So we survived this comedy once more. A bunch of sponsors that are today far from exclusivity of the yachting world itself and correspond more to a supermarket luxury. A bunch of professionally incapable judges, mostly owners of small to medium size yacht of mid price/quality market (their names and the manufacturers of their yachts are available in the SYA brochure). And these owners were deciding on the awards for the yachts that they hardly knew if not from the photos and videos... (at least one judge saw at least one yacht in person). We got what we got, besides, what could you expect from such a jury? A wannabee exclusive meal made of a terrible starter of unknown ingredients followed by a saddle leather steak in a company of a 5£ a bottle white and red was just reflecting the image the Brits can put into their unique interpretation of luxury.
Hi, You have obviously feel that someone has urinated on your fish and chips. Not a bad summation of how this cheque book journalism extravaganza goes though, just get used to it as it seem to be the same every year.
We've touched on this subject before. There are a couple of threads on YF that show the disconnect that members have towards these awards. Here's an excerpt from one of my posts...
anything associated with the farce of the SYA is pure entertainment......benefits of being wealthy.....dream up an award, then ceremoniously award it to... yourself The pinnacle of ego, but bless their hearts, we wouldnt have these rich clowns to laugh at at if they werent so arrogant