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General Roamer Discussion

Discussion in 'Chris Craft Roamer Yacht' started by YachtForums, Nov 29, 2004.

  1. 9lives

    9lives Member

    Nov 30, 2004
    Lake Superior

    My 1968 Roamer had just a small amount of fairing and the hull sides were not even close to being faired out level. When I asked Jim Wick about that he mentioned that it was a fairly expensive option to fair out well enough to carry a high gloss paint. After watching my boat be sanded and filled and boarded 10 times I can vouch that it is a tedious and expensive process!
  2. djack

    djack New Member

    Nov 16, 2004

    I continue my research like my knowledge on the roamer,
    but one initially needs that I sell my cata,
    then not problem, I would recontact you, I live on my boat à NASSAU and to find a boat in Florida is ideal
    sorry for my bad English
  3. alanagr1

    alanagr1 New Member

    Nov 29, 2004
    Sebastian to Ft. Pierce FL.
    A long wait !

    I see that most of you are putting your great boats away for the winter.. I was raised up north and for at least 30 years I dreamed of having a boat in Florida
    Well that dream was relized about two years ago and I must tell you being on the boat all year is SUPPER !! ( Yes we had some very bad storms this summer but I am trying to put them behind me. ) .. I wish we could all share our passion on the water all year .. But you will all have to get your act together and move here ..
    Happy Boating. " Steeling Home "
  4. alloyed2sea

    alloyed2sea Moderator

    Jan 28, 2004
    Alex, VA
    Never Enuff?

    Jeepers, that means you have to own two boats, no?
    So that when you have to service one (bottom paint, new zincs, etc.) the other goes in. Thatz my plan anyway. :D
  5. alanagr1

    alanagr1 New Member

    Nov 29, 2004
    Sebastian to Ft. Pierce FL.
    Thats one way!!

    I've had it on the hard three times over the last 8 months .. Once to avoid a direct hit from Jean .. And once to prep and paint the bottom , then a little while later I decided to re paint the hull .. It is sure nice to have the time to do this ( I do my own work .) And real nice to do it in nice weather .. Good Luck!
  6. tumblehome

    tumblehome New Member

    Dec 1, 2004
    West Michigan
    New Site

    Hi Eric,

    This is going to take some getting used to - but I'm giving it a try! Congrats on the step forward.

  7. Capt Keller

    Capt Keller New Member

    Dec 14, 2004
    Lorain, Ohio
    Amen, and thanks everyone for all of the help getting here. My built from scratch computer crashed two weeks ago, (Mother Board Feaked out)lost the entire C hardrive and everything on it. D Hardrive was okay, but I had nothing on it as it was only 20 gigs. Now carrying two 160 gig hardrives in this mother, have an updated vidio card, and motherboard, and Windows XP now, so looking to download a lot of pictures from the roamers sites. Gotta figure out an avatar for myself yet, but finding this venue pretty much the same as one that I go to for Erotic Writers. :p Hey! Once a sailor always a sailor, right? And women, and water is aliterate.

    Capt John S. Keller
    Great Lakes Pilot
  8. CaptainRoamer

    CaptainRoamer New Member

    Nov 30, 2004
    Lake St. Clair
    Things sure have quieted down since we changed from the e-mail system. Maybe the warmer weather in the North will bring some more chatter.

    Guess we'll see.
  9. alloyed2sea

    alloyed2sea Moderator

    Jan 28, 2004
    Alex, VA
    SOon, soon...

    Yeah, you got that right.
    We havent built up "critical mass" yet.
    Still, me thinks this forum format is the way to go.
    Wish more folks could get "used to it".
    All the other forums I belong to "rock".
    Hang in there.
    PS - How's the boat going?
  10. CaptainRoamer

    CaptainRoamer New Member

    Nov 30, 2004
    Lake St. Clair
    Everything seems to be falling into place as far as getting her in the water goes. Had a few sandblasters come down and take a look-- got a few quotes. It just seems that there is so much to do! We'll keep you guys updated and post some 'progress' pictures.
  11. wally erickson

    wally erickson New Member

    Nov 29, 2004
    san diego
    Yes it's been quiet for a long time. I myself have been soundlessly lurking waiting for something to be sarcastic about but nothing has surfaced. The gentleman who wrote about the Great Lakes ore boats was very impressive, he cowed me into silence. In one of his stories he wrote about a huge galley stove sliding around and I thought of the time ours came adrift heading to Chicago from Michigan City but all I did was wedge a coke can next to it to keep it in place. Not quite the same thing. Speaking of Steel boats, ever see on ************** the tankers for sale? One is over a thousand feet but you'll have to travel to Greece to buy it.

