We've been extended the priviledge of doing a feature review for Lurssen. The choices are... 1. Queen M 2. Phoenix 3. Northern Star 4. Air Images for Queen M and Phoenix are available now, but we will need to wait a couple of months for images on Northern Star or Air. Personally, I would like cover "Air" (ex-Rainbow), because it represents new technologies in power & propulsion... and it may be a glimpse into the future. What would you like see a feature story on?
I would like a feature about Air. She has interesting technologies. I would like to learn more about this
Yes, I agree on waiting for Air. Could be interesting to hear what they have to say about the difference between Air and Limitless in performance and pro/cons with the pods versus shafts. From the outside I think Queen M is much better looking, but still my three Lürssen favorites have to be Limitless, Coral Island and Izanami (Ronin)....
If we are talking about favorite Lurssen ever, how about Pelorus ...? I personally totally deeply truely purely LOVE this yacht! It has the dimesnions of a little ship but still has all the Looks of a yacht! Something not common on other 100+ megayachts around today....
Then I must add another favorite, the 1927 Lürssen Oheka II. She was built in wood on aluminium frames, 22.5 m (73 feet) and just 22.5 tonnes, with a top speed of no less than 34 knots! The secret was three 550 hp Maybach engines under the fore deck. Imagine yourself sitting in the front cockpit!
Guys, We have to pick one of the four listed. I'm leaning towards "Air", due to its technology. This is a significant launch and should not be under-estimated. It may not have the same aesthetic appeal as some of their "super-models", but the real beauty of today's yachts lies in their engineering and craftsmenship. Ultimately, we want to cover yachts that interest our viewers, feature the latest technological advancements, have an impact on the market and have broad consumer appeal. Lurssen's are for a few fortunate people and we're lucky to have the opportunity to feature one of them. Let's make it a good one!
I vote for Air also. "AIR" - LÜRSSEN’S RESPONSE TO THE KYOTO AGREEMENT I want to see what all the fuss is about.
Carl, Although I'd rather see reviews on the boats I'm in the market to buy, such as the new Westport, I too would like to see a review on AIR. Bill
Well... it appears we have a bunch of airheads onboard, myself included. Before I forward the link to this thread to Lurssen, any others want to "voice their choice"?
Hi, I went aboard Abbracci last year at the Ft. Lauderdale show and have been interested in Lurssen's ever since. Recently, I saw Queen M docked in Port Everglades and thought it was the most incredible yacht I've ever seen. I've been looking for information on this boat and I've learned alot from YachtForums. My vote is for Queen M.