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Discussion in 'General Yachting Discussion' started by I'm_Dallas, Jun 7, 2024.

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  1. I'm_Dallas

    I'm_Dallas New Member

    Jun 7, 2024
    How long can I expect 1,000 gallons to last me on a 55'? I will be doing 1 or maybe 2 leisure trips a week, and probably never over 10 knots. Occasional trips to Charleston, SC and Jacksonville, FL.
  2. K1W1

    K1W1 Senior Member

    Sep 30, 2005
    My Office
    How long it lasts depends upon how fast its being used and more importantly how its looked after, if your not using a lot you are a great candidate for Diesel Bug, make sure you dose your fuel when bunkering to keep a handle on this. If you allow 220gm/kwh that will roughly cover most engines at cruising speed
  3. I'm_Dallas

    I'm_Dallas New Member

    Jun 7, 2024
    Let's go back to the good ole days when petrochemical was the standard. Now this BS biodiesel is causing issues across multiple industries.
  4. Pascal

    Pascal Senior Member

    Feb 29, 2008
    Miami, FL
    If you cruise at 9kts, you should get 1 nmpg so 1000usg will get you about 1000 nm… less about 1 gph for the gen.

    On plane at 20kts figure 0.3 nmpg
    I'm_Dallas likes this.
  5. ranger58sb

    ranger58sb Senior member

    Aug 20, 2013
    Chesapeake Bay, USA
    Some Ocean Yachts have a nickname; you might rummage around to learn more about that.

    Around here, marine diesel has been running less than road diesel, and then there's some shopping around you can do when you're ready to take on fuel. One semi-extreme example is that Safe Harbor marinas that do fuel (Bahia Bleu?) sell at their cost to their marina residents. That price may or may not be lower than nearby competitors. And sometimes you can find bulk discounts, or BoatUS discounts. You can maybe get up to 2 NMPG at circa 8.5 kts (depending on true waterline length) even on a sportfish (planing) hull... probably consistently better on a "trawler"... or maybe .4-.5 NMPG in a sportfish/convertible/sedan bridge/etc. when on plane. As Pascal said, fuel will likely not be your largest expense category.

    Boatloads of companies offer various marine insurance. One useful approach is to use a marine insurance broker; Gowrie is one, Novamar is another, can't think of others off-hand but they're out there.

  6. I'm_Dallas

    I'm_Dallas New Member

    Jun 7, 2024
    Again, Thanks a million for the info. Some boats I have been looking at are Coco De Mar, Got One, Romi Jo, and Tranquility Base. I can spend more on a boat, but have yet to see anything worth the extra money. Trying to stay under 175K

    This one is probably my favorite so far.
  7. Pascal

    Pascal Senior Member

    Feb 29, 2008
    Miami, FL
    Whatever boat you find, keep 10-20% aside to repair/upgrade/adapt after closing.
  8. Ken Bracewell

    Ken Bracewell Senior Member

    Feb 9, 2006
    Somewhere Sunny

    I have a particularly good boat insurance guy. Happy to share his info if you would like to send me a PM.
  9. Capt Ralph

    Capt Ralph Senior Member

    Sep 8, 2004
    Satsuma, FL
    Let me better re-phrase that; Oh Sheet!!
    Look at all that hot and abused teak deck. That just doubled your yearly maintenance cost, after you bring it back to a serviceable level.

    Pretty on the insides. Small & tight.
    Hope your short, skinny and don't cook much.

    We lived on our 58 for many years. Thank goodness for a full sized galley.
    Water stains in the forward headliner possibly from the leaking for-deck.

    Find the best surveyors you can for the ship and mechanicals.
    The asking price here may already reflect "in need of help boat".
    Including the overpowering MTUs. No MPG here.
    Maybe even an A/C tech. That is a hot boat in S FL. Black canvas??

    If you ask/bribe well, ask somebody for a walk by, not the listing broker.
    Last edited: Jun 8, 2024
  10. I'm_Dallas

    I'm_Dallas New Member

    Jun 7, 2024
    You will have to forgive my ignorance. I thought that was something that could be easily repaired with a couple of coats of stain. Please feel free to point out anything else of concern. I am all ears!
  11. I'm_Dallas

    I'm_Dallas New Member

    Jun 7, 2024
    Is there a reason some people will use black (traps heat) over lighter colors (deflect heat)?

    I dont know anyone in Miami. How do I go about requesting a "walk-by"

    I might add that cosmetic defects will not be the determining factor for me. I am more concerned with longevity and functionality. The cosmetic stuff will give me something to do in my free time, which I have much more of these days.
  12. Capt Ralph

    Capt Ralph Senior Member

    Sep 8, 2004
    Satsuma, FL
    Ah, Your a comic also. I understand now, That was funny.
    Anybody here could type chapters on teak deck repairs. I'm just up from a break while working on a poo-pump.

