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New member, pull-out 350 merc/IB seek info help.

Discussion in 'Chris Craft Connies, Commanders & Catalinas' started by DanB, May 5, 2010.

  1. mrfixitenator

    mrfixitenator New Member

    Aug 13, 2009
    East Jordan MI
    I can't see in the pictures you provided if it would be possible to remove the back wall of the cockpit to gain easier access to hatch area. My friend has a 1970 31' Commander that originally had an aluminum doorwall that his brother updated with all wood and glass. He just opened up the wall and built a stand to sit against either wall out of 4x4's and temporarily bolted a cross board 4x4 also to the uprights. He just made the uprights tall enough to clear the hatch area using a chain hoist. He was just swapping out, so he got it out and put plywood on floor and slid out far enough to have a local crane truck lift off and bring in new. He was doing on the hard though also, but you said you're just going to rebuild onboard anyway. If you can open that back wall,and build a lift rack tall enough to clear hatch area to replace the hatch cover, you should be able to roll your newly purchased or rented engine stand right in and bolt your motor right onto it.

    good luck,
  2. DanB

    DanB New Member

    May 5, 2010
    Holiday, Florida
    MRFIX--. I just seen your Post. I just gotten off an online Political Fourm. HO! HO! I have not taken pictures of recent activity. The engine block is up from bilge area, and laying on deck, inside of helm/salon area. There is more than ample room to work. Although been attempting to free-up pistons, only 2 are free and out of cylinders. Cylinders:pistons are rust-free. It appears the Rings are holding Pistons, due to some minor degree of rust. "Ring Rust" if your prefer!! Will purchase engine Stand soon. Work will progress slowly, as time and working leisurely, is available to me. However, there are projects at home that have slowed my work on engine rebuild, more than I like. I'm sure you know how that goes!! I plan on working on engine tomorrow 5/26/10 . Will take pictures, and Post, of helm/salon area to show available working space. I do appreciate your interest and helpful information. Thank you!! DanB ;)
  3. DanB

    DanB New Member

    May 5, 2010
    Holiday, Florida
    I have not been working on my boat, so no postings. My mother (85 years) has passed away. I have been taking care of details, and also not feeling up to par, and therefore, able to work on the engine. Just when I was feeling better,I was getting ready to work on the boat 2 days ago,and was trying to pull-down a sheet of plywood from over-head storage, in garage, I lost my balance. I twisted my ankle when I fell off of the step-ladder. Can't get around too good right now. Will resume work on engine soon. DanB. :cool:
  4. mrfixitenator

    mrfixitenator New Member

    Aug 13, 2009
    East Jordan MI
    I'm sorry to hear of your misfortune. Hope you can get better soon and be able to get around and my condolences for your loss. Let me know if I can help you in any way on here.

  5. DanB

    DanB New Member

    May 5, 2010
    Holiday, Florida
    Thank you Sean! Will get going again, the heel bone is still sore, hopefully it will be ok in a few more days. Brought my Mother's Cremains home today. She is home. Thank you for your kindness and thoughtfulness,Sean. I appreciate it very much. I feel lucky to have had her until her 86 years of life. My father passed away at age 82. Many other people haven't been so fortunate as I, to have had their parents as long as I have. Bless all parents. Thank you, Sean. Dan
  6. DanB

    DanB New Member

    May 5, 2010
    Holiday, Florida
    Almost pain-free now. Can get around without too much trouble. I installed two new risers in starboard engine. Operating now. Port engine still on Salon deck,will bring home to rebuild soon. I was too eager, and after risers installed, warmed engine, no operating problems,THEN CAST-OFF. I know!! But was meaning to just go about a mile,then turn-around and come back to dock. BUT, engine stalled,before I could re-start engine, wind blew me from narrow channel (75 feet) onto sandbar. Passing mate, tried to tow, but could not. Short story, I bent port rudder. I'm taking rudder off this week. I met a Dock-side boat cleaner guy, that JUST HAPPENS to be a retired U.S. Navy diver!! So he will pull rudder. It will be a in-water job. More update, later. Dan :eek: