Whale wars I will say that I believe in what Watson is doing down there to discourage Japanese whaling. It looks like Watson and crew are the only human friends down there the whales have. I have seen all the shows too. With that being said I can say what a bunch of ass clowns Watson and his group are. My 5 year old grandson shows better seamanship and sense with his bath tub navy than Watson's people. I think Watson grants rank to these kids by how much of their inheritances they give to him.
Kill a ship load of hard working people trying to earn a wage for their families back on shore over whales? Seems more than a bit radical and misguided. You might want to dial back the rhetoric before someone thinks you're serious, 15 years old or crazy. Talk like that is counter-productive to Sea Shepherd's cause.
Too Far If you need help to disable the Japanese whalers down there hunting down whales and I would probably help you. If you are talking about harming the sailors on those Japanese whalers and I don't want anything to do with you.
And that is the line that Watson walks. He must be radical enough to garner attention, but one wrong step and his cause is lost.
NYCAP123, I believe that you might owe an apology to catmando, who was merely quoting from one of my previous posts. Let me address your points in order: 1) Granted, the Japanese are reputedly hard-working, but not completely ignorant: they must be very aware that they've upset many people around the world by these whale "harvests" under the guise of "research". I'm sure that were the SONY CORP. be allowed to do so, they would be able to get enough support from other Japanese conglomerates, in order to more than adequately financially compensate all the Japanese whalers involved "to remain on dry land". But perhaps after all, a matter of pride is involved, and they continue to do so because they no longer suffer the same consequences as their WWII brethren. Hence my suggestion that Sea Shepherd acquire an ex. U-boat... 2) How many billions of us human-beings on the planet today, and how many remaining whales...?! In most modern countries today, social security and their agencies invariably come to the immediate rescue of underage, whether or not teenage, and pregnant mothers. And there are far more important programs subsidising the raising of children by more "normal", if mainly poorer citizens. The developed nations are apparently suffering from an ageing population. Whereas whales in the oceans today receive no benefits, and are expected to be able to "go it alone" - wouldn't it be great if all the underage, teenage mothers did that too, instead of being given free housing and other ameneties? Also, these whales, when in 1 part of the planet might expect to be welcomed by human-being "well-wishers", shouting and taking only photgraphs, in an environment that is "safe" are expected to behave as if they're our "long-lost" mammalian cousins. These same whales in another part of the planet, are instead hunted without limit or recourse by "similar looking" human-beings. Who's to blame? What do "whale-lovers" want? What can they achieve? Did the whale in the southern Antarctic ocean confuse the Californian whale well-wisher on the tourist boat for the Japanese aiming the harpoon-gun?! In the immediate interim period (during which whales are still hunted for whatever reasons), human-beings should decide one way or another whether whales are completely protected, and should no longer fear the "human-being", or else, STOP saying "we love you" or otherwise, that we're really dangerous to you and instead "SCRAM", followed by a few (non-explosive warheads) launched from all the whale -watching tourist boats in good faith...?! PS. I won't even bother to start out on "everything that was counter-productive" to the USA's efforts post 9/11, the invasion of Afghanistan and Iraq etc. Oh, OK. "Counter-productive" - like this: , or else what?! "Extraordinary rendition" springs to mind. Do you think whales can tell the difference between a Yankee and British accent?
No apologies called for nor coming. Catmando was a hair away from a terroristic threat. There is no place for that on YF. I am a strong believer in the sanctity of life, however all living things must consume others in order to survive. Thankfully for us we're at the top of the food chain (for the moment). As such, and as "intelligent life" (term used loosely) we have an obligation to use our brains and not just our instincts. We should not kill except for our own survival. His philosophy carried to its natural conclusion would authorize vegans to kill all carnivores, thus reversing the food chain. YF is just not an appropriate forum for wild or dangerous statements.
I am a dive instructor in the weekends and we occasionally have Japanese students. I always ask them carefully about the issue of whale meat and they always tell me the same things: They used to eat it frequently during childhood but now it has become very expensive and hard to get so they stopped eating it. They always tell me that they haven't got an opinion about the whaling and whether that should be stopped; one one hand there are people earning a living and on the other the whales. Although I don't trust Watson a bit and find him and his crew a bunch of idiots I guess he's doing the right thing being there and creating so much publicity that this whaling industry will have to bend over one day. Having said that I'd like to know the opinion from Japan, Norway, Iceland etc as well. You never hear their argumentations.
So they're saying that it's not a cultural thing nor a need, but a bunch of fat cats wanting what most can't have? Why am I not surprised.
Goose liver, Marijuana, Shark fin, D-cups, Nuclear bombs, V12 engines, hookers, guns, aren't we all the same?
I'll pass on the goose liver. shark fin and nuclear bombs, but the rest are within the realm of possibilities; plus a few more that I won't name. They don't include whale meat however.
I wish it was. I have a 'thing' for Wharram's designs but until I can afford one myself I remain a tire-kicker. BTW do you know the yard off Phuket that builds the larger designs?
Whaleing Has anyone seen the natgeo special about the giant mass of jellyfish that are inundating the japanese islands? The oceans are fighting back!Or is it karma?
IMHO They took the wrong course of action which sadly backfired and done more damage to there campaign longterm .. Is the Public going to believe the word of those that are willing to sink there own ship , Clueless yes.... , Still does the mass public really care about the negative effects of whaling nope because they have more pressing issues than worrying about whales . Only the pleasure seekers that spend more on sight seeing trips I suspect
Their course of action completely accomplished their goal. It extended the discussion and coverage amongst far more than 'pleasure seekers on sightseeing trips'. And BTW, they didn't "sink their own ship", they apparently scuttled it after having their bow sheared off by a security ship. Result: more coverage. As to believing anyone, first you have to hear them. Only then can you make that decision. Mission accomplished. Watson is indeed crazy...like a fox. There's an old Hollywood axiom, say anything you want about me. Just spell my name right.
Phuket is a fairly large island. There was a fellow somewhere down around Chalong Bay that did specialize in building Wharrams, but I never got a chance to meet him.
Ady Gil redux, redux From here: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-asia-pacific-11783310 As my mother used to say when my sister and I were both doing our best to maim each other in early sibling rivalry; "This will only end in tears". And she meant both of us, and she was right. Anderschou
Just tools of war, and the courts have ruled that the whalers were equally at fault. In fact there is strong (video) evidence showing that the whaler's security vessel took the wrong action. Guess there's stupidity (or calculations) on both sides. Enjoy you whale meat.
The boat itself was a powerful weapon for public opinion and awareness. The power of concerned protesters willing to place themselves in harm's way to illustrate their beliefs will always make a difference. It doesn't matter if we personally believe their beliefs are right or not, they weren't there to promote marine safety and they used their only weapon very effectively.