instead of the ones that try to kill all types bacteria.

    You can also install bubblier or "air injection" systems in your tank to constantly pump fresh air into the tanks.
  8. Vanillasilk

    Vanillasilk New Member

    Jan 1, 2010
    Seattle, Washington
    rid your boat of that nasty odor

    I had the same problem as you on my 42' Hershine. The odor is strong, and will find it's way inside without difficulty.

    If you can't find the inline filter, it's likely you don't have one. Dometic makes one, cost is around 80-90 bucks. Easy to install in many cases, you'll be glad you did. Also checking for loose clamps is good, never know what you'll find.

    As far as a bubbler, a dockmate of mine has one, and all it does is put nasty odor into the air. I wouldn't waste my money.

    Just be sure on an inline filter to avoid getting the tank too full. The filter is full of activated charcoal, and is shot the first time it gets wet.
    I hope this helps.
  9. 355aftcbn

    355aftcbn New Member

    Feb 9, 2011
    Erie, Pa
    Thanks for all the great ideas from everyone. Unfortunately, the boat is in storage for the winter right now but as soon as we get a thaw I will be down checking it out. I am new to the site but I am glad I joined.
  10. Capt Bill11

    Capt Bill11 Senior Member

    Feb 27, 2006
    Sarasota/Ft. Lauderdale FL

    I properly installed bubblier used with products that promote the growth of aerobic bacteria works just fine at eliminating holding tank odors.

    If you don't believe me, perhaps you'll believe Peggie Hall:

    "Sewage contains both aerobic (need oxygen to survive and thrive), and anaerobic bacteria (thrive in an airless environment); neither can function in the other's environment. Why is that important? Because only the
    anaerobic bacteria in sewage produce foul-smelling gasses! Aerobic bacteria break sewage down, as does anaerobic bacteria--but aerobic bacteria do not generate odor. So as long as there is a sufficient supply of air to
    the tank, and an aerobic bacteria treatment is added to aid that which naturally occurs in sewage, the aerobic bacteria thrive and overpower the anaerobic bacteria, and the system remains odor free."

    The problem is many people continue to add the wrong chemicals to their tank after adding a bubblier. And the just end up defeating the purpose of the bubblier.
  11. Capt J

    Capt J Senior Member

    Jul 11, 2005
    Fort Lauderdale
    A huge help with this is having 2 large vents, but 1 mounted on each hull side. Then sitting at the dock you'll usually get some cross ventilation from the wind on the side of the boat. But a holding tank that has properly sized vents usually doesn't have issues with smell, whereas a holding tank with a blocked vent or very small vent will usually always have issues.
  12. Pascal

    Pascal Senior Member

    Feb 29, 2008
    Miami, FL
    filters are usually installed as high as possible so you need to see where the vent is on the hull and check if there is an access panel inside some cabinetry, etc...

    again, with all hatches and portholes CLOSED, the smell escaping outside, thru the vent, after a flush should not be smelled inside the the boat.

    If you get the smell inside the boat then there is an "air/vent" leak somewhere.

    clamps are obviously a good / cheap way to start, but what usually let air escape is the gauge sender. in fact, just last month i was taking a 63 footer to the bahamas and found the guage assembly (sealand tank watch) to be loose. A mechanic had replaced it and barely had it finger tight. in addition to the smell, once the tank got full, black water started leaking out.

    with a vent filter, you dont' even need to worry about chemicals and vents. I never use anny
  13. tirekicker11

    tirekicker11 Senior Member

    Jul 29, 2010
    SE Asia
    What about the hoses? Are they of the odor-safe type or worn down cheaper sanitation hoses. You might be surprised how much smell they can let trough.

    If the hose-clips between pooper and vacuum tank were not tight the pump would run more frequent. As you have 2 separate systems you could compare the time it takes for the pumps to re-activate after they have build up a vacuum after a flush.
  14. 355aftcbn

    355aftcbn New Member

    Feb 9, 2011
    Erie, Pa
    I will check the clamps, filters, etc on the tanks as soon as I can get through the snow and to the boat. I am not sure about the hoses. I expect they are original which are over 10years old (the boat is a 1998). I know Carver had a warning not to use alcohol based solvents in the systems as it does something to the lining of the hoses. The smell is not a constant smell it is a very sudden smell as soon as someone leaves the head which fills the cabin. It does not happen every time but when it does it is STRONG to the point where we had to leave the cabin a couple of times. If it happened every time I would expect a leak or if it was constant I would expect a leak or bad hoses. Since it is so sudden I was thinking it is some back pressure or something. The key is that it is not constant and when it happens it is all of a sudden and STRONG.
  15. Pascal

    Pascal Senior Member

    Feb 29, 2008
    Miami, FL
    then indeed permeating hoses are not the main issue. it sounds like the typical "air" leak in the tank, gauge sender or vent line.
  16. Fireman431

    Fireman431 Senior Member

    Jan 11, 2010
    East central Florida
    What is the quickest way of verifying that a vent is still open?
  17. Ormond Bert54

    Ormond Bert54 Senior Member

    Mar 29, 2009
    Ormond Beach, FL
    Find the holding tank ... remove the vent line from the holding tank ... see if it's clogged there ... you could use a piece of stainless wire to poke ... trace the vent line from there ... the clog could be at the holding tank, the line or the through hull vent fitting. You could remove the vent line from the holding tank and then blow through the tube to see is it's free ... you could put a small extension on the tube or wrap the tube as you probably don't want your mouth on that tube:)

    You could also check the filter (which I think you said it has one) for proper installation. It's supposed to be installed so the filter is higher than the through hull if I recall. Mine was not and it would have been difficult to make that happen so I removed the in-line filter.
  18. Capt J

    Capt J Senior Member

    Jul 11, 2005
    Fort Lauderdale
    Remove the hose from the tank and blow it with compressed air, you could even have someone outside at the vent to listen for it. You'll know whether or not air is venting through it.

    Take the holding tank deck plate cap off and blow the vent coming off of the tank into the tank and see if you feel it or hear it. I wouldn't do this for very long or you might blow waste up through the open deck plate.

    Another option is to take the deck plate off, and flush the toilet. See if you hear air coming out the open deck plate, or put a paper towel over it and see if it rises. If there is no odor inside the boat, then the vent may be blocked.
  19. Venture

    Venture New Member

    Jan 24, 2011
    Lasalle Michigan
    I had the exact same sypmtoms that you described on my Viking. Do all the things that were described by others, like I did. But the problem was a cracked diaphragm from the vacuflush pump. It wasn't till it actually started leaking waste through the top of the pump that I found it. Rebuilt the pump and the smell is gone. Drove me crazy for a whole summer as I had done everything that was recommended by the rest of the posts. I'll betcha yours is cracked!
  20. Fishy

    Fishy New Member

    Dec 30, 2010
    I did a delivery on a 68 nordhavn from hell , every time someone flushed the head the boat would fill with a "lovely" aroma
    Disconecting the vent line and filter had no affect , eventually i tried a new filter problem solved ,
    some filters after that lasted 2 months aothers 6 months
    Totally random , worth trying a new filter