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Mike Kajan Yacht Designs

Discussion in 'Yacht Renderings & Plans' started by Kajan, Nov 28, 2009.

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  1. Emerson

    Emerson New Member

    Jan 25, 2010
    Homer, AK
    I really like the aft house explorer.
  2. Kajan

    Kajan Senior Member

    Nov 28, 2009
    Thank You, Emerson!
  3. 84far

    84far Senior Member

    Dec 15, 2008
    Brisbane, AUS
    Kajan, I'm about to buy a program called Rhino and the render program to suit it called V-Ray. Off the shelf it will cost $1900AU (approx), student price is a lot cheaper. There's also courses that you can take part in, which I think take 3 days (third day is rendering).

    The good thing about doing the boat in 3D is so you can see if a object or angle can work, or if the cabin is to long or short. The amount of times I've had to go back to the drawing board because of that, well I've lost count ;).

    Anyway, they are affordable, and with your talent I don't think it would be a waste of your time. Cheers

  4. This is 100% right. I don't know Rhino, i've just seen couple of times, but never used it. VRay makes woooonderful things also. It is easy with 3D. Actually i would say 4D is better, but then 3D is a very good approach. I made my yacht proposal at Catia V5 R17 1:1 300MB. It was a good experience. But then FAR is totally right, for couple tousand dollars you can have some download software in your PC. Courses costs much more. But you can learn also with things like Skechtup that is free. Not a good software for yacht design and modelling but you can make your trys. It is good for buildings, but as ships for decks is more or less the same, maybe you can start with 'boxes' ones to see. Anyway all new 'cruisers' are just boxes, so you would not be going wrong with tendencies at all. VRay works well upon it for Renderings, and top ones. If you have such abbility and talent, maybe you find you as good as in 3D. It has 1000 billion things in market. So after doing all those 2D, maybe you could try something really new. 3D shows you many positions to see virtually a simulation all details you like to transmit in your design. 2D shows only things 'flatted'. And everytime you can make 2D profiles from 3D top views you know whatever you want to still show a tstep behind. Just screen shots then, really very easy to do. ;) The best i've heard is Alias but this costs really 50 kg bucks to have it, really expensive for just the 'blue bloods'. Not every common man.

    If moderator wants to delete or move badly for somewhere position this comment be really freeeeee.. i don't care anymore. :rolleyes:

    AS said immense many times, i just look to help the guys with some tips, but do then your own...
  5. Kajan

    Kajan Senior Member

    Nov 28, 2009
    3 D

    Far, MKM and SVDesign, I agree that 3D would be interesting to try out.
    I’ll download a demo of Rhino to see how far the demo gets me.
    …to be continued ;)

    In the mean time, I hope you guys don't mind if I post some more 2D concepts.
  6. Kajan

    Kajan Senior Member

    Nov 28, 2009

    First report after 10 minutes of clicking around in Rhino… WOA!
    This is definitely going to take some time, time I don't have at the moment, I’m afraid.

    Don’t expect anything anytime soon ;)
  7. AMG

    AMG YF Moderator

    Jul 26, 2004
    :) ..Same experience I had, almost got a stroke! Then my hard drive gave up and Rhino was gone...:D

    Right now I am writing to Adobe in the Free Freehand petition, we must get this program updated, by them or anyone so we can buy new computers. It must cost Apple and others a lot of money when an application stalls due to monopoly behavior...
  8. atomare

    atomare New Member

    Jul 25, 2008
    Duisburg, Germany
    Yes, 3d takes some time to get the hang on it and 10 minutes is definitely not enough ... lol ... if you are serious about learning it I would suggest to first do some of the basic Rhino tutorials, to get to know the basic functions and then use it on one of your projects. That´s the fastest way to learn ... I would think that in a month or two you could show us one of your ships in 3d... though rendering is a completely different story from modelling. ... To keep it simple and fun for you I would still suggest to do some top views of your designs and maybe get someone else to model it ;) .

    To AMG, ... I know that one get´s to love ones software ... and if they would stop to produce my tools I would also hang on to what I have right now :cool: . But I was wondering if you ever gave Inkscape a fair chance? Since it is free I thought at first "Can´t be for professionals." But after all it is a quite effective vector program, that even I can use. ... :D I tried Illustrator and couldn´t get around at all and I must admit, I tried freehand and like Kajan with Rhino after 10 minutes of clicking I thought, well that isn´t it for me. ... just a thought with Inkscape, but as said before, ... I understand, that once you are in love with a tool, there is no other :p
  9. Kajan

    Kajan Senior Member

    Nov 28, 2009
    52m x 11,3m

    This is one of the designs from the ”bow study” a while back, taken a bit further.

