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Trinity News

Discussion in 'Trinity Yacht' started by Yacht News, Oct 1, 2009.

  1. bigboatbill

    bigboatbill Senior Member

    Aug 25, 2008
    Decatur Alabama
    Why are so many so hyper-sensitive about folks taking photographs ot speaking of objects that exist in the public domain? If you dont want anyone to see your yacht then dont buy one or have it hauled to your own personal shed and never open the door. There is a derth of information pertaining to yachts, owners, guests, etc...all over. I stumble onto tons of yacht information while reading business journals. Many owners give interviews to print and video media about their boats. I have seen many of these "reclusive" owners on late night cable programming on "yacht documentaries" etc. I recently posted a link to the site of one of this site's advertisers as it held information that was interesting and informative to the subject of yachts and in direct response to the momentum of the thread. The owner of the yacht in question had given the interview along with a picture of himself. Surely this reputable yacht builder would not jeapordize their reputatioin and respect of a client without his consent. There is certainly a line dividing good and bad taste, but the propagation of widely known or acceptabe information on a respectable forum for and by enthusiasts seems to embody the simplest form of communication between like minded individuals.
  2. s22allen

    s22allen New Member

    Oct 6, 2005
    Sure if it's in the public domain, however as far as I am aware interior pictures of this yacht are not. There's a big difference between exterior and interior photos. Most of the time it's for the simple reason that owner's don't want uncontrolled bad photos released....the photo above looks like a personal shot taken while passing through. This owner has other yachts that have had big photo spreads, but they have been done with permission, and professionally. Photographers still need to be careful that the permission given is actually from someone who can give it....
  3. piem

    piem New Member

    Sep 15, 2008
    Rennes/ Fra
    Things will be done
    Thank you :)
  4. ScotL

    ScotL Senior Member

    Jun 29, 2009
    Green Bay/Milwaukee,WI

    Are you going to post this in every thread on YF. This is at least the 3rd time I have read this. It just keeps cluttering content that is already extremely rich with information.
  5. Yacht News

    Yacht News YF News Editor

    Mar 29, 2006
  6. I share your opinion BIGBOATBILL BBB. It is like the same discussion thing some normal like me goes at sea or river bank and do a general boat picture and then from own camera downloaded it spread in internet as it is own, for example in a site like marinetraffic. But then he / she put his / her name as the photo belonging only to him / her. Well one moment, he / she made gratis the picture without any previous permission, but then the credits belong to only him / her where everyone using the link of picture has to repeat that, even the owner of the boat not knowing. Seems unfare, don't. Because if this he / she photographer complains after he can't sue anyone, because using the photo spreaded, as he / she itself spreaded in web for everyone. Otherwise he / she only should have kept inside his HD in own computer without anyone knowing about he / she made once this photo. And if it was spreaded, means to be used for everyone, with even a passive marketing where when SPAM more spreaded his / her name would be promoted without any recompensation as well. So an advertisement for his / her name just because the spreading. I am the opinion if someone don't want his / her photo spreaded in every forum in web, then just don't upload the picture, because once uploaded, it is sure would be seen and used everywhere in public. So he / she can't sue really by law, because he intentionally used from another visual property to promote his/herself publically and even marketing it in own name. Once he / she uploaded he / she gave the permission to be used. If not, it would be only in his / her own computer. So if someone does not like his / her photo spreaded, then just do not post in sites like marinetraffic. Otherelse i think, sites like those should have promoting the photos anonyme only, because it is totally free to put whatever fictional names, which can be even the real. If i would be a yacht owner and have it pictured i would ask recompensation with sue to all photographers who don't ask my permission first. So it is a delicate thema, very complicated and controversal and generates everytime much discussions. It is also like the public webcams everywhere anyone can see and shot a picture from them. If they are public, the material is public to be used. Because all those are amateur photographers doing hobby photos and not professional ones for magazines with commercial enterprises behind. Ok, i understand the rules all forums to be followed, but it has really the gaps. It is why, at least here in Germany, those WEB materials are still a great thema in Data Protection. For example the Google car taking pictures everywhere had made problems here. I for example don't want my facade publically in Google Earth, neither everywhere in Google links. But they don't respect in most. Neither they gave an alternative previously for a 'Yes' or a 'No' for that. So in law, it is not always they are in right reasons to gain the cause. And about traffic cameras in street filming daily your face without your previous permission? What about? I for example have to allow because i am in public space.... And i am sure they use behind the images to check everyone if doing something not right, even when could be just a walk. Really controversal that. Where is 'individual' X 'public' then? On other hand, the owners of all objects in world can't cover their things, to not be gratis photograhed, because they request to be made those things and pay a lot for them, just to promote themselves publically as an unique status among others, showing-off themselves gratis, without asking others a charge that their things are gonna seen publically if pass by somewhere to the majority. So i just think all must be anonyme in web when in sites like marinetraffic or webcams which everyone has access, allowed to be used from everyone if visual publically for the most. An interface really controversal in every levels independent of money involved, commercial things or just hobby amateur. Actually objects are to be seen, otherwise design would be nothing or really no sense, if every is to be hided.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 23, 2010
  7. AMG

    AMG YF Moderator

    Jul 26, 2004
    It is a tough world MKM. Pictures, designs, music, computer programs and a lot of other things are what people create for a living. This is why we have copyright laws. With streaming videos from public webcams, I can agree that a screen shot is half yours and half the camera owners.

    But here we were talking of interior pictures from a private yacht. Some have their yachts for charter and have no problems showing them, while other do want them to remain as private as private homes and places can be.