    A surveyor, after an on-site inspection, may offer better recommendations that I can.
    Stains in that forward headliner would point me towards more than just re-bedding the teak strips.
    I don't know the mfg or how the real for-deck was made. Fiberglass, painted canvas, cored and with what?
    Last edited: Jun 8, 2024
  13. RER

    RER Senior Member

    Jan 20, 2009
    Newport Beach CA
    Your actual boat ownership experience is what exactly? Insurance for a 55 foot 40 year old new to you boat is definitely something you should look into.
    Maybe you can get a personal loan but you’re not going to get a lender to loan you a dime using a 40 year old boat for collateral. Plan on paying cash for any boat more than 20 years old. There’s a few exceptions, but the cost is crazy expensive.
    Have you looked into availability and cost for a 60’ live-aboard slip in your desired area? You should.
    Depending on location, after the initial cost of the boat, you’re gonna need a minimum of $5000 a month to maintain that lifestyle. Slip, insurance, maintenance, repairs, etc. Cost for anything beyond weekend cruises would be added to that.
    And your “investment” will build zero equity. You’ll get back pennies on the dollar when you sell.
    Know before you go. That’s my advice.
    SeaLion and Capt Ralph like this.
  14. Capt Ralph

    Capt Ralph Senior Member

    Sep 8, 2004
    Satsuma, FL
    YF members are from all over the world. Some are rite across the bay from S Mia.
    You can ask here.
  15. Capt Ralph

    Capt Ralph Senior Member

    Sep 8, 2004
    Satsuma, FL
    It's not a cosmetic defect when water continues to rain in the for-cabin or whole for-deck caves in.
  16. I'm_Dallas

    I'm_Dallas New Member

    Jun 7, 2024
    Complete transparency...I have not owned anything other than pontoons up to this point. But I have moved further in my career and looking for a lifestyle change. I do not want a house, I want a boat. My entire reason for being here in this forum is to try to learn what only experience can teach. I want to make sure that I do not unknowingly make a bad life choice. I am still a young man (39) and want more from life than sitting around the house or pontooning in the afternoons. I am open to all advice and making notes of everything I can. Thank you in advance for your time.
  17. I'm_Dallas

    I'm_Dallas New Member

    Jun 7, 2024
    Thank you for that. It is on my to-do list.

    Replied to wrong post
  18. ranger58sb

    ranger58sb Senior member

    Aug 20, 2013
    Chesapeake Bay, USA
    Coco seems a nice looking boat, interesting/maybe useful layout for a liveaboard. Haven't heard of that shipyard. European boat, imported here sometime after -- i.e., not made for the U.S. market -- might need some questions about AC electrical wiring, since their electrical specs are different from ours... and since converting in our direction risks working with undersize wiring, unless all that was replaced too. Which would be hard to imagine...

    Also... the stain over the bow stateroom looks potentially serious, and teak anywhere can look nice and add boatloads of years of labor to your routine chores. (If I found I absolutely HAD to have a specific boat that had all that teak.... I'd probably see if my budget would allow ripping it all out and re-glassing. No clue what kind of cost that might bring, but if the budget wouldn't stretch to that, I'd have to take a walk...)

    FWIW, that KVH dish is likely worthless. In fact, we have one you can have if you'd like to come get it and help me dismount it. :) Won't connect to anything flying, these days, though...

    I assume those others are boat names too, not brands/models?

    Yeah, that bug can be serious; hang in there, folks here a) have the same bug, and b) can help you home in on your best path forward. Eyes wide open is key, though.

    I'm_Dallas likes this.
  19. Pascal

    Pascal Senior Member

    Feb 29, 2008
    Miami, FL
    Having looked at the listing…. Where do I start?

    the first deal killer for me is the open aft deck, with no overhang roof. Zero sun or rain protection. The aft deck is were we spend most our time. Yeah you could put a canvas cover but that is a major PITA as it only take an afternoon thunderstorm to shred it.

    these teak decks look nasty and beyond salvage. Note that while the brokers included a lot of detail led closeups (including a cheap west marine speaker…) no close up of the important teak deck is included. A teak deck is good for 10-15 years in Florida…. That’s about $100k worth of deck there. It would have to be ripped out, all the holes filled in, everything epoxied and sanded and then sanded. Not cheap either

    The engines are another big red flag. First of all MTUs aren’t cheap to maintain… then while the blurb says owner repowered with upgraded engines, first down in the specs it states reconditioned 8v183… reconditioned by who and how extensive was the reconditioning? Don’t take their word, you want to see hard proof including detailed invoices and pictures.

    I m also confused with the extra horsepower for what appears to be a displacement hull with a bulb.

    also no mention how air con status, critical in the Southeast. European boats are usually undercooled.

    frankly I don’t think this one is even worth a Quick Look
    I'm_Dallas likes this.
  20. Pascal

    Pascal Senior Member

    Feb 29, 2008
    Miami, FL
    PS. As Ralph said the conversion from Euro to US can cause a ton of issues if not done properly and that can be costly