    The tender garage in the bow has plenty of space for one or two 30ft. crafts, a couple of jet skies and if you have a hard time leaving your favorite sports car ashore, don’t! There’s room for a car as well. The height of the garage from the water level makes it easy to drive the car on to most docks. The floor dimensions of the garage are 10x7m. The overall beam is 11,3m or 37ft.

    Having the tender garage in the bow leaves plenty of space for the aft beach and club in connection to the sauna and gym area a couple of steps down through the large entrance in the stern.

    The balconies, there are two on each side, contributes to the airy feel of the layout and as you might have noticed by now, I tend to make my windows quite large as well in order to enhance the contact with the sea even more.

    Attached Files:

  10. Kajan

    Kajan Senior Member

    Nov 28, 2009
    74m x 14m

    Top view with limited detailing, just to get an idea...

    Attached Files:

  11. YachtForums

    YachtForums Administrator

    Dec 22, 2002
    South Florida
    Beautiful! Nice symmetry and balance. I see a little of Carinthia VII's sheer line. The superstructure fashion plates are particularly interesting. The shape places a nice accent on the lines of the boat, but they look like they would be cosmetic only, not structural. Still, nice work!

    Kajan, I think it's time for a YF feature on your work. If you will send me hi-res renders on each of your drawings, along with some details such as specs and designer impressions for each render, we'll get a splash page feature in the works for July.

    I'm still in Amsterdam and will not return to the states until Monday, June 29th. Have a heavy work load upon returning, but if you can get the materials over to me some time next week, we'll get it into the schedule. :)
  12. Kajan

    Kajan Senior Member

    Nov 28, 2009
    Thanks Carl! I had some time left this morning and wanted to see if some of the lines could be altered in order to get an Explorer. It might work.

    Attached Files:

  13. atomare

    atomare New Member

    Jul 25, 2008
    Duisburg, Germany
    Great Kajan, the explorer looks really nice, I also like the rusty color of the hull. The one thing you should really change though is this wingstation. For my taste it looks to attached, instead you should try to integrate it more into the shape of the yacht. However, two thumbs up ;).
  14. Yacht News

    Yacht News YF News Editor

    Mar 29, 2006
    In the lovely feature of Mike Kajan coming on to the end I see some members of the "Family Tree" and the 28-foot coupe, does make me wonder...I see Lars design in it for some reason...and I like it!

    The 48-meter "Canvas" I can't help but think that looks like a design off the boards at Trinity. It looks like a slightly classic version some of their recent launches. The windows to the main saloon and sky lounge onthe upper deck and overall shape..nice!
  15. Kajan

    Kajan Senior Member

    Nov 28, 2009
    Explorer mods

    Atomare, you are absolutely right regarding the wing stations. Not sure if the change came through in the 2D. While at it, I upgraded the mast and the coloring scheme aft some.

    Attached Files:

  16. Kajan

    Kajan Senior Member

    Nov 28, 2009
    72m Classic II

    My old 72m Classic concept gone more Classic.

    Attached Files:

  17. Yacht News

    Yacht News YF News Editor

    Mar 29, 2006
    Nice, a design that could easily be built. I can see those portholes would be underwater regularly. The forward deck overhang just below the bridge looks like it would take some fabricating to build but I am not an expert in that field... Looks good overall though!
  18. Kajan

    Kajan Senior Member

    Nov 28, 2009
    Thanks, YachtNews! The overhang is about 4ft. and the distance to the water from the portholes are 3.3ft. =1m.
  19. sunray09

    sunray09 New Member

    Feb 15, 2010
    Dear Mike, I would love to see some one design a retractable Helideck on the aft of any yacht. In an ideal world it would be completely invisible until extended. You could use the extra space for Party's etc.
    I have seen the pool designs on Giga Yachts..but the extendable deck within a deck design would make the helipad option available to more designs. Most aft sundecks are vast teak wastelands so as above so below. Sandwiching in an extending deck Cantalivered or supported could be done with a little the press of a button..a 60ft extension out over the stern..perfect for a Helicopter or what ever takes your fancy. What do you think? Or anyone:confused:
  20. K1W1

    K1W1 Senior Member

    Sep 30, 2005
    My Office

    How do you plan on giving the extension enough residual strength to withstand the loads imposed on it by the landing and takeoff cycles of a machine suitable fort a yacht that size?
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