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Americas Cup

Discussion in 'General Sailing Discussion' started by Fredex, Sep 1, 2010.

  1. Fredex

    Fredex New Member

    Jul 17, 2009
    Stuart Fl
    34th Americas cup ….Lost track of the race for a few years and then I see that there was Americas Cup 33rd race …they used tri hulls ! why what happened and now they post that next race could be in 2013 or 2014 …why the uncertainty ??? Does anyone know what happened or what is going on ??? ….cannot find much about it on the web only the present…would appreciate any info thanks Fred ******* :rolleyes:
  2. 84far

    84far Senior Member

    Dec 15, 2008
    Brisbane, AUS
  3. Fredex

    Fredex New Member

    Jul 17, 2009
    Stuart Fl
  4. Fredex

    Fredex New Member

    Jul 17, 2009
    Stuart Fl
    84far...... I just checked out the Volvo 70s / never new anything about it till you mentioned this race on your post / looks like the Formula one of sail boat racing / I like mono hulls !!! Thanks :)
  5. 84far

    84far Senior Member

    Dec 15, 2008
    Brisbane, AUS
    Anytime mate, check out the youtube clips if you want... I swear there's more action in one of those clips then in the whole of the 33rd AC. ;)

    Picture this, your in the deep southern ocean in the middle of the night, you have 20-30knts plus of wind, and these boats will easly sit on 20knts plus of boats speed, you have around 5 degrees of wipeout room to play with, and to make it interesting there's icebergs all around you... This is what these guys do :D

  6. 84far

    84far Senior Member

    Dec 15, 2008
    Brisbane, AUS
    What happen was basically there was only 2 boats sailing in the last Cup. Due to court cases etc. And every now and then the winner will spice things up a bit by changing the rules... 90' long and wide multis... Alinghi choose a cat cause it was hopeing to sail the cup in some Arab country (light airs). BMW made a tri, hopeing it would get sailed in heavier winds, they sailed in Valencia, Spain. BMW made a wing sail, that could also lean to windward to power the boat up more... The boats were so different in boat speed it wasnt funny, BMW won by 3.5+ NM... not seconds, miles in both races. So it won 2-0. It was so boring to watch I went and had a shower and went skiing instead.

    To make matters worse, when they finally decided on a date for the race, no one really new of it outside of the sailing circle.
    Both parties made massive losses too, 10's of millions were pissed away.

    So, my thinking is there going for multis again so all that money spent on R&D can be reused.... Cheers

  7. Fredex

    Fredex New Member

    Jul 17, 2009
    Stuart Fl
    Far I looked at the vids , you tube and the Volvo 70 web site ******yes the action is fantastic !!!! you are right it blows Americas cup away ......I looked at the schedule and I will try to find it on the TV ....also I see they will be in Miami USA in 2012...... that is close to me !!! I am looking forward to going to see them start the leg ....Volvo 70 from what I see is what Americas cup should have been.........!!!!!!!
  8. Pascal

    Pascal Senior Member

    Feb 29, 2008
    Miami, FL
    i dont think you can compare ocean racing like the Volvo and the American's Cup... the Volvo (i don't know but somehow Whitbread sounded much better...) and ocean racing is like endurance racing, more like Le Mans... the AC is the sailing equivalent to Formula 1.

    personally, I think AC 34 was a very good race. Two tycoons with big checkbooks, a blank sheet of paper and and almost anything goes formula. it was not much different from the golden age of the Cup, the J-boats and the men who where already pushing the enveloppe beyond the reasonable.

    The sight of these massive multis next to each other, at least near the start, was incredible. that said, it's unsustainable but i think it was a pretty challenging and suspensful event since before the start there was no way to tell who would have an edge.

    the next one will probalby be fought again in monohull, which i also prefer. in any case, like almost every other sport, it's become about money... just like in motor racing the days of gentlemen racing each others are long gone.

    as to ocean racing, I dont' find the volvo very exciting compared to the vendee globe. One skipper non stop around the world, doens't get better than that!
  9. Fredex

    Fredex New Member

    Jul 17, 2009
    Stuart Fl
    Pascal ****
    From the Video I have seen in the last couple of days ........looks like Volvo 70 has allot more action and you do not have to wait 4 years , was always my complaint about Americas Cup .........Thee spectators just want to see the event not court battles !!!!!;)
  10. 84far

    84far Senior Member

    Dec 15, 2008
    Brisbane, AUS
    I think if F1 was the equivalent to the AC, F1 drives would be driving buses... Those F1 guys get out of the car and they are completely drained, physically and mentally.

    AC skippers get off the water and well there... so so. Not much to think about, bar lifts and knocks. Get them into a 18ft skiff I say :D , that will put hair on there chest.

    I Think the AC should stay true to its heritage an go back to dispacement boats that can match race, or let the Louis Vuitton Pacific Series take over, there were some of the best match racing I have ever seen, and a lot of it was down to money and funny enough a lack of it. Due to less pressure from major sponsors, skippers and crew really gave it a good go... massive pre-start moves (that back in the day would of had people like larry pulling his hair out), massive mark traps, tacking duals, it was fantastic.

    If they want to go multi's thats cool, call it Extreme whatever and go for it. Cheers
