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Yacht Conversions

Discussion in 'General Yachting Discussion' started by Yacht News, Feb 28, 2007.

  1. AMG

    AMG YF Moderator

    Jul 26, 2004
    Yes I saw this, in the April issue, and was thinking the same. Not only that the nice classic design was gone but the new design was terrible...
  2. david_japp

    david_japp Senior Member

    Feb 7, 2005
    Indeed - I especially hate the open foredeck...and amazingly she only does 10 knts - surely, if you had a boat that looks like an (in my view) ugly sports trainer (shoe), you'd expect to at least perform like one
  3. Henning

    Henning Senior Member

    Sep 22, 2009
    Ft Lauderdale FL
    Only the ones with enough cajones to be publicly identifiable. I don't hide.
  4. Henning

    Henning Senior Member

    Sep 22, 2009
    Ft Lauderdale FL
    Actually, I saw her just a couple of weeks ago. The refit in my opinion was a disaster that leaves her anchors plowing water as she steams in flat water. After finishing her refit down on the Gold Coast, they had to re haul her in Brisbane to raise her water line substantially. She looks all out of proportion as well.
  5. AMG

    AMG YF Moderator

    Jul 26, 2004
    On this subject, in YachtForums Guidelines there has always been a recommendation to not use faces in the avatar.

    Attached Files:

  6. Marmot

    Marmot Senior Member

    May 20, 2007
    9114 S. Central Ave
    Because one definition of avatar is an embodiment of a concept or philosophy. It is a figure or expression of an idea or spirit related to its creators passion or interest.

    The narcissist holds himself as the greatest embodiment of those ideas and expressions. So, using one's own picture as an avatar for oneself is a rather telling expression.

    Some sites allow or even encourage the use of face photos to identify the sign on name, some don't. This one discourages the practice.
  7. YachtForums

    YachtForums Administrator

    Dec 22, 2002
    South Florida
    Gents, Let's get back on subject.

    Henning, although your avatar is marine related because you're on a boat, we do not allow the use of faces in avatars. There are many reasons for this, but mostly because if you give people an inch, they'll take a mile. The next thing you know... we have immature cartoon characters that detract from a professional environment.

    I'm sorry if this is inconvenient. I've fought many battles over this. But if we make an exception, then it opens the door.
  8. david_japp

    david_japp Senior Member

    Feb 7, 2005
    I gather she only does 10 knts which is ludicrously slow for a boat of that style and size...she looks like she should do 20 knts, or even more. It's a bit like taking a classic vintage MG A that can barely do 0-60 in 14 seconds and a top speed of 75mph and then, instead of restoring her sympathetically, fitting oversize rear tires and wheel arches, a straight-through exhaust and then putting white stripes down the bonnet in order to emulate an AC cobra or even worse changing the body panels, adding a spoiler and pretending to be a Ford GT - all of which Ive seen. At the end of the day they're neither fish nor fowl and in my opinion all a bit sad. I feel sorry for the owner - I think he's been badly advised (at best) into spending his money on something that I doubt is worth even close to the investment he's surely made, but if he's happy with her - and he probably is - then I suppose that's all that really counts.
  9. what made me curious: Are the profile cuts of side windows really thought to be like that? i mean no order straight and harmonic :confused: seems unrearranged. :D
  10. david_japp

    david_japp Senior Member

    Feb 7, 2005
    sorry, I dont understand what you are asking or saying...please elabourate
  11. Marmot

    Marmot Senior Member

    May 20, 2007
    9114 S. Central Ave
    Don't cry, here are some of my favorite conversions to look at.

    The tug is converted to a yacht and was my home for several years. The gray beast is the carbon copy minesweeper I mentioned earlier and the Yellowfin is a former US Army freighter.

    Attached Files:

  12. Henning

    Henning Senior Member

    Sep 22, 2009
    Ft Lauderdale FL

    I'm done with this place. Lack of personal accountability is what allows people like Marmot to be such sniveling insulting pricks because he realizes nobody is going to clock him on the street. Many forums encourage, and some even require real names and identifying photos. This place runs like a joke. You post press releases like they were researched opinions (Re the latest Kingship posts, what a freaking joke, "Due to the success of the first one..." you call this success, 50% of the purchase price and over a year just to get her in commission?) and reviews in sealed off forums with no ability to comment. And woe be onto those who comment adversely (but honestly) about an advertiser on here, Holy Cow..., you get bombarded with pages detailing how your experience was your imagination and just not true.

    Henning Out.
  13. CPseudonym

    CPseudonym New Member

    Jan 30, 2010
    Eating pop corn and repeatedly hitting F5 key...
  14. Yacht News

    Yacht News YF News Editor

    Mar 29, 2006
    LOL!... Seriously you all need to behave before Carl expells you both.
  15. YachtForums

    YachtForums Administrator

    Dec 22, 2002
    South Florida
    Not true. I know who Marmot is. In his position, he's one of the most accountable people in our industry. The fact that he does NOT post under his real name shows that he has an awareness of liability.

    At YF, this is an individual choice. If we mandate real names, some people may not be as forthcoming in sharing their experience. In contrast, people that hide behind an alias are why moderators must remain diligent. Either way, we don't want to discourage participation.