    I'm also wondering if our Fearless Leader is still thinking about that large glass Chris after ripping his 37 apart so he can fit oversize coolers for the tonic he carries.

    Raised on a 1960 35
  12. radrogue

    radrogue New Member

    Mar 26, 2005
    Oshkosh, WI
    New Roamer Site

    Hello, I finally got around to changing to your new site. I'm not a Roamer owner but a 38' 1967 Commander Express owner and have been a member of the Roamer group for years. We share a lot of common interests and discussions.

    I am a founding member of the Chris Craft Commander Club. We are considering a site move as well and want to know your feedback on your new site. Did you lose a lot of members in the move? Are the emails sent to your home address like on Yahoo with attachments?

    Is there archive availability for emails and attachments for review months or years later?
    Thanks, Curt Radford, Oshkosh, WI.

    Our Cabin Fever pictured below. Well, I guess the attachment process does not work. Anyway I'd like your thoughts on the new site.
  13. alloyed2sea

    alloyed2sea Moderator

    Jan 28, 2004
    Alex, VA
    Turning Point

    Thatz what it is (dammit).
    Yeah, we "lost" some folks.
    Jeez - aint that hard is it - this forum is EVERYTHING you could want.
    They just need to adjust and join up. :rolleyes:
    Everyother forum I belong to (ex. - ROCKz!
    I'm sure that if the Commanders came on over - they would be well pleased.
    Think you will need to "prep" them - explain about the site, what it takes to join up, etc. The advantages are many - immediate notification of thread postings, automatic archiving of messages, and PHOTOS shown.
    Bandwidth seems unlimited.
    You will want to contact Carl Camper - the maitre de (he is an ACE!) to establish moderator status for the appropriate "Commanderos-In-Charge".
    He's very willing to help out (even without being asked) and will accomodate any plans/structure you want to establish.
    Otherwise, wait on the sidelines - but this is the wave of the future and is FREE!
    No messy hosting or server issues. :p
    Thanx for checking in - just waiting to finish up the winter projects here and GET IN!
    "Tin Tonic"
  14. CaptainRoamer

    CaptainRoamer New Member

    Nov 30, 2004
    Lake St. Clair
    The major thing we lost was the e-mail thing yahoo did. I know most people, myself included, really enjoyed this.

    That being said, the advantages outweigh the disadvantages on here. Things are more organized by topic, more exposure etc. Over all, this is a pretty good setup.

    The e-mails were very nice, maybe that feature will be available on here. This forum only e-mails once after you post, then you must check back.

    Having the Commander people here would be great!
  15. radrogue

    radrogue New Member

    Mar 26, 2005
    Oshkosh, WI
    Thanks for the Info

    Thanks for the responses to my post. I will let the Commander Club People know about your new site and let them check it out for themselves. Curt Radford
  16. YachtForums

    YachtForums Administrator

    Dec 22, 2002
    South Florida

    Just caught this thread. In the middle of moving. Real quick...

    You have the ability to subscribe to any thread you want. You don't need to "post" in the thread to be notified of new discussions. Also, you can subscribe to an entire forum, so you are e-mailed when any new threads or posts are made. You can choose daily or weekly updates.

    If you are subscribed to a thread, you DON'T need to return to the forum to read the message, as the message body is included in your Automatic Notification. However, to reply to a post, you will need to visit the site.

    Visiting every now and then is good, because there are many new topics happening through out YachtForums that may interest you.

    We welcome the Commander Club to join us. You're in good company with the Roamer club, as you are sharing information that cross-platforms.

    And last, YachtForums will host the official Hatteras Yacht Owners Club. We have ads starting in Hatteras World magazine this month. Although CC and Hat are very different manufacturers, the collective knowledge of various yacht owners in general, exponentially increases the information available to us all.


    Carl Camper, Admin