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Redesign proposals...

Discussion in 'Yacht Designers Discussion' started by MKM Membership Revoked, May 10, 2010.

  1. Well, this is how i would like to see Orca in profile. I know, curves are not perfect, but only an approximation for what i think would have more side harmony, what do you think guys for this proposal?

    Curiosities: As everybody saw, mast is black, different color than rendering, i made totally different following in some way curvatures... following the aft deflector like 2 hands... praying.

    (Original profile below)

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  2. NYCAP123

    NYCAP123 Senior Member

    Mar 14, 2008
    Long Island, NY
    Definitely prefer the second, although I'd like to see something more done with the canopy over the 2nd level aft deck.
  3. Taste is taste, preferences are preferences, not discutible at all. But the stern is totally 'wrong' in terms of exterior design in my opinion, for example this Black Frame that kills the design, nothing matchs nothing in terms of volumes & curves. However i understand the 'Orca Tail' profile reason reading this picture. Like you can see in this picture, mainly at second, which is the best approximation with this yacht lines ... ;) But i give you a hand that my first profile lost the 'Whale Tail' nature view of floating & fluid movement, coming more what are most yachts' side profiles today. It is just seeing a better compromise to fit both concepts (man-made x nature) together, that curves & lines must be correct! In animal all those curves are 'clean-continuous' for water slippery. In yacht not, even for air upper aerodinamic flows, upper decks! This is my analysis. Even colors do not match if you see right ... But i understand humans can not be a copy of nature.

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  4. ISTRANKA Upper Deck Design Review - Jacuzzy Introduction

    She is a very nice ship.... Wonderful! I would put only a big round jacuzzi where this flag mast is, bringing it more at aft stern... Something more or like the pic below. Hope you enjoyed the proposal! Water tank is lower modified also! The Shape of it is oval in order to allow space for movements according the beam and this lenght to be kept! 2-steps stairs have at rear and front of it. This is also to have all side profile curves correct and bringing the 'old lady yacht' more splash amenity. It is sure, because of the oval shape, has space at corners for 2 sun-bath chairs each side! I hope you enjoyed this review. :) Design Copyright belongs to me. Source of photo is internet:

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  5. HEESEN WILLPOWER - Profile Doubt Review ...

    Taking the post of her, Doubt: Why this wave curve in side profile?, i mean i did somewhat i think the correct 'orange' curve would be, but then in the 'yellow' areas you see this bump-up dark area. It has a special reason for that? For the rest, seems really nice... :eek: Pics' source is in YN Post!

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  6. ISTRANKA - Further Proposals ...

    1. Robinson Helicopter at funnel & Mast Deck, stairs aft.
    2. 3rd SatDome like updated refit for more communication.
    3. Gold Line in Hull, calling Helicopter & Funnel color.

    Lower Rendering has Reinforcement Structure! :)

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  7. ISTRANKA - Proposals Review & Final Appearance ...

    1. ^Thanks for the information, but when wind blows during cruise at certain velocity frequency matching the boat speed one, imo when hit those curves' wave in structure and at the hull, wind oscilation is even more propagated with distortions, which can be a reason tendency to help a ressonance effect of it that even brings more noise at stern, considering aerodynamic concepts, at least for what i studied, but i probably can be wrong. Maybe a tooling production extract effect ... .

    2. Back to ISTRANKA Final Proposals: Here a Resume of what i finished yet!

    My wife (supposed client) prefered the option 4 without Helicopter and Satdome, but I personally still believe is too much empty space on top this reinforced superstructure following the lines of yacht, that even sometimes a helicopter can land ... I hope you enjoyed my just for fun work ! :)

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    Last edited by a moderator: May 19, 2010
  8. ISTRANKA - Satdome & Cruise Night Lamps ...

    Even with the possibility of helicopter touch down the upper deck, when removing the lights cord for that, i included a smaller of what a Satdome together could have been ! Seems really an old cruise lady for me. Enjoy. :) I think this is the last appearance proposal to make on her. No more Ideas !