    Press Releases are often mere fluff, hype and in recent years, desperate attempts for buzz. We are bombarded by them. Because we don't have the resources to research each one, we sometimes post them the saame way as other websites on the net, which by the way, is often more meat than you get in a magazine.

    Anyone can open a thread and comment on a review. In the early years, I left our reviews open for comment, but in some case, the commentary got off track and deteriorated in the same way the current thread has.

    With all due respect Henning, I'm proud of the reviews we have done and we are constantly striving to make them better. For instance, next week I'm going live with a review of the Maltese Falcon and we have enlisted YF member Jed White, the chief build engineer on MF, to add the kind of technical details you will never get in other forms of media.

    This comment is so far from the truth, it's ridiculous. I believe you are speaking about the time you slammed Westport and were met with several posts debunking your comments. Just to set the record straight, any builder is fair game on YF, advertiser or not. If it's true, so be it. If not, someone will call you to the mat. Every advertiser on YF is aware of this. Their only concern is when a wildcard makes unsubstantiated claims and comments. And this is where they have come to respect the members here, as will as the diligence of YF's mods.

    I hope that's not true, but we can always do better.
    winesk likes this.
  16. Capt J

    Capt J Senior Member

    Jul 11, 2005
    Fort Lauderdale
    I think both Marmot and Henning need to grow up and act their age. The topic of this forum or post is Yacht Conversions. A dozen posts back and forth attacking each other contributes nothing. Opinions related to a Yacht Conversion yes, personal attacks no.....
    winesk likes this.
  17. Marmot

    Marmot Senior Member

    May 20, 2007
    9114 S. Central Ave
    Off the topic again but this begs a response. You need to do a recount my dear captain, and perhaps even count posts. I claim perhaps 2.75 posts that even reference the dear departed (but still lurking I see) former contributor ... OK, that last comment rounds it off to 3. In any event, if you are going to criticize at least get your data in order.

    And if nothing else, a world where you can't ridicule the ridiculous is absurd. Think about it.
  18. Yacht News

    Yacht News YF News Editor

    Mar 29, 2006
    It is in total absurdity that Henning could say that 'this place runs like a joke'. I'm not being biased or anything because I am part of the editoral staff here but...YF is really well managed, from technical, moderated, content and reliable standpoints. Many other websites similar in nature cannot boast of this. Of course we have flaws like anyone else but strive to be better all the time. That is the whole point of existence. Now get back to the topic at hand.
    eahearn likes this.
  19. Capt J

    Capt J Senior Member

    Jul 11, 2005
    Fort Lauderdale

    And this is entirely where the problem lies. You always have to get the last word in, instead of staying on-topic and letting things go.
  20. 1. Forget it then. I thought to be talking about Princess Iluka, which i look for pictures in Google and found a blue one. Unfortunatly the rules here do not permit post pictures of other sites. So i can't show you from what i am talking about. In this case forget it simple what i wrote.

    2. For the conversions of ships to be like an yacht, the ones posted in Post #56 are pretty interesting. I love a lot that history is preserved in old ship conversions. Sometimes an old ship can be more interesting that what is beeing doing with the same modern yacht appearances. Thanks for the share.

    3. For about the many off-topics here, it is interesting that people here are worried more in personal fights, topics about fire-guns, this is incredible ridiculous for a yacht forum only and cars, maybe also soccer, Pubs.... Well what i want to say is i supposed here would be a place to talk professionaly about 'YACHTS & PASSENGER SHIPS' mainly, but most of time, maybe 60% is talked about whatever else that really has nothing to do as really the main thema. This sinceresly made me disappointed for a while, when for example about 'old Cruise Ships' or banal things like their positions daily is to be skipped, but about 'Fire Guns to be bought in Florida' not. This is probably what Henning means this forum is really coming a joke. Threads like those would be necessary a review-close and not the ones about 'Ships', even when they are banal comments, like AMG suggested me not posting anymore. About face in avatar, i have to agree that this is personal. A forum is a impersonal place mainly. It is true other forums have more flexibility, about pictures (For example for pictures, i don't see a problem if the source is mentioned)(we use pictures of not our own to exemplify that most of time is also not found here, but from other Yacht pages, which does not have a yacht forum to be commented about, real pretty odd, but... rules are rules), about many other thema, but sinceresly about 'buying a fire gun in Florida' is extrem negative to be here. I hope comprehension, this is only my personal point of view.
    On other side, this was the best site about yacht comments, i mean, forum i found, if not the unique in the thema. ;) I think 'Forum Issues' Thread would be helpful for all about this forum discussions and also could bring improvements... suggestion only.

    I just suggest for the members to not going in personal attacks or bringing comments to much personal side, like sensible eggs' skins. To keep a professionality about thema yacht, then if some post is poking negative, you have a chance everytime to ignore and just keeping in mind the main goal here. Just go look another thema, you are always free. Again this is my vision only. I don't want to be imperative with anyone. I know each one here has a total different experience. Nobody here is better than other with the own experience, we all just lived different and a forum is just a place to exchange those opinions and experiences point of view positively, i think. From the 3 forums i have been participating the last 5 years, i saw mainly personal fights from people bringing the frustations of real life or not succesful activities to hide virtually in negative discussions like a therapy. I think this is a pity. But this forum has a great potencial. If we all are in positive behaviour, then ok.