I watch it daily. It's been out of range for a free subscription on Marientraffic, but Garmin has a tracker; https://share.garmin.com/SSUNITEDSTATES The tug moving it is the VINIK No. 6 https://www.marinetraffic.com/en/ai.../mmsi:368028510/imo:7044328/vessel:VINIK_NO_6
I am a Marientraffic member, still, some of Vinik 6 route missing. Even worse on Vesselfinder. I wonder if there are AIS issues on board?
I was following hoping to run into her in the stream coming back from Exumas but we were one or two Days early. the garmin tracker works on and off, same with the tub AIS. what a shame she couldn’t be saved as a dockside attraction. We ve sent hundreds of billions on BS and can’t save a piece of history
Anyone headed out to see her in south FL? Looks like she's way offshore/Cape Kennedy area but getting closer. Probably off Stuart/Palm Beach Tuesday. My son who works for a private charter company in Jupiter is looking for a ride to go see her. He'd pay his way or volunteer as a mate for the day of you're headed out. He's off Tues/Wednesday and would drive anywhere to get out and see!
Reminded me of James Gandolfini. Still trying to pin down about when she'll be off Port Everglades ?? Was thinking around noonish but last look they were down to 3 over ground.
We were in talks with a guy a few years back that wanted to refurb the America and make it into a restaurant and hotel like the Queen Mary. He didn't get very far in the process. I don't think he was very successful finding investors. Given the challanges the Queen Mary has had over the years its not hard to see why.
Most of the challenges the QM has faced were caused by poor management. Don’t forget it is basically run by the Socialist state of Kalifornia.
Wonder how many pumps are running to keep her afloat ? I would have liked to see that in person myself, thanks for the pictures
I read someplace they have high water alarms and pumps if needed. Also the hull is 2 in thick steel and was all inspected before the tow. The history & construction of that ship is really kewl. A friend that was with me to see her this am did two transatlantic crossings on her ages ago. She's planning to dive on her in a couple years. I had only been aboard for a class trip while she was docked in NY.
What is running her pumps? Engines and generators were ripped out years ago. Perhaps temporary generators/pumps was installed for the final cruise with a small engineering crew to keep things running down in the belly. Horrible history with 30 years of neglect after representing the mighty US of A. We could do better. Shame. R.I.P.
I read that no crew is on board which I found a bit odd. it’s really frustrating to see this piece of history going to waste. Billions going overseas on very questionable programs but couldn’t save her for future generations to learn about the 20th century. I saw pictures of her passing a cattle ship off the coast of sofl.… I really mean cattle condo, what a beautiful sight. Beauty and the beast. like a classic burger or broward next to a new UHV