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2001-2006 61 Viking SF looking to buy

Discussion in 'Viking Yacht' started by Nightbird61, Feb 10, 2024.

  1. Nightbird61

    Nightbird61 New Member

    Feb 10, 2024
    I am currently looking at the 2001-2006 61 Viking sportfish. Does anyone have any opinions or heard of any problems? I’ve heard about gel coat issues, hence looking at a 2006 model. Anything currently on the market that anyone has had hands on? Any help would be greatly appreciated!
  2. incoming

    incoming Member

    Jan 14, 2021
    Cocoa Beach, FL
    My understanding is it’s effectively the same boat as the 58’ (my 1999 enclosed bridge model is currently for sale). I wouldn’t let the gel cote issue narrow your search that much - many of these with the bad gel cote have been painted and are gorgeous. Once the boat has been properly faired and painted, repainting (should it become necessary) isn’t as big a deal as painting the first time.

    The hull performs well in most “reasonable” sea conditions. I averaged 26 kts at 2000 rpm and 85 gph with 1200 hp mans, with a full tower, enclosed bridge, and 14’ RIB sport boat on the bow.

    As with any ~60’ boat, there’s a lot to maintain. There’s a lot of luxury built into these large sportfish and those things tend to break. I would focus your search on condition and quality of upkeep from the previous owner vs number of hours and getting something in the newer end of your range. Any 20-25 year old boat will either have a lot of hours or relatively few, and the boat sitting a lot isn’t necessarily better. It’s all about whether the PO has kept up with everything.

    Happy to answer any specific questions.
  3. Lucky777

    Lucky777 Guest

    What’s your budget ? At this point almost all of them have been painted, if not budget $150k for a full paint job. Are you looking for a CAT or MTU boat ?
  4. ranger58sb

    ranger58sb Senior member

    Aug 20, 2013
    Chesapeake Bay, USA
    I thought Viking did/does mostly MANs...


  5. Lucky777

    Lucky777 Guest

    Under 60’ MAN was prevalent. Some 48’s , and the mid 50’s came with MTU. The 61 had MTU 12V, a couple built with 16V, and C30 and C32 CAT. MAN did not have the HP power plant necessary to push the larger boats.
  6. Nightbird61

    Nightbird61 New Member

    Feb 10, 2024
    Thanks for your input and information, really appreciate it!
    Hoping to find something just a tad newer and larger than yours! :)
  7. wiredup

    wiredup Member

    Jul 20, 2016
    va beach
    Great boats!! As mentioned, previous upkeep/service is key. Are all records attainable. Each engine option available on the 61 can work well. The ones with Cat c32's will be the easiest to maintain. I have my first, to me, set of MTU's on my 62'. I am luke warm on them. Have had a couple little issues, but overall run well. I had 3 sets of Cats in a row on previous boats and didn't have hardly any issues. Many owners tamper with different systems to "customize" the boat to what they want, so check all wiring and plumbing especially to all the refrigeration systems.
    Lucky777 likes this.
  8. ranger58sb

    ranger58sb Senior member

    Aug 20, 2013
    Chesapeake Bay, USA

  9. Lucky777

    Lucky777 Guest

    you have always been a huge help in my search. Spoke with OP yesterday he’s after an EB. There are a couple on the market that have had a lot of upgrades and refit. The market is certainly coming back to reality.
    wiredup likes this.