We are likey going to sell our home and contents and move onto our boat in the next 12 months with no fixed USA address except one of our children to forward mail to. What state do we pay taxes in if we have no future plans to live in a particular state? Not sure where to get an answer to this and was hoping someone on Yacht Forums would know. Regards David
The ones that come to mind are Nevada, Florida and the US Virgin Islands as having no State Tax (USVI's is paid for as a rebate/pass-thru of Federal taxes paid by residents). Given state budget issues, what works today may not work tomorrow... You absolutely need to consult a Tax Attorney! Check Lawyers dot com for someone that knows the answers and is not learning on your dime. After you have a strategy developed, then feel free to consult a Tax Accountant for execution, but remember that your planning discussions with your Tax Accounts is not, unless they are also qualified and acting as your Attorney, protected speech.
I have a friend who cruises the world ... uses a FL address. It's a mail boxes etc type service .. shows up like a normal address. He's very happy with it. More details if you want. Mike
Yes, check with an attorney and make sure you get it right! When you leave the US, you are still resident of some state and certain rights such as voting accrue through that residence. An attorney can advise on how to establish residence in a state, but having a home there, a driver’s license and involvement in the local community are some way to establish residence. Make sure you establish residence BEFORE you depart on the voyage. States without state income tax include AK, WA, NV, TX, WY, SD and FL. TN and NH limit state income taxes to dividends and interest income.
Ditto that, but I think you'll find that where your mail is delivered is your place of legal residency unless you claim another or the tax man finds one.
Residency There are many factors used in determining residency to many for this forum. It is not sufficient to just have a mailing address or a voters registration. It is very important for you to consult a tax attorney or CPA who has some experience in this area, do not just go to a local attorney or CPA, make sure they have recent experience in this area or you may pay them twice. In this day of budget deficits some states will pursue you after you leave.... Bob
http://www.sbimailservice.com/merchant-marines.htm Don't know if that will help you but it is a service that may suit your needs.
The state of Oregon USA has no sales tax, but does have state income tax. If you choose to have Oregon as your state of residence and have a boat you should not be charged a sales tax on your boat; mine was a documented vessel. Conversely Washington state USA has a very high state sales tax; registration for vessel is very high, but no state income tax. A resident of Oregon can obtain from the Washington state tax commission a card which allows an Oregon state resident to buy goods in Washington state without paying any sales tax. Taking a boat into California state as a resident is expensive, and may not be the state you want to affiliate with. Some of this information may be outdated but should be pretty current.
It's actually quite comphy in here. I shouuld have said something to the affect of that's what often trips up politicians, but truth is that your residence is pretty much where IRS says it is. Get a lawyer