When she left the harbour she headed North along the West coast of the Island - but I had to go out and missed which direction she took after that. The deck shadows are not quite long or clear enough to get a sense of direction just at the moment. Her fenders were fully inflated, presumably used at Bridgetown, and have been left to deflate slowly. Might this be worth mentioning to the Town Council or the Tourist Board - pointing out the extra business this could bring in - especially promoting cruising?
I talked to a few people about this already but who listens to a 24 year old right? We are too 'young' to know what we are taking about...
Well I guess you are one of the few. People tend to think that wisdom and experience solely comes with age and by age we mean 40 and up. Thank you for your sentiment.
Earlier this afternoon, "Callisto" left her anchorage point off Trevor's Way (south of the Bridgetown port), I saw her making her way north along the west coast. "Talitha" is somewhere on the west coast tethered, I am not sure where exactly at the moment but I do have a picture that I was allowed to use. It isn't the best photo, I think it was taken with a cellphone. Photo by Justin Brown
...and here is her underway along the west coast. I suppose this was when she left the harbour. Photo by YachtPictures2 at FlickR
Now "Talitha" is back underway again. Looks as she is headed north at a fair clip, the cam is saying 17.2 knots at the moment. We will wait and see if she slows to towards Port St. Charles. It appears they are just south off the marina, down to 12.4 knots at the moment. They put down a tender and as I checked the marina cam, they were there sailing in.
The pendennis 'steel' is here at the bridgetown port. She came today. I personally do not have any pictures though.
Four yachts are in the Carlisle Bay region south of the Bridgetown Port. "Callisto", "Steel", "Talitha" and a ketch that I should know the name but isn't coming to me at the moment. You can Talitha anchored in view of the Barbados Hilton.
"Callisto" left anchor in the Bay. Have not seen where she went but I would assume that she has gone in the direction of her tender, Northwards.
Just got up and peeked out my window and to my surprise saw "A" inbound on track for the Bridgetown Port.
"A" on her way inbound to the Bridgetown Harbour. I think this was maybe taken from a white craft I saw trailing "A" Sunday morning while she was going in. So maybe this is who our 'YachtPictures2' photographer is. Photo by YachtPictures2 at FlickR
To my relative surprise, "A" has turned up at the harbour today, I really was not expecting this as I thought she would be on the other side of the 'pond' at this time of the year. She is bunkering at the moment so maybe she is gettin ready to cross from here.
The 363-foot "Radiant" not too long sailed into the Bridgetown Harbour from her Atlantic Crossing. No pictures because it was after sun set.