I will be purchasing a 80ft plus yacht for family enjoyment. I have looked at cat-c32 Power, MTU 1500 hp and Now Cummings have been introduced. I notice that few Cummings are listed in the pleasure yacht offerings. Any comments
I see Cummins more in the 35/50' yachts. I little more info will probably get you good advice here. Are you talking a SF, FBMY, Express, trawler etc.? What kind of speeds are you looking for? Do you plan extended cruising or day trips? BTW, welcome to YF Netgain1
I would go with the CAT's. They're easy to maintain, maintanence parts are cheap, service is worldwide, no issues with getting things covered under warranty, they have a lot of torque. I've had issues with several late-model MTU's lately and getting things covered under warranty always feels like pulling teeth with them. I've had aftercoolers leak on 2 series 60's 2006, a freshwater pump go on a 2007 16v2000 and a fuel pump/injector..........
I'd go with the Cats. All diesel engines are tough, heavy duty motors, but Caterpillar is what you want. The reliability and service network is 100%. I run a boat with 3412s (C-30s) and have only had to perform the routine maintenance required. Seems like MTU just has too many parts to break. Cummins is more of a small-medium boat engine builder.
Another vote for the Cat's, Have cats now and in the last boat with no problems. the other thing is they can be worked on just about every where you go. as cats are used world wide. Happy boating
What engine manufactor is best choice I will be purchasing a 75ft to 90ft plus yacht for family enjoyment. This will be a brand new yacht. I will be installing an elevator for my wife that is in a wheel chair and have this custom built to accommodate this feature. I have looked at cat-c32 Power, MTU 1500 hp and Now Cummings have been introduced. I notice that very few Cummings are listed in the pleasure yacht offerings. Looking at twin v12 power. I plan on cruising up and down the west coast with family. High speed around 25 and cruising around 20 depending on sea conditions and fuel consumption and agenda. I will be hiring a Couple to Captain and crew this yacht full time. I am a new boater and looking forward to fun on the water. I have noticed that c32 are a additional cost verse MTU for $180,000. more Thank you all for your wisdom and wealth of knowledge and sharing this information. I know the cost is going to be around 6 to 7 million so I am trying to learn as much as possible to make to right choice
another vote for the Cats! as a matter of fact, i have a pair of 1400hp 3412Es (2003 vintage) purring under my feet right now. low maintenance, clean, reliable.
Hi, While the start price for CAT's might be higher ( This is the first time I have read this) you will save the difference in operational expenses/frustration and downtime quicker then you realise.
Hi, You will not get any better or quicker answers by posting the same questions in multiple places on the forum. Your original thread on this subject is here:http://www.yachtforums.com/forums/104110-post9.html
Engine In case you already know where you will sail with your new Yacht I would suggest to check the Engine manufactures Service Dealer locations in this area. The one with the biggest network should be your choice. Isn't it easy ? For MTU you have also to check Detroit Diesel services in case they work together and do not forget MAN Marine Engines.
cat 32 acerts I've been using cat 32 acerts at 1825 hp for the last 3 years and have no isssues with them. in my opinion if you compare same spec engines with MTU CAT should not be any more expensive. Are you comparing similar spec engines from both manufacturers?
Does anyone have the actual required maintenance costs for MTU / CAT. I have heard that the MTU scheduled service expense is very costly.
you really should check locally to see what the cost will be. they can vary from shop to shop. FWIW, a year and a half ago, we paid around $3500 for the 1000hr Level 2 service on our 3412Es, incl. a valve adjustement since we coudlnt find any record of it having ever being done. the level 2 servcice includes pulling the aftercooler and cleaning them. the level 1 (every 300 to 400hr)n is pretty routine stuff like air cleaner, breather cleaning etc, ... the level 3 (every 2400 to 3000hrs) has a few more items incl valve lash adjustment, and inspecting a number of components but shoudl not be sticker shock teritory. again, get the maintenance schedule for the engines you're considering and get service prices from your local dealer/shop.
Is it possible to merge this thread with This thread where the OP asks the same question in two diff. threads.
The threads have been merged. Netgain, if you continue to open multiple threads on the same subject in various forums, your membership will be removed.