I need some help please. I have a client looking for a 80-100' steel full displacement yacht in excellent condition. My short list is more like blank. Anyone know of something I'm not seeing online? Thanks! Judy
For me, this would be an ideal exploration yacht in that size http://www.haas-international.com/en/brokerage/yachts-for-sale/item/jongert-31t-alme-sol
That's a nice boat for sure but not one I think springs to many minds when thinking exploration boat. Jongert did at least 1 motor yacht as well which I am pretty sure belongs or belonged to someone who posted here. I was able to have a look around in in San Diego 25 yrs ago and found it to be a decent "little ship"
Just in case you didn't think to check it, they have 3 of their Darwin explorers for sale, on CdM website (one 86 and two 102). Unless your client thinks that Italy is only good at fettuccine Alfredo, of course...
Thanks, K1W1. Jongert built 2 motoryachts. I am familiar with both of them, had a contract on each at one point, but they have a few years on them at this point.
Thanks, Paolo. I had checked them out but in checking again because of your post, I found a possibility. Thanks!
Thanks, Ken. I have been a long time fan of these, but the client is looking for "newish" as in +/- 2018 or newer.
Does it have to be steel? There is a real nice FRP listed on that very fine Yacht Forum; Yacht Sales web site.
I was somewhat familiar with the Allseas when they first launched. I met one of the owners who told me of many problems with the original builds. Took lots of $$ to keep trying to get it right and subsequently the high prices on initial resale. Lawsuits, etc. Other than one really p*ssed off owner who said there were others, I don't have additional inside information but that "prejudice" has stayed with me. If anyone has objective information, please provide,
Did you ever find a vessel for your client? What sort of exploration did they seek,....limited or far afield?
Thanks for checking in, Brian. I am still on the hunt. The client is looking for long-range, meaning to and from anywhere. Do you know of a possibility?