Hello all, I am looking for recommendations of surveyors in the New Haven CT area. both for the hull and for Cummins diesel engines? Thank you, Victor
Hi Ralph, It's a Jefferson 52 PH that was getting ready to be listed on the market, but I got a tip from a broker to check with the listing broker which I did, and did a FaceTime tour of boat. We came to agreeable offer with seller, and I'll be flying up to CT to look at boat in person and be there for surveys. The boat is stored in a building for the winter, so I won't be able to do the seatrial until it gets recommissioned as well as finish surveys then. That part different for me as I've never dealt with that. The boss definitely likes. She looked at another one last year and really liked the layout. Its profile is a tad more modern than I prefer, but then every boat is a compromise. We really like that it has a cockpit for easy boarding, especially with our pup from a dinghy. All stairs, no ladders is preferred for us again with our pup, makes life easy. Really like that both staterooms have full walk around queen beds. No bunks or bunk rooms(our preference). Checks off a few more boxes like more fuel and water than last boat, lower helm/pilothouse for those days of travel the weather not so nice. Now if we can get this early spring going that Punxsutawney Phil predicted so I can get it home sooner than later...