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VHF - interference/static on ch 16

Discussion in 'Electronics' started by incoming, Apr 7, 2024.

  1. incoming

    incoming Member

    Jan 14, 2021
    Cocoa Beach, FL
    I have an ICOM IC-M506 that recently went on the fritz. Ch16 is completely unusable - regardless of squelch setting it’s “busy” all the time with static. Other channels seem to be fine - I didn’t check every channel but I verified at least I could hear bridge traffic on 9.

    All of this was verified away from the dock and other boats so it doesn’t seem to be coming from elsewhere. Also, channel 16 on my handheld works fine so I don’t think it’s actually RF interference that is causing the problem - seems like it must be coming via a physical connection to the radio if that makes sense? Or maybe something internally in the radio is failing?

    I recently replaced a fusion black box stereo but used the same power, ground, and antenna connection that was used previously. Otherwise there have been no changes since it worked.

    Obvious troubleshooting step is to power off everything except the radio and check if the problem is still there, then turn things on one at a time. Boat is in the yard now so I plan to try that next time I visit.

    Does anyone have any other suggested troubleshooting steps? The boat is almost 2 hours away so I’d like to have a lot of things to try when I go down there next.
  2. Pascal

    Pascal Senior Member

    Feb 29, 2008
    Miami, FL
    All you do really is turn off everything and see if the problem goes away. Interference can cause interesting issues sometimes. For instance we have Icom Walkie talkies and when you put one of them down on the helm on the left side of the helm, it starts getting interference. Move it to right side and it’s fine …
  3. d_meister

    d_meister Senior Member

    Mar 4, 2010
    La Conner, WA.
    Audio systems often have a constant power source to maintain presets and are not switched by the same breaker that would de-power the main unit. It would be best to disconnect the audio equipment completely with a hopefully convenient main plug on the equipment.
  4. Capt Ralph

    Capt Ralph Senior Member

    Sep 8, 2004
    Satsuma, FL
    I don't see a lot of shielding and energy capturing in today's personal audio equipment.
    I don't see much shielding in Icom's (or anybody's) marine equipment either.

    My newer cell phone shakes the display on my deck computer.

    One little noisy tank oscillator, leaking PLL component, cold solder joint near a crystal or just a bad degaussing cap can create enough noise to compete with a full symphony orchestra (all out of tune).
    Then, you have to remember, it was manufactured to a budget (cost reduced every design and component).

    It is amazing that we don't have more problems on board out boats.
    When I think about this, I want to tighten down my foil cap some times.

    So, Some noise from the clock or CMOS tank in a radio, does not surprise me.
    Isolation, relocation may be the cheapest path.
    Building your own Faraday cage sometimes works. But the I/O wires act like aerials and may still bring the noise in.

    Good luck,
    keep us up on your escapades, sanity and what you find.
  5. Capt Ralph

    Capt Ralph Senior Member

    Sep 8, 2004
    Satsuma, FL
    I am reminded of an issue we have;
    If I leave the 12V charger on, while the gen-set alternator is charging the same batteries (ACR), I get a buz on my Icom 502.
    Funny, Not the Simrad RS35.
    BUT Wait, I get a buz on the RS35 when the 24v inverter is running.
    F M
  6. OCKK

    OCKK New Member

    Jul 12, 2012
    Dana Point, CA
    For some reason I think Ch 16 may be more susceptible to interference. I replaced an older ICOM VHF with a new Standard Horizon Quantum GX 6000 that worked fine. A few months later I replaced my older Furuno electronics suite with a new Furuno TZT3 setup and immediately experienced similar interference issues only on Ch 16. There were times when the channel was unusable even if fully squelched. After 2 radio replacements under warranty (which did not fix the problem), an upgraded antenna, better shielded cable, and a few ferules we got it under control, but there are still times where I need to up the squelch more than should be necessary to use 16.
  7. SeaLion

    SeaLion Senior Member

    Nov 11, 2013
    Ft. Lauderdale
    I have a stereo component that emits a continuous tone on VHV 13. Took me a while to power down individual electrical devices until I found the culprit.
  8. incoming

    incoming Member

    Jan 14, 2021
    Cocoa Beach, FL
    Ok the culprit is the fusion “black box” style stereo I just replaced. I’ll have to do some more troubleshooting to find the exact source of the problem.
  9. incoming

    incoming Member

    Jan 14, 2021
    Cocoa Beach, FL
    When I power off the fusion unit, the interference immediately stops. Now that I’ve narrowed down the culprit to the fusion stereo - what am I looking for in terms of the actual cause of the problem? I don’t get interference on my handheld - just the fixed mount VHF. The antenna cable from the fixed VHF does run through the same console area where the fusion is mounted, and they are connected to the same ground bus bar and fuse panel.

    is the antenna cable likely the culprit or some sort of ground or power issue?
  10. Capt Ralph

    Capt Ralph Senior Member

    Sep 8, 2004
    Satsuma, FL
    The antenna/coax is easy to unplug and experiment with.
    I'm split on this. It should not be a part of the symptom, but ship happens.