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  9. atomare

    atomare New Member

    Jul 25, 2008
    Duisburg, Germany
    Nice, I like what you did with the additional support on the back. Gives it a nice modern touch. (almost like orca ;) What I would do to enhance the concept even more is make the helideck a proper sundeck. With sunshades, some sunbeds and bar. The only thing is that you would have to extend the funnels upwards. What I like better about the original image is the strong yellow though, got a bit bleached in the process. ... but... great job.
  10. Many Thanks Atomare. Really very appreciated your comments. Modern touch means for me, i tried to bring some today amenities in an old lady that seems for the dimensions she is, too less offered, many spaces for almost nothing. So I re-used the same spaces with something more, respecting her beautiful shape and also to not bring huge costs for the refit update, keeping still a classical profile like she is. The reason why i didn't touch any mechanical or other more complicated stuff like funnel, machinery and other devices is the fact to avoid huge costs. I have only to agree i thought in all that you mentioned, but i don't know what happened in the process really to lose the strong yellow funnel ton. Actually i tried in last pics to put it back as original, but then contrast, shadows and reflections made the shinning yellow disappearing. Consider it as ever there, even though i would change to more yellow-gold like helicopter is. Of course also that the heli upper deck can be a more sundeck with bar, appropriate furniture and everything what you mentioned. I just think fore jacuzzi has already enough things like that. If you see, there are good sofas and rest places in a huge enough space. Then repeating that also in a 4th deck would be so much, while i prefered either an empty space for helicopter place or just leaving empty for client decisions what to make the 'interior' in own uses. The most important was to change the cheap canopy & stern with a hard usefull structure really. I aslo thought bringing a pool there, but then would be too much complications like plumbing and other pumps mechanical things. So i think this is the best compromise to put this yacht in top amenities to offer more possibilities with small changes and not so high costs for those modifications. You are always welcome with your good abbilities to change some picture to bring your mind-up to show us what you would prefer on her, adjusting or improving even more ! :) Even without CS, the softwares were a good help!
  11. bigboatbill

    bigboatbill Senior Member

    Aug 25, 2008
    Decatur Alabama
    You are one industrious guy MKM! I am so overwhelmed by the graphic designs and analitically detailed discussion, my brain hurts! You really have an eye for details. Very interesting thread!
  12. Lürssen Radiant 110m 2010 - Proposals ...

    Regarding my post about her and analysis' reviews i made, here were the suggestions illustrated below. Those improvements' modifications could have been brought a better clean appearance in exterior in my opinion ! Below are the Proposed x Original Profiles. Quality shows appropriate enough.

    01. It is clear the stern comes from a simplification of Pelorus project, but too simplificated then, that the surfaces coming from side do not match as the folder parts in the other, with just a fix marina. Here is to have those surfaces cleaned all together in what would be a door in closed position for cruising and opened like an aditional marina. The side points in hull would be minimized then. It is a compromise with a simpler mechanism of Pelorus, but with an 'all closed hull', imo.
    02. A continuous mirrored glass is applied in both 2 upper decks whole along side, joined with a complete fore to aft mirror window stripe covering all those windows to bring harmony and continuity. If that, then all front windows with mirrored skin to be all the same effect continuous to the side ... The step would be grey color like hull, fits better imo, in middle of 2 shields. See detail at bridge. Of course safe devices would be appropriate out this. Doors' sheets would open together.
    03. Same color of the hull to the inside walls instead the white windows' frames, hiding them and the visible holes at distance. Hull would have a continuous clean effect then, just using color.
    04. The name 'Radiant' at side and aft (like 'George Town' written) would be better in chrome effect also imo. I did that at stern as reference. Of course all devices for tender attach would be repeated at open inside door part with teak, according is the fix area. Even though both together would make an even bigger marina for toys' support, diving etc... Some chrome hull hooks would help cords at docking for clearance, avoiding risks and demages to hull. In detail is to be seen with some quality.
    05. The bridge side-step at mold closing-middle-oblong domes would be softer with a 'S' profile.

    Hope you enjoyed what i think would be better on her. :cool: Images reference only. 'Rights' to myself.

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  13. Lürssen Radiant 110m 2010 - Profile Proposal ...

    A second possibility is removing this 'half moon' with a straight-rear-down curve at main deck ! :) Simpler & Cleaner.

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  14. bigboatbill

    bigboatbill Senior Member

    Aug 25, 2008
    Decatur Alabama
    Nice work. I agree that the hull looks much better without the half moon. I do not understand what the reason is for that. I agree that omission of the folding transom is a terrible loss. I like what you designed and your computer graphic representations are very good. I also agree that your "streamlining" effects with glass to the superstructure are and improvement.

