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1960 31" Steel Roamer

Discussion in 'Chris Craft Roamer Yacht' started by gpenrod, May 23, 2010.

  1. gpenrod

    gpenrod New Member

    May 23, 2010
    Kalispell, MT
    My father in law owns a 1960 31' Steel Roamer and needs to get rid of it. It has no engines and it's in pretty rough shape. Definitely a project boat. It does have it's own trailer. My question is "what's it worth" can anybody give me some idea?
  2. wrenches74

    wrenches74 New Member

    Nov 1, 2009
    Upstate Lakes, SC
    depends on it's shape...the trailer makes it more appealing........:D
  3. K1W1

    K1W1 Senior Member

    Sep 30, 2005
    My Office

    That depends a lot upon how desperately you need to dispose of it.

    I doubt that it could be taken on a plane as even as checked baggage and I doubt there would be room store it on deck of a cruising yacht.

    I wish you luck with selling it but you have to face the facts that if it is not something that is instantly appealing to a new Owner and you need to move it sooner rather than later then the Gas Axe might well turn out to be your best tool.
  4. wrenches74

    wrenches74 New Member

    Nov 1, 2009
    Upstate Lakes, SC
    Um, IMHO....The Roamer would win the fight with the gas axe...ever try to cut steel with a chainsaw????LOL...Lesser Chris's (Wood) have fallen to the chainsaw, but the only way to kill a Roamer is with a cutting torch.......Please give the little guy a chance to survive!!!!!!....Too many of these beautiful boats have been cut up....leave that for the Tollycrafts and the Pembrokes........Roamers live forever........:cool:
  5. K1W1

    K1W1 Senior Member

    Sep 30, 2005
    My Office

    A Gas Axe as I referred to it in my post is a Cutting Torch.

    Another tool that would rip it apart fairly well would be a plasma cutter
  6. mrfixitenator

    mrfixitenator New Member

    Aug 13, 2009
    East Jordan MI
    Noooooooo !!!

    Don't cut that baby up no matter what. She's too nice of a girl to do that torture to. I've got a 64 32' without trailer that needs work but has motors and all necessary equipment for running that I payed $1,200 for just to keep her away from the cuttin monster. She was screaming to me to save her and I just couldn't see that happen to such a beautiful piece of history. I'd rather sell my four winns to fix the old girl. If you need to move it quick, put it in the classifieds where you live and all over online. If you think it's scrap, contact your local salvage yard and try to get an estimate on what she weighs and the price they'll give ya and make that your price to meet in the classifieds. they figured $1,200 for scrap price for my boat so that's what they offered me (engines and all) your trailer might make up for the engines missing. If you decide you just want to see it gone, then list it on here and it might be gone faster than you would think. JUST DON'T KILL HER !!!