My overboard waste pump, Jabsco macerator model CW532 is getting power but will not run. it was running intermittently and now not at all. Will a new pump solve the problem or is there a switch somewhere preventing it going on. I do have power at the pump
On the end of the pump there is slot on the end of the pump shaft that you can fit a regular screw driver in and manually turn the pump. Sometimes this will get it going again. I would use a cordless drill as well. The Jabscos are very problematic to say the least. Pascal recommended switching to a bellows style pump (vacuflush makes one) and that has been a great improvement. I switched out both of my jabsco’s and don’t regret it. West Marine usually carries the Jabsco if you need a replacement.
I found that less useage will cause some solidifying of the waste and putting some water down the discharge outlet at the hull side will usually free the pump to start.
No, those pumps are poor quality, all of them that style and they only last a year or two........ Just replace it. Headhunter are the best ones but have a different size intake hose.
A year or two is about what I got out of mine. Always carried a spare. we ended up switching to larger thruhulls and of course larger hoses to accommodate the larger intake size. Spent a little bit of money but it is so much better than before. We pulled the push button switches that you had to hold down to pump and installed on/off switches. So you can open each thruhull and turn the switches on and pump till empty. With bellows pumps you don’t have to worry about the ruining the pump by running it dry like you do with the Jabscos.
Replaced a Jabsco with a SeaFlow brand for a LOT LESS dollars last December and so far so good.
Probably. Prior to changing the macerator pump I replaced the two ER blowers. Again, for a fraction of the ridiculous price of the Jabsco blower I bought a SeaFlow and had a boat mechanic look at it for his opinion. He felt given the new type motor SeaFlow used, it should long outlast the OEM Jabsco. The SeaFlow also had a higher airflow rating. Problem I found during replacement was the mounting holes were not exact. Hopefully they'll both last a long long time.