    How old is that VHF? Could have some dried-up degaussing caps allowing noise in.

    One thought, with all powered on, rotate the Fusion box on 3 axis. Does the noise from the VHF change?

    Drag a small 12v battery up there. Try your radio on the stand alone battery, then the Fusion amp.

    Finally, ground studs on both units? Strap them together.

    If none of the above shows any changes, I'll bring down my O-Scope and hunt up an EMI field meter.
    Kiss that hooch under your cabinet good-by as I try to save the last of my red/wild hairs from turning grey..
    Wait, I'll just mail these down to you. You don't have a hair problem.
  11. SeaLion

    SeaLion Senior Member

    Nov 11, 2013
    Ft. Lauderdale
    You could try putting a ferrite bead (choke) on the Fusion power cable. I put them on everything just in case. You could call DX Engineering or Ham Radio Outlet and tell them what you want to do and they can sell you what you need.
    Capt Ralph likes this.
  12. Capt Ralph

    Capt Ralph Senior Member

    Sep 8, 2004
    Satsuma, FL
    Forgot about this. I have a bag of them around here somewhere.
    SeaLion likes this.
  13. incoming

    incoming Member

    Jan 14, 2021
    Cocoa Beach, FL
    lol. I’ll start by moving the antenna cable around, checking the ground, etc. can also move the fusion power cable around and see if I hear a change in the noise. Will circle back when I return from marathon in 2 weeks.

    Yard stay is finished! She ran great on a test drive this weekend. Just need to get this vhf thing sorted so I don’t have to chose between safety and tunes.
  14. Lunderic

    Lunderic Member

    Sep 6, 2018
    Oceanside, NY
    I have a crazy suggestion based on a past experience. Do you have extra coax coiled up? I had an issue once when I had about 20 extra feet coiled up and it seemed to cause issues. I cut it down and put a new PL259 on and problems went away. I'm sure my original PL259 was ok. I'm still not sure if the coiled-up coax was the culprit or a bad piece of coax I eliminated but I have read that coax that is coiled up in a less than 12" spool can cause a problem.
  15. Capt Ralph

    Capt Ralph Senior Member

    Sep 8, 2004
    Satsuma, FL
    Wow, this could be an interesting thought. Coiled up coax looking for some EMI like a dish.
    From the early 80's, EIA cables should never be coiled up together to reduce cross/talk and data errors.
    On Mux input boards, we learned in the field the better operation was any slack in the serial I/O, was of different lengths and coil up differently.
    Remember then, 9600 baud was high tech....
    Last edited: May 20, 2024
  16. incoming

    incoming Member

    Jan 14, 2021
    Cocoa Beach, FL
    When I get back to the boat my first task will be to trace the antenna cable from the VHF to the hardtop chase. If it’s something like what you guys are talking about, I think I’ll hear a change in the static pattern when I move it.
    Capt Ralph likes this.
  17. Dogster

    Dogster New Member

    Aug 24, 2024
    Jacksonville, FL
    Have just completed install of an ICOM IC-M330G.
    Previous ICOM M-45 was 25 years old and squelch apparently was shot.
    Am hoping the M-330G doesn’t develop any of the aforementioned “gremlins” on any channel(s) especially 16. Am going to monitor this thread due to the product manufacturer being in common with my new unit.
    Cheers all.
  18. SplashFl

    SplashFl Active Member

    Feb 2, 2021
    S. Florida _ Bertram 46
    Been awhile so I suspect you took care of your issue. If not; you can pick up a small antenna adaptor for your hand held to hook it to the ships antenna to narrow things down.
  19. incoming

    incoming Member

    Jan 14, 2021
    Cocoa Beach, FL
    Actually I haven't fixed the problem yet. The problem went away on its own for several trips, but just started again crossing to the bahamas this morning. Interestingly, I was also getting some interference on my handheld ch 16. Fortunately I could just turn off the fusion and the problem went away.

    I'm really scratching my head now that it seems it was also interfering with my handheld, but the problems could be unrelated. I was able to squelch it out on the hand held - not so on the fixed radio.
  20. SeaLion

    SeaLion Senior Member

    Nov 11, 2013
    Ft. Lauderdale
    If something is emitting RF, it will affect all receivers on the frequency(ies) involved, so I’d expect the handheld to be affected as well. The further from the source of the noise, the easier it is to squelch it away.