Looks like I'm going to have to break down and put thrusters on the boat. I'm looking for recommendations for companies that travel as the boat is currently lying Alexandria Bay NY. I originally looked at Fl Bow Thruster a couple years back but didn't proceed. I will be contacting them again but I'm wondering if there are others now I should be looking at.
Well brother, If you cant push your boat, you may need a thruster. I do have to ask; "Looks like I'm going to have to break down and put thrusters on the boat." How has the scenery changed? FL Thruster is the shop around here.
Unfortunately I took out 5 discs in my back last September. So my ability to man handle the boat at dock it in locks is now very limited. I suspect even bringing in a stretched dock line under load may be an issue. Some days life is not fun.
Oh Sheet Sorry about your back. I dooooo understand so well. Tap on Ray Lavoie @ Imtra and ask who their favorite installer is in that hood. ray@imtra.com rc
I can’t help you with shops to do the install but I will say that I put in a Side Power thruster with speed control almost ten years ago now. It has performed fantastic for me (knock wood). Highly recommended.
Imtra is a great company to deal with. Fantastic customer service every time I had to get parts from them. two weeks ago I needed some big wiper blades and one pantograph. They had the blades (shipped right away) but it Turned out the pantograph wasn’t one theirs. They gave me the contact at one of their competitors who had that brand.
I had a customer with one lil issue. Steel studs, brass nuts & tinned copper battery cable ends. In a barley moist environment (condensation), boat in brackish water, there was some corrosion at the battery cable connect. Looked like heck after a few months from a new install. Vetus Corp stated no claim. The dealer fixed it (his pocket) installing new tin over brass studs and no more issues. Other than this, I have heard of no other issues. I am still a fan of SidePower products and would encourage shopping this mfg. Always looked, felt and operated in a strong- hefty manner (give me more).
We have one, came with the boat, works well enough. I've not had a thruster before, so I have no way to compare Vetus with any other brand. -Chris
Has anyone had any experience with Jet Thrusters? It looks interesting, providing I can find room for the pump and 4 GRP 31 batteries.
Thruster vs Jet Thruster ?? Just think of your boat props diameter; What is really going to grab and move the water. I have seen them, laughed at them (out loud) and quickly walked (snuck) aweigh ☺. I'm sorry brother, I am not a fan of these for anything larger than a Jon-boat.
Me? A few inch wide of tubing, thru & from either side of the boat, usually the stern, with a reversing pump in-between. Sux in one side and blows (thrust) out the other side. Thats the principle of a tunnel thruster, A pump jet is like this.
No, that is not my picture. Some how I messed up K1W1's post and it came out that way. Sorry about that K1W1. K1W1 works with real boats and real equipment as his picture example proves it. That picture shows a real engine driven, pump jet that could sink our lil boats. The jetthurster web sight shows a better platform/install that what I witnessed years ago but still not impressed with it.