Hello All Our Quantum stabs need new spherical bearings for the fin actuators - no big deal really, until you get the price from Quantum. Has anyone replaced these with an aftermarket bearing or have any info that might help me source a better alternative. Don't do this too much so if anyone seriously considers themselves an expert on spherical bearings feel free to give me any general pointers. Thanks.
You can become an expert ... go to: http://www.skf.com/files/288839.pdf Then: http://www.skf.com/portal/skf/home/products?maincatalogue=1&lang=en&newlink=3_0_0 and look for the style of bearing that is installed on your stabilizers then locate a source. If SKF doesn't have it another manufacturer will. Compare prices and go from there. If you find that the OEM pin diameter does not match any available bearing "d" i.e. you have a 48 mm pin but the off the shelf choice is 45 or 50mm, rebush for the 50mm pin and go with the larger bearing. Chances are the savings and ease of replacement will pay for the very minor reaming of the pin bushing or mount in a hearbeat.
****, I was hoping to avoid the becoming an expert route - got the SKF catalog here and its very thick and boring. Ho hum, another fun evening for me. Thanks anyway though. Luckily it does seem a standard size so shouldn't be too painful.
Ah well, you can become versed in finding equivalent parts or you can become versed in writing your name below large numbers.