Hello Captains I am interested in your experience and opinions in the following: 2 weeks ago I placed a Stewardess from South Africa onto a 75 feet Motoryacht for seasonal Stewardess / Deckhand work. She just did the following courses in a "no names here " Training school in 2010 : LICENSES/ CERTIFICATES: Practical sailing course- Day Skipper Practical sailing course- Competent Crew Shorebased course- RYA/MCA Day Skipper for Sail and Power Craft National Powerboat certificate- Level 2 Super Yacht Training Certificate- Maintenance, Boat etiquette, Water Sports STCW 95 VHF/HF Radio course Super Yacht Introductory Stewardess course First Aid, Level 1 now 2 weeks later I got a short feedback from the Captain that this girl did not loose her hand with big luck 2 times with a simple anchorage winch handling. Now what is your experience with Crew just coming from a COMPETENT CREW TRAINING Center ??? Also I want to know what you would expect from a Training School and what should be trained to take a Yacht Job ?? Please use for your story's my Private Message here or my if you do not want to post it here. Background for this is that we will maybe create in the near future a special Crew Training on a 36m Yacht that will exactly based on Captains comments and Captains input for this special Program. SO I need your input and also suggestions for a NAME for this special Training. On the other side it would also be nice to hear some Crew comments about what they expect from Captains and Officers and how they perform or create upgrade training courses on board ? Thks in advance.
Hello, i am not a captain to give an opinion about, but in some way i was interested on your activities. I just wrote per Email then, have you got? Please let me know your opinions further then. Regards
I think you are confusing basic training courses with experience and competence. By the sound of it, the stewardess just completed a package of training courses and had no practical experience or seatime. Don't blame the school or the stewardess. If that girl had lost her hand it would have been the fault of the captain for placing her in a position she was unqualified and without adequate supervision. That she didn't lose her hand means she was lucky or there was someone supervising her. If crew agents and captains want to believe a dose of classroom time with no seatime equates to safety and competence, both need to find another occupation. It looks to me like she was sold a package that she doesn't need because crew agents and captains don't know any better. She would have been better served and have served the yacht better to take the BST and then get some practical time at sea working under the supervision of experienced crew before taking the other courses.
Marmot Dear Marmot, I am just wondering for what Crew pay than ? Hopefully the Crew learned not to throw this piece of paper in the Yachts flush toilet what could bring the Engineer in trouble !!! Maybe this girl spend 3000 Euro and just now with her first position on a Yacht she get aware that she spend for nothing ? My question is more to find a solution. Is there enough time to train Crew ? Is it time to think about a special course on board a Yacht and not just shore-based ? The problem is always with smaller Yachts in the 18-25m range where the Crew has to fill different positions. For sure you can tell me know that I have to place her on a bigger Yacht where there is maybe some more time for a proper training but will they ever take than a position on a smaller Yacht for the next season ?? NO never !!! So I as a Crew Agent have to decide where to place them ? Here we have hundreds of Captains and Owners reading this forums and I am sure together we can find a solution.
They pay to obtain the paperwork that crew agents and captains demand in Yachting's Great Paperchase (YGPC.) If you or anyone else can tell me why a stewardess who has (as far as we know since you didn't provide any other information about her background) zero time working on boats should need anything more than BST to get her first job I would be interested in hearing it. Be honest, why did you select this person to put forward instead of others in your database? Was it because she held all those papers? Did you look at the "whole person" or just the height of the stack of shiny new certificates? It got her the job didn't it? I think you need to look a little closer to home for the real solution to crew agents sending candidates to boats run by captains who look at paper and not people. Training isn't a one-time affair, it is ongoing and continuous. It is absurd for anyone, crew agent or captain, to think that someone with a stack of papers and no actual working experience can be expected to perform safely and efficiently. The problem lies with captains who have no real seagoing management experience but hold a stack of paper from the same schools and won't even look at someone who hasn't played the game they way they did. The problem lies with crew agents who know nothing about operating a vessel, and a system that created the storefront paper mills that feed on YGPC.