    I find the top deck superstructure to be very dissapointing on radiant. The superstructure as it is appears bulkly. I think the "streamlined" look of Pelorus is what makes her appear so graceful and beautiful. Pelorus reminds me of a bird in flight while radiant reminds me of an elephant sitting on a really pretty hull.

    They old saying goes, "Imitation is the most sincere form of flattery". There is no doubt that Radiant is derived from Pelorus, but is seems very dangerous to try an imitate something as beautiful as Pelorus. By virtue of being built on the Pelorus platform, Radiant has opened itself up to endless critique and will invariably be doomed to always be inferior to the original.

    Keep up the good work MK!
  15. Many Thanks Bill for everything you said, which i totally agree, reason why i made my suggestions. I will answer you in each thema colored here for what i think an aditional detailed opinion requires. But sincerely with those small things I put, with not really a huge cost further, could have been a much more interesting 'with correct design' yacht, even beeing daughter of Pelorus, (much more expensive), with only simpler solutions and not leaving a confuse profile result. I really don't understand how the designers in Lürssen couldn't have seen that. (well my Resume at Lürssen was denied, so i am worse ... well) And for what i saw personally the production quality was very poor from them this time. Here other answers. Many thanks for the compliments and appreciating my rendering work. Of course my quality is not the best, but only an approximation of my ideas then, for example further details in the open door marina, but at least people can understand what i meant. :) She left Hamburg already in West direction ... since yesterday.

    Half Moon: Neither i understand for what that was, cause does not fit in anyway with anything in hull & superstructure. It could be only to have an ocean view if someone seats a sofa in sitting room to be appreciated from there, but then the design solution is totally out in the whole rest, imo.

    Streamline: yes, i like the best designs to be like that, clean and simple interesting. The mirrored glasses would bring continuity like the late-modernist buildings i like. The windows like those confuse distribution seems only they were there to have a view, but not design impact was thought about, very poor thought really, if it had.

    Comparings with the 'Mother': yes Pelorus is the most more interesting in this 110m 3-series, but even though, the solutions in Dilbar are much better than in Radiant. Actually since the day i saw the Radiant first pictures, i was dissapointed with the designer who did her. It could have been better with small improvements like i said. I don't even compare to an Elephant cause the animal, although big, i like them, cause are much more sensible than what was done in this yacht. I never like to give critiques, but i have to be fair with the bad results' facts, sorry!

    For your last statement Imitation: well, i kind think no problem imitating for what a client think is good to have also something similar, but then doing right with the own desires' changes. Dilbar is a cheaper imitation from Pelorus, but much better done, no discussion that Radiant was a pity result. I became sad they spent so many hours of work and time to have such result. But if they would bring the corrections in a refit, still possible to be done, then the yacht would be very nice with a 'Frigate' look. Unfortunatly seems they will never do that. I saw the cook and some personal of the ship and sincerely if one day i could have my Project beeing done 'SeasSoul', then my crew would be better. The cook seemed very dirty to be a good one really. Anyway the yacht is not mine and maybe the owner is satisfied for what he/she got and paid for that. Yeah Bill, i will ever try to keep an eye for what i think could be better in recent and old ladies. But you know i am not a 'blue blood' to be even considered one day to help them ... So keep as it is. ;)

  16. ex-R97 Jeanne D'arc - French Military Helicopter Carrier.

    Good Day,

    I saw the old ‚military’ French ship to be out of service soon, which is now placed in Le Havre, at the Hamburg Port Party 2010 at beginning of May. It was in a goodbye ceremony during the Port Party, which with french flags made her 'Adieu'. I got immediately a project in mind, in order a way to still preserve her, but not anymore like a warship but to be a piece ship in cruises to show her history and as example for what not to be for our world future, even when she served also in 'good' situations. Her conditions are still good for a conversion to a small cruise ship, some kind of a life museum to show history to ‘children’ of what not to be anymore…. I analysed and heard passive other opinions during my small ‘river ferry cruise’ and most felt a pity she not able to be still running. I don't know if would be scrapped. Then I thought on that…

    Here is the project:

