Just picked up another Lil Boot. Have a missing sea cock handle. Anybody recognize a 3/4" cock,, with a gland packing on the valve shaft??
Update; These are old Ball valves. Part number 825-005-PLB. Not in the Perko catalogues but some still found new on-line.
Those pictures were taken under the aft deck at half arms length. Reaching in, removing the hoses, the (2) bait pumps, then the ball valve with out damage to the equipment or myself will be a challenge,, working with room for only one arm. It is a Pandora's box waiting to draw my blood. I have to try to save the valve first. Since none of my spare (different brands) handles will not correctly fit, a new handle will probably come with a new ball valve attached anyway. So if I get into the blood-letting mode, I'll have a new ball valve in hand.
You have to remember, I'm the young meat in this hood. Grand & Great-grand kids came and went (quickly) during the holidays.
Cut in an access hatch, cut it neat/clean save the cut out seal up the cut out with glass , or marine tex, or west system. Trim the cut out with S/S pre drilled hatch trim..or what ever. Drop it back in. You need to get to these anyway, if need be , quickly. If you can cut the area.....
Luv ya brother for your thoughts. That is the access hatch I am reaching in. Remind me to raspberry you (again) if and when we do meet. Since you are young(er) and not on blood thinners (yet), Lets schedule you fixing this.