Anyone have any news on this?!/photo.php?fbid=10150271096380707&set=a.10150271095870707.509419.568840706 Grapevine says up at Roscioli?
From the poster's wall comments: "laz door was open slightly, wash from the tow boat washed in filled it up, and then filled the engine room too....and the rest is history!" Must have been some tow boat.
Hi, I was about to post the same Wall Extract as LuckyLG. Seems it happened 8 days ago so she should be washed and dried by the start of FLIBS and no one will be anyone the wiser if it weren't for Facebook and someone who does not seem to have selected much privacy if anything in her privacy settings. BTW: A Cruise ship fell foul of an open door at Meyerwerft a few years ago when it was nearly finished so it can happen to the biggest boys too.
Hi, That will depend upon what the water was salt/fresh and how much got into the engines plus who got her running afterwards.
Generally you get about three hours from the time engines are of "out of the water" to get them pickled. Twenty-four until they're running. Any more and you're looking at a major tear down. Fresh water is more forgiving but either way it's going to be luck as much as anything if they're going to be usable or not. They'll never be right again IMO.
sinking Is that picture showing the swim grid in the retracted position ? would be strange for a tug wash to not be broken by a deployed swim grid, I know on mine it will break up a fairly large wave coming at my stern even if docked. If that was not the case then that hull design is really piss poor for any type of following sea.
That is Rolle Marine. That looks like Greg the yard manager in the water. Hard to believe a wake on the river could do that. Makes no sense.
Yeah 2 people have Rolly shirts on. However it doesn't make sense that a wake did that, there is no way, the swim platform is a 1' off of the water in that boat so a wake or two wouldn't sink a boat that size. It looks like an exhaust hose came off or something to that effect to cause that.
I too can't believe that any kind of wake you'd find up the river sufficient to sink that boat, especially what could make it through the laz door. That would be one bad boat design. I'm also wondering if they still plan to put it in FLIBS. There would have to be such a shocking price drop that it could affect prices up and down the dock. I'd also be surprised that they could get it ready in 5 weeks. That water is tea colored (tannin). I'd expect significant staining not to mention whatever else. More news to come I guess?