This seems to be a positive step for them. Myers lost all credibility for himself and Bertram. I hope for the sake of the company and its employees, as well as the storied Bertram name, that this is not a day late and a dollar short. The company (Ferretti) needs to do more than have someone try to talk their way out of what they behaved their way into at this point.
Pretty smart move considering the circumstances. Could be just making Meyers the fall guy but something like this needed to happen to restore confidence. It is encouraging that this guy would even take the job. I wonder what will happen with the Absolutely situation or if we will ever even know? ....
Just an update: Yes, the boat has been re-found. And, after the fuel was removed, it has settled into the sand a bit. Divers hired by both sides have been all over it. One diver I talked to says he has no idea why it sank. He agrees it didn't hit the buoy due to no damage to the buoy, but he also says that the props seemed to have more damage than just the ocean floor would cause, meaning it could have hit something else. Core samples, etc are being taken. Lots of fun for engineers and lawyers.
You know, kind of ironic. On one hand, that Myers guy was the one writing all those ridiculous statements many of us had a good laugh over. I notice "buoy" becoming a meme of it's own recently. On the other, there's a good chance he genuinely thought he's doing Berthram a service saying all that. Makes you wonder, if he just "went all white" on it, underwrited a refund straight away and stuff (at company's expense, mind you), would he lasted a moment longer? Wonder what that "other career" is like ))
Americans love huge successes and colossal failures. We've little patience for modest successes or minor failures. He'll likely land on his feet - maybe even in the marine insurance industry!
We still talk about the Model T and the Edsel as the acme and nadir of automobile manufacturing. Michael Milken got a high paying gig teaching at Stanford. Look at all the press that Apple gets, Microsoft has gotten, and the cautionary tales of IBM and Sony in the computer business. Dell, too, and HP. Now Carly Fiorina is running for office in California! In the world of boat building, Mike Myers has made a name for himself. Ignominious as it may turn out to be, it is still a name. Then again, he may turn out to be entirely vindicated w/r/t the facts of the case yet still be a cautionary tale for how not to conduct business.
I have been interested in this story from the start. It's been a few weeks since the last post. Has anybody any new news or thoughts? I just can't let a good saga go aweigh.
Beyond the Grave and Beyond Belief… A little over 2 months ago, I received a certified letter from Robert Allen, a Miami-based attorney that has represented Bertram for the last 14 years. In his letter, he requested certain omissions and changes to the original Bertram thread. Several days later, a Sunday to be exact, I took a motorcycle ride with my girlfriend along A1A in Jupiter, on our way to visit a friend. When we arrived, we saw an open house sign across the street and decided to check it out. As we were getting off the bike, a man and his wife were leaving the open house after they toured it. When the guy walked by me, I noticed the jacket he was wearing had some familiar names embroidered on the sleeve. Names like Ferretti, Riva, CRN and Bertram. So… I asked him if he worked for one of the companies. He said yes and introduced himself as Bob Allen… Ferretti's attorney... the same guy that had sent me a certified letter several days before! After a brief pause to regain my faculties, I introduced myself, which was followed by a short silence and a somewhat bewildered look. It may have been the first time in history that an attorney was speechless. Bob Allen lives in Miami with offices on Biscayne Bay. I live in Jupiter, about 100 miles north. We were both in complete disbelief at the sheer happenstance of this meeting. We spoke for about 30 minutes. Bob is a genuinely likable guy in lieu of his profession. He was clearly concerned about all that has transpired and we opened a channel for continuing dialogue that day. For those who don’t know, Dick and Moppie Bertram were friends of my family. I grew up on the docks of Bahia Mar, where Dick had offices. Dick often stopped by our boat to visit and he was influential in guiding my career. An overly spiritual type might say the chances of meeting Bob Allen are beyond happenstance. It certainly has me wondering if Dick was looking down from above and had a hand in arranging this.
Kismet is a weird thing. Amazing how those thing happen. Your first paragraph: has a troubling sound from a 1st ammendment standpoint (especially that the letter was sent certified) unless I'm reading too much into it.
Now that you two have met and he likely realizes you are not an ogre, is he still requesting the omissions and changes?
Despite the wonder of electronic commutations, (and fancy mail) some personal and professional emotions can still only be had face to face. I’d like to think a professional visit was had (with out appointment) and it may not need to be express to us. I do understand the personal thoughts. With that said I kind of figure two knights tipped their caps and can understand each others paths a little better. I kind of like it when that happens. Thx for the notes of the event. Maybe in the future, A little more info can come your way and calmly get passed to us in a professional manner. Press releases, rumor & speculations stink (sometimes still fun). , Ralph
I find this a most interesting thread, I read it all today. I noticed it wasn't entirely the way I remembered some of it. Non the less many of you are very knowledgable about what can happen,why, and areas of concern if it does. Bertram has some damage to mend, hopefully the "new guy" is a boat guy and not a business man. Many co.s where the founders hang their name on their co.s because they are about what they make, the money is just a means to do it better. MBAs and CPAs tend to be more about the money than the product IMHO.
What Sunk It?? I am sure completely amazed! My first guess was a dislodged mine, but after viewing majority of the damage above hull water-line, i displaced those theories. Frightening to think otherwise what may have cause this boat to sink...
It's pretty amazing that all the technology in the world couldn't stop this guy from smashing up his boat. Mother nature always wins in the end.
I don't know, but if the captain wasn't concentrating, even for one minute, he could have missed some massive rock or something.
Hi, I don't know what your maritime experience is but feel the need to explain that massive rocks don't just appear from nowhere when you are underway at sea on the East Coast of the US. It is not driving along the highway at 70 mph and having to deal with all the other users. A Voyage should be planned ( There is even a Nautical Term for this: Passage Planning)and any obstacles/hazards to Navigation along the way identified and a way to avoid these things pre determined and allowed for. Also I seriously doubt there is a Captain alive who is able to concentrate 100% for 100% of the time. ( I will now don my fire suit and BA Set)
Totally agree! I don’t think you need to bother about the fire suit – our latest flame-throwing dragon seems to have retreated to his ‘Den’.