Solution Marmot, very good questions and comments. But I am not here to get business assistance for my Company. I want to ask you what could be a solution in the future ? Papers are always good and without them you never will get a Job. My decision to place exactly this Girl was that she speaks a bit German, good looking, for sure some Papers. Now after the chat with the Captain he will give her a special on-board daily training and I am sure she will stay on board.
For my amateur opinion, everybody in this planet deserves a job nearby his/her/its dreams. Well, the girl made her efforts, this is sure, so imo a second, 3rd, 4th, 5th... chance could have been giving to her, if she correct better herself or in other words in a appropriate position that fits better to her in her daily tasks. I don't know how she is, but then why not continue trying. We are in this world not just to serve but also to learn/enjoy in our whole lives...
Amen Brother! If you want something enough and are commited to attaining it, dont let anyone or anything discourage you.
Thanks for the words Bill, but not very easy if others really don't want to help. C'est La Vie! Murphy Law has always a Destiny ... and Destiny is something we really can't change >>>>>>>>>>>> It doesn't matter how hard you do! ............................... End.
A training school can only teach so much. Schooling and training, does not make up for a lack of common sense, experience, and hands on work. I would prefer someone with a years hands on experience versus a years training. BUT, since she took the initiative took take all of those classes does mean that she is dedicated to the industry. As long as she has some intelligence she can probably be trained hands on by the Captain and become a good crewmember.
My dream job is to be the MVP of the winning team at the world cup- do I deserve that? People don't get jobs they deserve- they get the jobs they applied for and were accepted. Placing a person on a job they have little real world experience at is foolish, no matter how many certificates they hold. Most professions you start at the bottom, and when you prove that you can handle the smaller tasks you are given greater responsibilities. It does not matter how many hats you are expected to wear. If she almost lost her hand-TWICE- it's the captains fault for placing her in the position that she could do so. It's your fault for recommending her to the captain if you did so without giving advice that she had little to no experience. If you are looking for help and/or advice - here's mine: you need to prequalify your students.
You are right Bamboo. But also you have to consider that this girl would maybe never got a Job on a bigger Yacht with no experience. So I am often trying to bring newcomers into our business and the chance to get a first position is always good on smaller Yachts but also effects from time to time in different work what could include a winch handling. I was sure that this Girl with a lot of certificates knows how to handle an anchor or mooring winch. Also today I got a feedback from the Training Center Quote " Hi Alex Thanks for the email, The courses we run are on 34 ft yachts without winches. We do explain that when using winches it can be dangerous and that care should be taken when using the brake handle combined with electric controls (one person to operate winch and control) We will from now on include a full demonstration and stress the dangers as it seems some of our students are too proud to ask for a demo or help. I have also very recently been made aware of captains complaining that many crew now days have lots of tickets but are very poor hands on. We are going to reschedule and add in extra deck work days to our maintenance course. Thanks for bringing this to our attention. Kind regards," Unquote"" So if I would have got this above info in advance I would have informed the Crew that they have to train her in front of a winch maneuver. Be sure. The positive thing here that maybe one School wakes up now and will give them a special Training. GOOD for all of us. Hope more Centers will follow and put this Training into their Syllabus . So get out to the Schools and tell them what is wrong, otherwise nothing will change.
