Try as I might, I cannot find a layout of PELORUS I have found an article (6 page PDF) on the interior from Showboats 2004, with reference to the layout, but I cannot locate a layout. Can anyone help please
Hi, When you commission a new one to be built get Terry Disdale to do the interior and you will get the same if you want it.
Thanks K1W1 I will keep your excellent advice in mind. In the meantime, I am hoping someone may be able to help, since the layout was published in an issue of Showboats and perhaps it has be published elsewhere.
Thanks Brunick, I am trying to do that but the copy is 6 years old and it is not simple as I am finding out.
Dear OP, don´t bother buying the showboats article. I have the copy at home and I can reassure you that the layout of Pelorus has never been made available to the public. Just interior photos. Cheers Olli
i've found a copy as pdf on the lurrsen website: