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Sea Ray 55 Sedan Bridge...

Discussion in 'Sea Ray Yacht' started by twnich, Nov 26, 2010.

  1. twnich

    twnich Member

    Apr 1, 2010
    Anyone have any experience with this boat? I am starting to do some shopping and I am curious about quality, handling, seaworthiness, etc.

    Also considering Viking SCs.

    Comparisons? Suggestions?
  2. MaxPower

    MaxPower Senior Member

    Oct 3, 2008
    At Sea ... Aahhh ...
    a good buddy of mine has had a sea ray 47 sedan bridge for some time now & is extremely happy with it. i'm guessing the 55 should be in the same mould ...
  3. NYCAP123

    NYCAP123 Senior Member

    Mar 14, 2008
    Long Island, NY
    Haven't run the 55, but quite a few 50's and everything else down the Sea Ray line. I like them. They're not considered the best boat, but I find the quality adequate. They're good looking, have decent layouts and decent sea keeping abilities. A big plus is their dealer/service network.
    I captained a 50 Viking SC for 3+years. I consider it a substantial step up from the SR in quality and sea keeping. I also like the layout of the bridge better as well as the 2nd helm. I helped in the selection of that boat and what drew me to it was the affiliation with Viking. Recently they've taken the name off and are going with Princess worldwide. I'm not sure of the reasoning behind this, but I find it troubling.
  4. twnich

    twnich Member

    Apr 1, 2010
    Thanks, guys...Cap, what do you think about the MAN's? I understand a bit more maintenance intensive (aka more expensive) to operate?

    I do like the VSCs, but I really like the layout of the SeaRay. If I settle on a VSC it will probably be a 50.
  5. NYCAP123

    NYCAP123 Senior Member

    Mar 14, 2008
    Long Island, NY
    Three things to mention:
    1) 3rd stateroom. Hardly worth having with either boat unless you have very small children. The salon converts for if you have a 3rd couple aboard.
    2) On the VSC I recommand looking for the smaller engine option. The larger engines leave very little room to move around the engine room. You still get respectible speed (honest 19 to 21 kts cruise fully loaded and 26 to 27kts WOT light) and about 33gph or less at cruise including gen.
    3) Some of the older VSC have the engine room access through the floor in the salon. The '02 has it outside the salon door (and Volvos), back to back with the laz access. I greatly prefer it that way. Not sure what year that change came about. I know the '99 had it the old way with Cats. Also, I liked the underwater exhausts; keeps things quiet & clean.
  6. Silver Lining

    Silver Lining Member

    Sep 18, 2008
    A couple of thoughts to add to what Captain Ed has said. I had a Sea Ray express cruiser prior to our current 50 Viking SC. Both companies provide good customer support although Viking is probably easier to get an expert on the phone. I believe the Viking SC has better sea keeping abilities and is in general a step up in quality. For example, The Viking/Princess uses Hans Grohe hardware throughout or the wodwork and door handle/latch quality. Also look at the window frames, port hole hardware or salon sliding doors. A few important items that differentiated the two brands for us were:

    The Viking SC is a solid laminant hull from the rub rail down with a superb stringer grid system. Extensive bulk heads and watertight compartment separation in the bilge. Several of the large Sea rays use a cored hull below the waterline.

    Most of the large Sea Rays use stand alone AC systems with the compressors located under the beds or in the living space. Our Viking has a separate compartment with remote AC compressors and only the fans in the living space, much quieter.

    Having two helms is excellent. Although I usually drive from the upper helm, in bad weather the lower helms is nice. But having full redundancy of all controls and gauges should not be underestimated. We also prefer the European style lazerette and the flybridge layout.
  7. twnich

    twnich Member

    Apr 1, 2010
    SL...thanks much for your comments. I really appreciate the info. I like the idea of a lower helm also, even though I.m in Florida where the weather never gets bad. ;-)
  8. NYCAP123

    NYCAP123 Senior Member

    Mar 14, 2008
    Long Island, NY
    Sometimes in Fl. you like to stay in the a/c though.:)
  9. Sea Gull

    Sea Gull Member

    Aug 3, 2010
    I own a 2006 58 DB which is the exact same model, just newer. The boat runs like a dream with cruise speed of 25-26 knots burning about 60gph. Very comfortable boat for 4 adults, but we have also cruised with 8. I agree abou the 3rd stateroom, but we use it mostly for storage an only occasionallly for guests.

    Handles like a dream but pounds a bit in a chop.

    The MANs do need some special care and feeding. My biggest issue is that the nearest MAN dealer is an hour away by car so I am paying an extra 2 hours per visit - but that's my fault for living where I do.
  10. NYCAP123

    NYCAP123 Senior Member

    Mar 14, 2008
    Long Island, NY
    60gph @ 25/26 kt. cruise? I'm surprised. 1050's? I ran a 51 Betrram with those and did 80gph and a 60 Sunseeker @ 106gph. You've got misers.:)
    This is why I always caution buyers to consider where service can be gotten when deciding what boat to buy. It's easy to burn many thousand dollars a year bringing a boat in for service or visa/versa.
  11. Sea Gull

    Sea Gull Member

    Aug 3, 2010
    Mine are the 900 hp common rails.

    The service is a non issue - there is a closer dealer, I just like the one that's an hour away better.