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List of "Known Survivors"

Discussion in 'Chris Craft Roamer Yacht' started by alloyed2sea, Oct 23, 2006.

  1. wrenches74

    wrenches74 New Member

    Nov 1, 2009
    Upstate Lakes, SC

    Please add my 1958 Roamer to the list of survivors.....can't yet find the hull # but her name as of right now is "Dowager"...she is, from what i understand, from Lake Altoona in Ga.

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  2. wrenches74

    wrenches74 New Member

    Nov 1, 2009
    Upstate Lakes, SC
    some more

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  3. wrenches74

    wrenches74 New Member

    Nov 1, 2009
    Upstate Lakes, SC
    ok, so now that i've gotten her home...found the hull ID # ROX-35-111 any history????:confused: Tim
  4. Tojo59

    Tojo59 New Member

    Jul 27, 2009
    Muskegon, MI
    Great job!

    Just reading your story regarding moving the Roamer... nice job and congratulations; you will enjoy your 35 (I do). I just purchased another Roamer Regal (31') that I will be moving in the spring, I hope it goes as well.
  5. watjam

    watjam New Member

    Feb 2, 2006
    We hail from Huron, Oh.
    Replying a little late to your post, I am a new owner of a 69 38' Regal and have restored our 27' Comet of which your family owns several. I would sure appreciate any words of wisdom you may have regarding these two models.
    (Especially the Regal). The 38 has the Ford 427s.
    Thank you and good luck with your fleet.

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  6. Rapple

    Rapple Member

    Oct 27, 2007
    Home port is Greenbay, WI., although most of our t
    Nice custom

    I like your custom comet. It looks like you added the wooden windshield in lieu of aluminum. Nice touch. I appreciate your comment about "wisdom", but that word could be debated as to how much I actually know. I will be happy to answer any questions or send photos if you need. You may send me a private message in which I can reply with my phone #.
  7. grandpagary

    grandpagary New Member

    Feb 12, 2010
    Guntersville, Alabama
    Another Roamer For Your List

    I own a 1974 60' Roamer Motor Yacht Hull Number RMP-60-503 currently in Guntersville, Alabama. She was originally named "Aspenglo", home port Houston, TX, then "Lady Margaret", home port somewhere in New York, then "Lady Se'Donna" now "Arabiya". We have spent the last three years living aboard and refurbishing the entire boat less engine and transmission overhauls. Engines are Detroit 12V71TI's. If I can figure out how to reduce the size of the photos I'll send some along.
    There is another '74 60' Roamer MY here, the "Twice Blessed" which I think came out of Pennsylvania, don't know the hull number. Additional there is a '70 60' fiberglass Flush Deck here, the "Southern Delite".
  8. Shangri-La

    Shangri-La Senior Member

    May 15, 2006
    Pensaukee, WI
    One online program you might use to reduce the size is Pixenate. If you resize your pictures to at least 640x480 or smaller, they will usually fit.
  9. swglasgow

    swglasgow New Member

    Apr 28, 2010
    Hi, I'm a new member. There is a 1961 61' Roamer listed in Yachtworld located in Oregon. My wife and I are heading down to look at her Saturday. Is there anything specific about this boat we should know or be looking for? If I can get a copy of the vessel documentation I will post it.
  10. doug p

    doug p Member

    Jan 31, 2009

    Ok send me my buck, I had thought this was included before....
    1958/59 25' Express Sportsman RSE25-512 No 12 of 15
    Was in MN, Now in WA. Being redone, actually she is very good shape for her age. All chrome is EXCELLENT, original factory blueing on generators and starters, twin engines, K's, ALL ORIGINAL HARDWARE, not *******ised by amateur refinisher (except me).
    If there is another out there I would like to compare notes.
  11. Scully

    Scully New Member

    May 5, 2010
    sioux harbor, portage de sioux,mo
    New Member baring information on Roamers

    WHERE DO I START? I'LL TRY AND MAKE THIS AS SHORT AS POSSIBLE WITHOUT LEAVING OUT IMPORTANT DETAILS. I JUST SOLD MY PLASTIC 34 Avanti for a 1961 Roamer 43'. I paid a little under salvage for her. She was a live aboard and the owner died in a motor cycle crash. Left abandoned by his family I purchased her from the Harbor.After two years of neglect all water lines froze and broke. Both engines were siezed.:( I freed both engines with knock-er-loose and she started after soaking one day.:D I guess you can say I dodged a major repair there. For the most part she is very solid. I studied this site for info on how to make a good decision in my purchase. She needs some TLC and she will be a great addition to our family. Oh I have all documentation from the delivering Marina. Out of Bay Haven Marina Holland Michigan.She is numbered R-43-134 Yep the last one in that model year. She was originally commissioned Martha Jane port of Kalamazoo, 9/29/1961. All documentation from the original sales contract to the delivery check off sheet from the yard porter were neatly stored in a very large binder.
    I'll try and up load pics of the, get this ...the other two 43' Roamers in our harbor inclunding my neighbors 43 soft top and the elusive 1958 42' dog house aft cabin cruiser. I am really just happy to be apart of history.
  12. Scully

    Scully New Member

    May 5, 2010
    sioux harbor, portage de sioux,mo
  13. Scully

    Scully New Member

    May 5, 2010
    sioux harbor, portage de sioux,mo
    pictures of roamers for documentation

    I will get hull #'s this weekend. The 1958-42' dog house cruiser is for sale. Please be patient with me as I struggle through the pic upload....

