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Battery Charger Question

Discussion in 'Technical Discussion' started by Sydian, Jul 17, 2010.

  1. NYCAP123

    NYCAP123 Senior Member

    Mar 14, 2008
    Long Island, NY
    Can be?:eek: Two things that nag at me on this are that no good, independent mechanic or surveyor has looked at it and that bent prop. That symptom could lead to so much more. The OP does seem to have a good equity margin though as long as they have that cash set aside to spend on the repairs. Unfortunately that usually can't be worked into the mortgage.
  2. Pascal

    Pascal Senior Member

    Feb 29, 2008
    Miami, FL
    and the red flags keep coming!

    sorry to be blunt but i dont' think 11k will cover the costs ofthe items you listed. take the props for instance, you reallon should have the yard make sure the shafts are straight and the cutlass bearings still within specs. Otherwise you will be chasing vibrations for months. How could a sea trial be conclusive if the props were bent? or was it because there was a vibration and you were told "the props need to be reconditioned"? if so, check the shaft for true and the cutlass bearing (was hold the shafts in the strut)

    i'd also check engine alignment now, jsut to be safe considering the boat checkered history. it's cheaper than transmission issues.

    About polishing, there is more to it than just hooking up the "machine". to be effective you need to open the top of the tanks and use a wand wot try to rinse the sides of the tanks to loosen up as much crud as possible.

    if the boat doesn't have dual racors with changeover valves on each engine, you may want to upgrade that, jsut in case you have filter issues. this allows you to switch filter on the fly and get home. replacing racors in a hotr ER isnt' fun!

    I believe the 4 hours quote to replace the AC manifold since it's probalby buried somewhere where it can't be reached. poor access to systems is why so many labor bills are so high. if you can't reach something with both hands without having to remove other things first, it will take 4 times longer!
  3. K1W1

    K1W1 Senior Member

    Sep 30, 2005
    My Office

    I dunno about the rest of the members here but I do feel that as the OP doesn't seem to be taking much of the advice and warnings that have been repeatedly given here it is a waste of bandwidth to write too much more just now.

    It is better to wait and see what the next thread from said OP is all about.

    It is my hunch it will be something a lot more significant (costly) than a battery charger.
  4. Pascal

    Pascal Senior Member

    Feb 29, 2008
    Miami, FL
    there is no such thing as equity in boats in this market.

    after the repairs have been completed, add 6 to 8 months of depreciation and the owner will be upside down on the loan or, if not financed, will have more in the boat than it will resale for.
  5. NYCAP123

    NYCAP123 Senior Member

    Mar 14, 2008
    Long Island, NY
  6. Sydian

    Sydian New Member

    Jul 17, 2010
    Hampton, VA, USA
    Sorry...don't know what an "OP" is. Can you elaborate for me? Thanks.
  7. K1W1

    K1W1 Senior Member

    Sep 30, 2005
    My Office

    Let me help you out with this.

    OP = Original Poster which in this case is you. :)
  8. Sydian

    Sydian New Member

    Jul 17, 2010
    Hampton, VA, USA
    Thanks, for clarifying that I am the OP. What I don't understand then is your comment that I'm not taking the advice and warnings of the members of this forum seriously. I can assure you that if I didn't have respect for some of the members here, I wouldn't bother to keep posting.
  9. Sydian

    Sydian New Member

    Jul 17, 2010
    Hampton, VA, USA
    Thank you, Pascal. We have checked the shafts and cutlass bearings and both are fine. I appreciate you pointing this out to me. I'm going over everything and getting my own quotes so I can see if the additional $11K off is enough. I know that there are at least 4 Racors on the boat, 2 for each engine.

    We are paying cash for the boat. This is our 3rd boat, so we are very familiar with the expense and maintenance of them. However, this is our first diesel boat. We've had experience with all the electronics except auto pilot and have been boating for 7-8 years now. Previously we've owned 2 boats and 4 jet skis. However, my husband is in sales and not mechanically inclined, so we both greatly appreciate all the great "mechanical" advice you all have been giving us so we are not taken advantage of. I do feel that this trio involved on the other side of our sale are all in this together and we are the "odd man out." But I feel confident that with everyone's help here, we'll make the right decisions. I still have not let go of one dollar!
  10. NYCAP123

    NYCAP123 Senior Member

    Mar 14, 2008
    Long Island, NY
    There is always equity although most often today it is negative. But, if that boat can't be gotten for less than say 300K (hypothetical) and they can get it for $170k and have the other $130 banked to put into repairs and upgrades it can work out OK. I wouldn't look for profit or even a fast sale though. It is a boat. I had a client a while back who wanted to get into the business of flipping boats like some do houses. I told him good luck with that.:cool:
    I think the OP has taken the comments here seriously. But what they don't seem to have is someone on hand that they can trust to tell them to walk away. I've seen it many times. Once a potential buyer puts on the rose colored specs it's hard to get them off even when your conscious mind sees the problems. We all have (or should have) that 'how can I make this work' attitude. It's hard to shut off, which is how we get experience and pay our dues. They've gotten a lot of good education here so at least there will be fewer surprises.
  11. feeldavibe

    feeldavibe New Member

    Apr 14, 2010
    Crews Inn, Trinidad
    Sydian, I have been looking up your Charles battery charger and i cannot find a series 8000 on their website. Maybe someone else can confirm this so i am not the only one? I did howver look at the specs on their 80A chargers and they do infact have a selector switch to select what type of batteries you are charging. This is what i was telling you about and is what i did on my boat. Since i had just changed my batteries and charger, the selector switch was not charging the correct type of batteries and so everything went funny! Check it out again and see if you find a switch. Remember, you might have to pysically open a panel on the battery charger as the switch might be inside on one of the control boards. This was the case with my dolphin charger. Good Luck!

    This is the site i am looking at :
  12. Sydian

    Sydian New Member

    Jul 17, 2010
    Hampton, VA, USA
    Thank you so much, Feeldavibe! I appreciate your tenacity and concern in this and I will definitely check that out. I'm going by the Azimut dealer in Baltimore hopefully tomorrow to get their take on the bilges and A/C and costs of repairs.

    NYCAPT123 might be right and I'm wearing some rose colored glasses b/c I do like the boat, but I also feel that the mechanic and surveyor do not understand all of it's features or nuances, at least with the alternator alarms and bilges. :)
  13. Capt J

    Capt J Senior Member

    Jul 11, 2005
    Fort Lauderdale
    dead algae in fuel tanks is always in the bottom just like in the racor bowls.
  14. feeldavibe

    feeldavibe New Member

    Apr 14, 2010
    Crews Inn, Trinidad
    Sydian, have you purchased the boat and/or fixed the problem?? Let us know what's happening!
  15. Sydian

    Sydian New Member

    Jul 17, 2010
    Hampton, VA, USA
    Feeldavibe! Hi, there. Sorry for the delayed response. We bought the boat!! Big suprise :) and we've been on it since vacationing. We really love it. It's perfect for us. I wish we had just a little more space...but it is all the boat we can handle at this time. For now, we are keeping the battery charger off while underway with the generator on. It's on the list though of things to get working properly. We came by way of chance upon the previous owner's mechanic just today and he is familiar with all the boat's little needs. The previous owner just could not afford to keep it up properly. So it's nice to have someone who knows the boat already available to us. BUT...we have gotten all the big issues resolved (e.g. the fuel, bottom paint, professionally cleaned, buffed and waxed). The racors look great and she runs fantastically, or "he" I should say. We documented the boat as "Hyperion," Titan God of Light/Sun, father to Helios, which will be our dingy's name :). Maybe we will see you down your way one day!!