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CAT 3208T Maintenance

Discussion in 'Engines' started by Phlex, Dec 13, 2010.

  1. Phlex

    Phlex New Member

    Dec 11, 2010
    Havelock, NZ
    Hello, I am about to undertake some periodic maintainance on my 3208T 210hp.

    Can anyone help me with the following questions:

    1. Engine Zinc Anodes - I wish to make (thread & cut) my own from zinc rod. Can anyone give me the specs of the 7 zincs (i.e. diameter & length & thread of each zinc rod to be used).

    2. Engine oil - what is the recommended/correct grade of oil to use?

    3. Gearbox oil - what is the recommended/correct grade of oil to use?

    Any other hints, tips or items that must be attended to would be much appreciated.

    Thanks in advance!

  2. biminijimini

    biminijimini New Member

    Oct 30, 2010
    Holland, Michigan
    You must be new to engine maintainence by the questions you are I suggest looking for the owner's manual for the engines and transmission/v-drives etc.. everything related to proper levels to correct oils will be given within them.. just have to read and follow directions.

  3. K1W1

    K1W1 Senior Member

    Sep 30, 2005
    My Office

    As long as you have the original CAT Zinc plugs all the threads will be UNC, don't make them so long that they bottom out in the plug before the shoulder of the zinc tightens against the plug face. If you don't the thin bit of the rod will probably rot out first and then the thick bit will fall off. The little gap at the end will make getting the stub out easier should you let the whole plug waste away before changing the anode.

    As far as exact size goes you would be best buying one of each that you need from CAT measure them and then take them back, if they don't want to give you your cash back use the credit towards filters or the such like.

    I would say at a guess that ole girl will run just fine on a good quality 30 or 40wt Oil. Go for one from one of the Oil Majors ( I can't be more specific as I don't know what is available down in the Sth Island these days)

    Not sure about the gearbox as I don't know what it is.

    If it hasn't been done for a long time you might also want to do the valve clearance, clean the heat exchangers and check all belts , hoses etc including any Jabsco type impeller pumps that engine uses.
  4. Phlex

    Phlex New Member

    Dec 11, 2010
    Havelock, NZ
    Hi K1W1,

    Thanks for the advice & recommendations!

    By chance, would anyone know the CAT part numbers for the engine anodes?

    I have found a website that lists the specs of certain anodes by part number but of course, it is hard to match the part numbers to my engine


  5. K1W1

    K1W1 Senior Member

    Sep 30, 2005
    My Office

    What size plugs are they screwed into and where in the system are they?
  6. wflyacht

    wflyacht New Member

    Feb 5, 2010
    Saint Petersburg Fl.
    The most common failure I have seen on the 3208 is head gasket failure caused by the loss of the coolants ability to retard corrosion. That engine can run years before overheating. Therefore no maintenence is often done. As the coolant sits for years it loses its rust inhibitors, thus you get corrosion in the cooling jackets. Head gasket corrodes leaks coolant into the cylinders and it is time for an overhaul.
    Change the coolant as per the manufacturers schedule.