    1. The ship would be entirely cleaned up of what military was, leaving just ‘shell’ things for children to see how it was, her ‘good’ service. For example the guns on decks would be like telescopes to see horizon and ocean, using the tubes with optical equipments.
    2. aft upper helicopter deck would be constructed with some 5 upper decks with cabins balcony in a modern style to passenger's accomodations, nothing in whole old design to be touch, but only accommodations for passengers and amenities atop of what was the helicopter deck block.
    3. lower part, as resembles of what was the ex-SS Oriana, would be in hull entirely preserved. Just reviewing the interior with cabins and all space for restaurants and bars opening windows at the hull.
    4. Stern to be closed to make the hull cleaned or in same way like aft hull appearance is and receiving a helicopter platform for tourists' shores, resembling what was her as helicopter carrier.
    5. All tower is to be kept, even radar and canons as intinerant life museum, but no military equipments inside at all. Maybe just satdomes to be included for modern communications and entertainment. A show theater could be brought near stern, lower new cabins balcony.
    6. All to be painted white-peace, instead of the grey military.
    7. Jacuzzi hot tubes for crew-passengers could be brought to the hull bow area.

    What you think?

    Pictures shown:
    1. The last conditions of ship.
    2. Today warship profile.
    3. As using her with a complete refit to be a Cruise Project - Warship -> Cruise Ship Conversion.

    The illustration has only an appearance caracter as idea concept approach without any dimensions' precision, but with a minimum layout for significant understandings. Hope you enjoyed! :)


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  17. atomare

    atomare New Member

    Jul 25, 2008
    Duisburg, Germany
    That would be quite a nice project to convert Jeanne D'arc into a cruise ship. - What I would do with your cabin block is to round the aft end off, kind of following the shape of the stern and then put some panoramic lounges, restaurants or exclusive suites at the aft with or without balconies. Towards the existing superstructure I would let the cabin block step down a bit. The cabins you take off there, you might be able to add on another deck at the aft? ... That would also give you more hight for the water slide ;). To the fore, you could also step it in a tad in the top view to make a better connection to the existing structure. - The helicopter can land on the foredeck then, that´s better anyway in order to not disturb the guests.

    As for the portholes in the hull, I would think, that a warship has a quite strong structure there (which will be a ***** to change) and therefore can take even more perforation, lol. So I would go for a very fine, irregular perforated look, maybe with some bigger opening here and there.
  18. Many thanks Atomare for the suggestions. I liked mainly what you proposed for the aft Stern gradient of decks closing the ones i put, with probably the helicopter atop them, eliminating the lights cord there only and using this mast I included behind the decks for the big flag. I will try that or you can make a detail for me, in order i understand better what you proposed. For the fore part i actually would like to leave as it is, i mean, without many changes there to still keep the existent appearance. But another helicopter in front at bow could be nice as well, well, she was a helicopter carrier, so 2 helicopters in a big yacht caracter would be welcome and even in the old helicopter carrier approach. But i wouldn't bring decks at front at all, because the military tower is wonderful seeing from front when she comes cruising in water. This perspective i would like to keep and not eliminating or disturbing at all, even when coming to harbours. The old 'empty helicopter deck at aft' would be the main point of conversion only. For the portholes i have to agree would be not that easy to perforate the crossair crusader structure of hull, but i think more inside cabins with ocean look would be necessary for a good profit. The aft bridge look could have been more respected if i had pushed the front of decks in a like stairs appearance, but i wanted to gain a little bit more space for guests. I liked you enjoyed my way to preserving her in good services for more 40 years ... :)
  19. atomare

    atomare New Member

    Jul 25, 2008
    Duisburg, Germany
    Hey MKM, you got me wrong on the fore deck, I think as well, it should be kept almost in its original state. From the mere look at it, I would think, there is even enough space to land two helicopters there. ... Below is a quick outline of the volume at the aft, how I would do it. By sliming down the "box" towards the existing wheelhose structure it gets more integrated imo. You might also want to extend the volume to the sides, to generate more interior space and a bigger sundeck? - You can still keep an exterior walkway on maindeck - that would also give the big volume a more floating appearance, that visually separates it more from the original ship. - As for the perforation of the hull, I am thinking of a really fine, irregular grid of portholes. Maybe 250mm diameter each. In the cabins, you would get an almost panoramic view, because you have 50 of them :D . Visual advantage would be, that a perforation like this would be read more like a surface, than as individual holes, so that the cool, military-closed hull effect would not be lost.

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