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GOST Security System

Discussion in 'General Yachting Discussion' started by Joha011, Aug 15, 2024.

  1. Joha011

    Joha011 New Member

    Nov 21, 2019
    I'm considering installing the GOST (Global Ocean Security Technologies) security system on my center console, mainly for its tracking capabilities and theft prevention features. I'm particularly interested in the satellite tracking option since I'll be using the boat in areas like South Florida and the Bahamas.

    I’m not planning to use the camera feature since it doesn’t make much sense for my setup. I believe the beam sensors, alarm system, and notification alerts should suffice to deter / notify me of possible theft.

    Does anyone here have experience with GOST? Specifically:
    • How intuitive and accurate is the tracking system?
    • Is the system reliable and easy to use?
    • Have you found it to be worth the investment overall?
    I'd love to hear any feedback or experiences you might have, especially if you've used the system on a similar setup.

    DOCKMASTER Senior Member

    Feb 26, 2012
    Ketchikan, Alaska
    I have a GOST system. I can’t speak for,the accuracy of the satellite though. I have the satellite tracking but never checked it for accuracy. I just have it in case of theft. The cameras work great and is the most useful part for me. I can see what’s going on from my phone anywhere I happen to be. Since I don’t live near my boat this is especially useful. I have intrusion alarms, fire alarm, low power, etc. All works as it should but there is an annoying number of false alarms. It’s pretty straight forward for basic operation. I think others will suggest you can achieve most features in a less expensive manner which is likely accurate.
    Joha011 likes this.
  3. SplashFl

    SplashFl Senior Member

    Feb 2, 2021
    S. Florida _ Bertram 46
    For a LOT less, about a year ago I put a wireless Simply Safe system on the boat. Sensors on every door & cabinet, smoke detectors, water sensors in the bilge, motion detection in salon. Initially had them monitoring with police notification but on two different occasions when service guys showed to work too early, had the police here, replaced the monitoring with LOUD siren on boat and in home as boat at dock out back.
    Joha011 likes this.
  4. rtrafford

    rtrafford Senior Member

    Jul 13, 2019
    Vero Beach
    You can get the benefits of Gost for a lot less money, and Simply Safe is a pretty good start. I have Gost. I also have a security DVR system and my own cameras throughout, some of which integrate with Gost for remote access. With Starlink aboard, I could have accomplished the outcome just using the dvr system and its proprietary cloud. In that case I would have access to all cameras, not just some.
    Joha011 likes this.