Ok.I just wanted to write that there is a kind of wide spacing between the hull and the superstructure as if it hadn't been correctly "yielded".It's a pity for such a beautiful open.But a silver line can make the flaw less visible. It's now 07:00pm.Bye and have a nice day. Ancora
Michael, I own a 72' Leopard. The hull on the 65' Mangusta and my yacht look very similar if not the same. If nothing else, they're both designed by Caliari.
Hello Shazam are you sure the old Mangusta 65 was designed by Caliari. I am not sure about the 65 but I am 1000% that from the 80 onwards and may be even the 65 Open the design for the Mangustas has always been by Righini. Even todays 165 is by Righini, also Azimut designer since the 78 Ultra from 1992. Looking at the 65 Fly I would say it is a first Righini design too, looking similar to the old Falcon 20 metre he did. Thats a nice timeless boat if you have a Cantieri dell Arno 21.50 Leopard. Arno shipyard is owned by the renowned Picchiotti family in Viareggio. One of the trademarks surnames renowned for boat repairing and building for over a century. The Arno Leopards are also renowned to being the more seaworthy to the Mangustas, altough both of them are heavy built. May be a slimmer hull makes the difference here.
I checked yesterday, congratulations MedRascal, you are right ! I saw her in Cannes. This morning in Monaco harbour, I saw a Mangusta 108 twin turbine (NOBODY). A sunny hello from the French Riviera to everybody.