Ok, this should be pretty simple. I have a 50' Hatteras sport fish up at J&J just over the MA line near Newport. I have NO time next week & I need the boat brought down to Riverside, CT. Just guessing, it's a 140 mile run. These requirements should make this simple: 1. No sailboat captains who have run a few powerboats. The last time I used one of those to move a Bertram to FL, he had to take three seperate days off to go to a laundromat because "my close smelled a little sooty" 2. Mechanically inclined. I had the same sailboat guy stop for two days because a regular 2" rubber hose had a "slight leak" & he had to wait for the mechanic. 3. references, references, references. No beginners. 4. semi local. No need to apply if your needing a plane ticket. We can drive from here up to the boat (2-1/2 hrs) or once you get down to me, I'll pay for the one way car rental. 5. If you have a mate, that's fine. I have several friends who are good that could join you. It's a two day affair at the most. Get to the boat on day 1 and check things out. Leave the next morning & you should be here 6 or 7 hours later & then you can shoot home. You could also get to the boat early, take off and get home for a late dinner. No PM's! reply right here. I think that's simple enough? Thanks! David
Have you checked with NYCAP, he's out of Long Island which is somewhat close and may know someone up in that area or could drive there in a one-way rental.
Sent him a PM yesterday with my website & contact info. Dave, I'm available Tues PM through Thursday at this point and can meet your man at the ferry in Bridgeport. Filled Sunday - Tues. AM & nxt Fri-Sunday yesterday. so get back asap. Summer is starting to pop. BTW, If I choose the DH it would be another cap so it would probably be cheaper to use your guy. That'd also be a good idea as, although I'm quite familiar with your harbor, I've not been that far up the Housatonic (Riverside). Wouldn't object to having some local knowledge aboard. DOn't want to "advertise" on YF so check the PM (I know, no PM's) for my info or hit me with a PM and I'll call you with my info.
It's OK Marmot, this is the N/E. Our brains only fry 3 months out of the year (and go dormant another 4). It's not easy to not PM AND not advertise on the open forum.
200ton capt sitting in east greenwich available good day sir,i am running an 80ft boat(dutch built classic sail) and am sitting in east greenwich ri for a month before collecting the boss in bostn.i have been running big motor boats much more then sailboats and have english and uscg capt tickets as well as english eng liscense.grew up dragging out of pt judith.i know where you are and want to go like a local. feel free to call me and i will email you my cv.very competant and qualified.
Riverside is up the Mianus River. Just in from Captain Harbor. Edit: Dave, if I was in CT I would do it for ya, but we left in May
Thank you for that cap. Google maps had it on the Housatonic and my chart kit doesn't go that far inland. Although I spend a fair amount of time in the ports along the Sound I don't have much call for going up the rivers past I-95other than the Thames & Ct. I'll dig in further if I get the call.
A Google search for Riverside, Ct. puts you up by I-84/Rte 6 Just above Sandy Hook, off the Housatonic. Zoom brings that to "Riverside Rd." Where you're talking about is up above CosCob (Delivered a few boats to that marina just under the drawbridge and spent many a Sunday afernoon and a couple of nights a few coves over at the Delamar). I'm guessing that you are referring to the area near Palmer Pt. Marina. My charts and GPS do nothing for "Riverside" nor does Google, nor my Cambridge Atlas. Guess I'd just have to ask what marina or address the boat is going to before setting out. Then, if it's not in my cruising guides I'd just google maps the exact address. I rarely put off without a real good idea where I'm putting in, but thank you for the Ct. geography lesson.
quick delivery let me know if you want a look at my full cv.didnt put the underscore in my email address in my first. i could do that trip nice and easy for you in 1 long day and take a train back to kingston same nite.my father does deliveries with me all the time as he is just retired.we just brought the boat i am running now from st.thomas to pt judith afew weeks ago.i ran an 86'hatt sporty boat afew years ago and an azumit78'(dont hold that against me more recently. call if you like.
Search Google Maps for Riverside, CT 06878. Riverside Yacht Club is the first place you'll see on the starboard side as you head into Cos Cob, just beyond all the moorings at the mouth of the harbor.
Got it, had it since first mention of Captain's Harbor, Got it. That's why I find out where I'm going before pulling out. Now if Dave had said Cos Cob or Riverside Y.C., Greenwich, the address or even the zip code this whole thread would have been moot. In fact he could have said 'up the river from Kathy Gifford's house'. I'm guessing though that he was waiting until getting a little further on in the process (as was I) before getting into a Connecticut geography lesson.
Not to be a pain, but as this thread keeps growing wouldn't it be better placed into our Yacht Captain section? Moderator? http://www.yachtforums.com/forums/yacht-captains-72/
This is partially incorrect. GeoGarage and EarthNC have both done extensive work overlaying (in GG's case) the NOAA charts on the Google Maps interface, and EarthNC has gone a step further, but integrating the nautical chart information into both Google Maps and Google Earth. Both demo versions state not to use them for navigation, but the full versions do not have that caveat. Also, Google Oceans, while unsuited for navigation purposes, has in-depth (no pun intended) bathymetric data. But, of course, a captain up to date on his digital knowledge already knew this... right?
Shhh. Secret Chart Revealed . . . Well, of course . . . if you want to break out the "SECRET" charts!
It s real easy to install opencpn and install all NOAA charts, and it s all free! Perfect to plan trips ans look up depths etc... A much better alternative to EarthNC is activecaptain.com since it combines google earth imagery and NOAA charts. Plus a ton of user contributed info the best planning tool. I use it a lot and it's anow available with Charts n Tides on iPhone. No need to look up marina nrs in guides!