    We are trying to respect this, even when you think a picture on the net should be free to use wherever you want. But we must respect both the yacht owners right and the photographers right.
  8. This is sure, interiors of houses, cars, boats, ships and machinery is really job of many people in contracts, paid a lot and are sure PRIVATE for someone only. So of course is to be private the use of viewing and sending info, when not allowed to be showed, but i mean things with great interface to others' use, like facade, exteriors of any object, an interface between 2 worlds PRIVATE x PUBLIC of USE X SHOW. Of course copyright is really important to protect ourselves. I just think has abuse in both sides of using those materials, the ones who post and make the shots and spread in every media material and the users, because the pictures makers are also pictures users in other side when it is not made from him/her but used, when he/she see it when he / she opens a public web page from others. I mean controversal theme, because the interface of P x P is very difficult to determinate. Of course also, each web page, the owner makes his / her own rules to be followed with intelligent reasons behind. But in marine traffic, i can for example, upload a photo today in my name, or as MKM, or tommorow like Pixel Guy, other day like 'Picture owner' and put here as from another guy, when everytime was myself only. So you see has the gaps and many discrepancies in that already.
  9. AMG

    AMG YF Moderator

    Jul 26, 2004
    MKM, I am not sure I can follow what you are saying, but if somebody is downloading one of your pictures and putting his name on it before posting it somewhere else, it is not only a copyright violation, it is theft or fraud.
  10. This can be, but i will say you one example of me. I have in my website a picture or a design of an amateur car appearance of what to be like a 'citroen' Corporate identity. Well, in my site i say that all my things are copyrighted, even when i use very known 'names' like marks, everyone knows all over the world, everyone do this, even mechanics in garages repair using the car marks in their doors for a commercial promotion of themselves, not a problem in that. But i could understand personally as infrigiment of the great corporations. The fact is, this picture of me suddenly appeared in a Russian Website talking about myself. At first i became very suprised how that could be, but then i translated the information about the designer (me) and the owner the site, just promote good myself even when i hadn't know it. He/She does not know who me I am. I can nothing do, because i have none relation to them or even close to Russian laws, every country differs those uses also. If he talked good, i really didn't mind it and even when he/she took only without my permission, i didn't understood really as theft, but was a copyright violation that i can nothing do against. He/She said good things about it, so i really do not cared anymore. Otherwise considering the design appearance in my exterior one of my site was a little bit of 'Corporate identity' violation that everyone does, but Citroen can nothing do, because companies like that like people developing things gratis showed everywhere that could be a good idea for them, but they can't use 100% exact it, they make some changes and say that are from them and i also get no money or job because of having my concept done. For example Aston Martin uses a name 'Rapide' i put in some of my designs and i can nothing do, because they are extrem stronger than me for a cause. So, see how difficult it is. I never said to agree that a public photo to be spread without mention of the source. I just showed some here as information in the corner side of public web for the real people integrated in the theme of boats. When someone see a photo is already an info spreaded, even this individuo doing nothing more, which could be understood of broken the group destination of the information as some violation, because it was seen from all over the world opening the picture-info. It is like passing by a library and seeing the books in vitrine, even not buying none inside the store. But i never put my name in some others' picture as beeing from mine. I just showed the others to others like forwarding more the info only.
  11. AMG

    AMG YF Moderator

    Jul 26, 2004
    MKM, you can not post a picture here that is from another photographer or website and think it is OK if you mention the source. It is NOT unless you have got their permission to post it here.

    When it comes to Russian websites, they sometimes publish my designs too, but they usually remove them if you don´t like it and contact them.
  12. 1. Don't worry AMG, I will NEVER post a picture here anymore. I ever tried (for sure at least 99% of all time) to mention the source, even when is not standard rules here. I won't want problems more and would like to keep myself in forum. So be sure only info will be in future from mine, NO Link, NO pictures, just info where to be seen. This will avoid any miss-understanding rules problems among me and admin members. If i do pictures of boat myself, i will upload in marine traffic first with generical name (everytime different, because i don't want my name to be found in google search publicly to the whole Earth = against spammings to me or criminals SCAMs appearing in front of my door) and then mention here to be seen there, like I suggested to YN inside. But unfortunatly didn't worked allright, because less time for this. It was only a way to try doing different this theme. If I have doubt in posting something, be sure I will post PMing you first about asking permission if allright or not to post in YF.

    2. I did, i wrote more than 10 times messeges to removing my picture, but they just ignored. So I forgot it. I made contact also to google removing my links in cache, but you know, great corporations just ignore individuos.
  13. kootenay67

    kootenay67 Senior Member

    Apr 19, 2004
    Has anyone had any trouble accessing the Trinity Yachts web site or is just my IE and Firefox acting up. Maybe they are upgrading the site ???

    Regds Ken
  14. Yacht News

    Yacht News YF News Editor

    Mar 29, 2006
    Yep, I am getting trouble on my end too. The page isn't loading.
  15. ScotL

    ScotL Senior Member

    Jun 29, 2009
    Green Bay/Milwaukee,WI
    Seems to be fine now.
  16. Yacht News

    Yacht News YF News Editor

    Mar 29, 2006
    Yea it is fine now, well I just checked. Thanks.
  17. brandonw

    brandonw Senior Member

    Jan 15, 2006
    Tampa, FL
    Just saw that Ulysses is on the market. There are some good pics of it on yachtworld.
  18. Yacht News

    Yacht News YF News Editor

    Mar 29, 2006
    Yes, true. New Expedition coming?
  19. Yacht News

    Yacht News YF News Editor

    Mar 29, 2006
  20. 'RoundTheHorn

    'RoundTheHorn Senior Member

    Oct 6, 2004
    Salish Sea

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