    [/ATTACH] small reflections.jpg
    small dog house.jpg small roamer 37.jpg

    I could really use some help with my pics. Maybe this site doesn't like my i-phone. I hope the pics turned out and can be of some use.....

    Top to bottom
    43' soft top -1961
    43' motor yacht-1961
    42' dog house cruiser- 1958
    37 riv-1965
  14. gerconst

    gerconst Member

    Aug 19, 2008
    Elk Rapids Harbor, Michigan and Gibraltar, Michiga
    Congratulations. There is nothing like a Roamer. Start you own thread and keep sending more pictures. Dave
  15. mrfixitenator

    mrfixitenator New Member

    Aug 13, 2009
    East Jordan MI
    a little more for the books
    New here but have been watching and found a couple while surfing and don't know if you already have them listed. Number 1 is ad# 106048451 on hull# that they list is RDX32033R (although I believe the
    d and X are reversed). Number 2 is listed on craigslist in Colchester listed as a 1964 32ft Roamer Riviera. Number 3 hull# would be the one I just picked up last week from a local marina that I had been looking at for three years. After a few different times chatting with them finally, last summer they said that they almost started to cut it up three different times. That's when I told them that if they leave it until next season, I will buy it. This boat has been in storage there for twelve years. Nine inside and three under shrink wrap outside. Hull# on mine is RXC 32 0219R from what I gather from the roamer site is that it is a 1964 32ft Riviera Express #19 of 20 of that run. I would like to learn all of her history if at all possible. PLEASE HELP I'll send pics as soon as I figure out how to downsize them. By the way... anybody ever heard of Linda Lou ? Just went to see her in the neighboring town of Charlevoix MI. She is a 197' Lurrsen if you would like a closer look at that one, click on their link on the side bar of this site and go to recent launches. You can read all about her in the press releases. Great pics too (4,000hp)
  16. mrfixitenator

    mrfixitenator New Member

    Aug 13, 2009
    East Jordan MI
    Pictures !!!

    Here's one for the books

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  17. waterlover

    waterlover New Member

    Feb 27, 2008
    Lake Perry Yacht & Marina,KS
    History, there is an id center where all the titles of all the boats are sent in the U.S. It will give you all the old owners names, and the state where the boat reside, I think the county also. I found it in one of my boat magazines when I started working on my roamer(?). I have a question mark, because I just can't find my hull#, but this boat has been refitted I know 3 times, and I don't think that there is anything original on her,except the hull. This boat has had I know two sets of motors, one inboard, one stern (in/out), and I have gut her right down to the hull, and am going to replace the stern plate and add a motor box for an out board (big one). I am putting a box that will be able to handle 2 motors if needed. I will try to find that info and get back to you if you would like to write this id. center. It's titled as a Chris Craft Aluminum. But thats all I've got. I'm just so glad these boats are being saved, and refitted.
  18. mrfixitenator

    mrfixitenator New Member

    Aug 13, 2009
    East Jordan MI
    It's titled as a Chris Craft Aluminum. But thats all I've got. I'm just so glad these boats are being saved, and refitted.

    Yours is titled as aluminum ? Sure is that info available online? I do have the previous two owners names before I got it, but it would be prettycool to find out ALL her history. Isn't there a Coast Guard registry or something like that also? I do believe I saw someone with access to it here in a thread somewhere. The last name I know of on her is "Fair Weather II" and the gentleman That owned it had passed away and his son ended up with it. He was from either Acme or Traverse City MI
  19. waterlover

    waterlover New Member

    Feb 27, 2008
    Lake Perry Yacht & Marina,KS

    Sorry I haven't replied sooner. I've been spending time with the welder, and getting prep work done. Time does seam to go by fast when I am out there with the boat. I will look for that information in my paperwork this week, and get back to you asap. The info I will be getting follows the paperwork, that follows the boat though out the boats life. If you have the two last owners, then that will need to be sent with your request. It will make it easier for them to give you an accurate history on your boats. I think they told me all the info, that I could give them would help them pinpoint the boat exactly. Again I will look for that info this week and get back to you asap. Sometimes finding out the history about these boats can be frustrating but very rewarding when you get it.
  20. Shangri-La

    Shangri-La Senior Member

    May 15, 2006
    Pensaukee, WI
    Roamer Offshore Sighting

    Here are a couple of pictures of a Roamer Offshore from Elgin, IL named SHAMROCK sighted on July 3rd and 4th anchored at Horseshoe Island, WI.

