i'm not sure which yacht this is, but there is a big fire at the rendsburg yard of Lürssen. https://www.ndr.de/nachrichten/schl...K-Jacht-und-Halle-in-Flammen,luerssen142.html sry only german article found yet.
It's likely the 75m Project Honolulu, as Project Cosmos and Project Jassj are both in the two floating docks. The fire appears to have started in the main shipbuilding shed, but I’m not completely certain. Judging by the massive smoke, the damage to the yacht is probably substantial. A few news reports mentioned that the yacht in the shed was close to completion…
Fire on Lürssen shipyard at NOK: parts of Schacht-Audorf evacuated Status: 02.07.2024 14:08 Since the morning, a hall of Lürssen shipyard has been in flames at Rendsburg. The terrain and parts of Schacht-Audorf are evacuated. Numerous emergency services are on site, and ships support the firefighting work from the channel. Large fire brigade operation at the Lürssen shipyard in Schacht-Audorf in the district of Rendsburg-Eckernförde. According to the fire department, a ship's hall is completely in flames. More than 200 volunteers are on site, and more are requested. The fire brigade estimates that the deployment will last until the night. According to the police, there is also a yacht in the affected hall, which is now also burning - the Lürssen-Kröger shipyard is known, among other things, for the construction of yachts. Shipyard and areas of Schacht-Audorf are evacuated According to the fire, the fire is now under control. According to the police, however, the roof of the hall and parts of the facade collapsed. Explosions were heard time and again. Therefore, the site of the shipyard was evacuated. Because the smoke is now moving to a residential area, residents in parts of Schacht-Audorf also have to leave their homes. According to the police, there are 30 people. Affected persons can stay in the primary and community school Schacht-Audorf at Dorfstraße 60 announced the Office. A dark smoke was visible in the morning. Already in the morning, residents in the area of Hüttenstraße were asked to keep windows and doors closed and to switch off ventilation and air conditioning. Kiel Canal near Schacht-Audorf According to the police, it began to "cake" in the yacht in the hall this morning. Shortly after, the first smoke was seen. Because of the heat, the fire occurred. "The hall is in flames, the boat is in flames," said a police spokesman. Since the morning, the fire brigade has been trying to cool the hall walls from the outside in order to reduce the temperature inside the hall. According to a fire spokesman, the attempt to extinguish the fire from the inside had to be broken off, because parts of the hall were threatening to collapse. According to the police, there is a yacht in the burning hall, which is also on fire. According to the police, there is a tug on the Kiel Canal to cool with water if necessary. An NOK ferry with a water cannon will also support the fire brigade's emergency services. However, the canal is not closed to navigation. For safety reasons, two rescue helicopters were also sent to Lürssen-Werft. In addition, there are numerous ambulances on site. According to the police and fire department, one person was injured - she suffered a slight flue gas poisoning, as the police said. This element is on servers of Datawrapper.de. You can disable embedding on our privacy page. Effects on shipyard unclear The situation is also concerned about the workers of the shipyard. "This is where our company burns off, or at least a part of it," said employee Thomas Rathmann. "There are hundreds of jobs hanging on, there are suppliers hanging on, and we don't know what will happen at the moment."
Again?! No...I mean...again? What's going on with Lurssen? Are they losing their grip? All those accidents that are happening (don't forget about project Ice Cap during sea trials) are detrimental to the reputation and relationships with insurance companies. They are lucky that there are not other shipyards like them.
And you forgot the yacht which fell during fit-out the past December 2023. Probably they make the most beautiful super yachts in the World but Lurssen's safety record is not very inspirational....
Well it was before... but in recent times there has been too many fires and accidents. It seems now that if you get your yacht built there and it doesn't have anything happen to it...that is a big achievement.
Only guessing but I think Lurssen is suffering from what other industrial companies are feeling as well: Skilled old time workers who are/were proud of their work and commited to do a good job are retiring or have retired. Their younger successors quite often have a different attitude towards work and work ethics. A lot of them might not have gone through the German apprenticeship system but trained on the job and might therefore lack to see the broader picture of a job. In my experience (different country/different industry but similar problems) this tends to increase the number of incidents and if you are Lurssen everybody is watching you!
So, this was reported as an electrical fire in a building connected to the shed, spreading into the shed walls and ultimately out of control? A hundred fire fighters on seen, burning for 24 hours...?
According to THB (Täglicher Hafenbericht) from 23.10.2024 the police investigation has concluded that the fire was probably started by a lithium ion battery pack of a power tool. The spokesman for the Lurssen Group told THB that the cleanup operation is still going on.