Hi, The whole crew training and paper qualifications thing has got out of control and is now a pretty lucrative industry that has attached itself to the business like a leech to a bare leg. I am not impressed by the number of guys I see with Tickets where the ink is barely dry demanding the earth in way or terms and conditions but unable to understand the most basic of maintenance routines in the real world. The type of individual has helped some management companies expand their services by having dedicated Technical Depts that can provide advice by remote control ( telephone/internet) or by attending the vessel in person to assist the Crew attend to the most basic and mundane of tasks that seems to be beyond a good number of the characters who are now filling many of the positions on board these yachts. The Co's that I am aware of doing this aren't doing it as a charity action either. It is not a 5 second thing to alter but a serious approach needs to be taken to encourage the setup of a framework of training similar to what we older fellows knew as cadetships/apprenticeships. This is going to be very difficult in todays market because the grouchy old Chiefs aren't on every ship to ram home the message as they were 30 yrs ago. - Some of them are now on YF
Wait a minute. Maybe you dreamed too high already. I just said that maybe the girl made her efforts, but probably has no talent. I just think School, Certificates and knowledge to do is important, but if you do a job just for money, find it boring, your heart does not play together, you don't have talent at all, does not matter how many papers you have in your walls to help, you will fail. If you followed your dream, made huge efforts to it, have also a minimum average talent then i really don't think Salvador D'ali would be a wonderful Stock Exchange Business man, just because the money you can get is the basic enough. I saw in my many companies thousand, billions of poor managers, Prof. Dr³ that said too much blablas daily but could never solve with good and easy solutions complicate things in a practical way that was required, but they receive tousands a year while everything is corrected in hammer afterwards to get produced, you know. So if you even are a more one frustated doing a boring job, you would never do it tremendous good, but just in the obligation of.... for paying the bills. It is how today many big good names companies are insuflated of poor people there and things get 1000 times redone until in an unforeseen future to get finally an end production. I just think, doesn't matter how much papers this girl has, but if she does not do the normal daily things with real determination to be done, then really it is a pity she is in the job she is, even if with a lucky destiny situation she had helped she get so far. But like i said chance to be given is a positive flexibility, imo. But as i have ever seen management mistakes, then probably is captain mistake really to not feeling this girl better... Hope the ship is save in his hands then.. For myself i proved many times to be even better than Dr³ people, but you know, 'Discrimination for what pre-concepts people put in mind wrongly' in this world empires more. So never worked out like i wanted. Just applying a job and get accepted does not mean you would do this job 100% right wonderfully good, if you really don't like/love it. Tell me really if the 'Blue Blood' people really started from botom? no, never, i saw many boys & girls sons and daughters of biggers that really goes direct to the top and they are mentioned to be the 'bests'. Only fewer smarters really did much from the deep bottom. But anyway i don't care for this girl. Life is hard to me, so must be for her as well. BTW, what the hell a stewartess is doing like a deckhand? I mean should not she only serving a drink or choosing a wine? For that school is really bad they split both categories. So **** happens. At end money is what only really counts to people who make the decisions you are in or you are out. How world continues to be.
If the Captain saw her resume and chose to hire her (which is fine), it is his responsibility for her safety. I own a Yacht Management business and do a lot of deliveries and daily Captaining. I try to use the same mate(s), but that's not always an option. So there are many times I'll use a mate through a referral that I've never had work for me. I ask them if they are familiar with whatever operation I am asking of them, before I have them do it. Then I double ask. If they're not familiar, I take the time to show them until they are familiar. The Captain should show her how to work the anchor, and should have re-shown her after the first incident. IMO, unless she's unteachable, the Captain should have taught her. Some Captains do prefer a greenie (that is dedicated to the industry), so they don't come along with bad habits from other yachts/captains etc. Some Captains are also very good at taking the time to show them properly.
I have a hard time understanding how anyone expects knowledge of safe and proper use of a windlass to come from a course. Before letting someone use any dangerous piece of equipment (and there are many) the responsibility of the person in charge (Captain here) is to ask whether the person understands how it works, and how to use it safely, to accomplish what is needed. If the person claims to know and turns out not to, there is an issue with that person. If the person was never asked, the issue is with the captain. This has nothing to do with whether courses are adequate, and everything to do with good labour management practices that apply at sea and on shore. I'm glad she was lucky and still has her fingers. Either she was good looking enough, or fluent enough in German to warrant teaching her so it sounds like it was a good placement after all.
Maybe I'm just old school having learned my craft through blood and sweat before there were "schools" other than the MMAs. The captain told me to do something and I tried to figure out how to do it. If I couldn't figure it out I swallowed my pride and asked how. Sometimes, when I thought I knew more than I did I shed blood. My dues. Although it's a captain's responsibility to watch out for his crew's safety he has to assume his crew knows what they say they know. Unfortunately, some people think book knowledge is a substitute for experience.
Early aviators just strapped on a flying machine, the good ones did it more than once. There are more effective and less expensive methods available these days and the classroom is one of them.